We provide a docker container you can build
git clone https://github.com/ourzora/mintpool.git
cd mintpool
docker build -t mintpool .
Alternatively, you can build with cargo from source
Install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/ourzora/mintpool.git
cd mintpool
cargo install just
just init
just seed
Then you can build and run
cargo build --release
RUST_LOG=info SECRET=use_a_real_secret ./target/release/mintpool
uses environment variables for configuration, listed below (see src/config.rs
in code)
Required Configuration:
SECRET: u64 (required) - Secret used to generate the node's keypair for p2p operations.
This serves as the node's identity on the network for reputation and connection.
Recommended: 32 byte hex random string (ex: `openssl rand -hex 32`)
Optional Configuration:
PEER_PORT: u64 (7778) - Port to listen for p2p connections from other nodes
CONNECT_EXTERNAL: bool (true) - If true, the node will run on instead of
DATABASE_URL: String ("sqlite::memory:") - sqlite connection string (ex: sqlite://mintpool.db, sqlite::memory:)
PERSIST_STATE: bool (false) - If true, the node will persist state to the database, otherwise it will only store in memory.
if set to true, DATABASE_URL is required
PRUNE_MINTED_PREMINTS: bool (true) - If true, the node will delete minted premints from the database,
if false it will just mark as `seen_on_chain` in the db but not delete
API_PORT: u64 (7777) - Port to listen for http api requests
PEER_LIMIT: u64 (1000) - Maximum number of peers to connect to
PREMINT_TYPES: String ("zora_premint_v2") - Comma separated list of default premint types to process
CHAIN_INCLUSION_MODE: String ("verify") - Chain inclusion mode, either `check`, `verify`, or `ignore` (see below)
SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS: String ("7777777,8453")- Comma separated list of chain ids to support
TRUSTED_PEERS: Option<String> (None) - Comma separated list of peers to trust when they send notice of seeing a premint onchain
NODE_ID: Option<u64> (None) - Node id for logging purposes
EXTERNAL_ADDRESS: Option<String> (None) - External address for the node for logging purposes
INTERACTIVE: bool (false) - If true, interactive repl will run with node so you can interact from your terminal
ENABLE_RPC: bool (true) - If true, rpc will be used for rules evaluation
ADMIN_API_SECRET: Option<String> (None) - Secret key used to access admin api routes
RATE_LIMIT_RPS: u32 (2) - Rate limit requests per second for the http api
SYNC_LOOKBACK_HOURS: u64 (6) - Number of hours to look back for syncing premints from another node
Recommended Configuration for Production:
DATABASE_URL=sqlite://mintpool.db # path for sqlite database
PERSIST_STATE=true # persists mints between restarts
ADMIN_API_SECRET=shared_secret_with_api_clients # This is required to access admin routes
comes with public RPC urls for a zora network, base, and ethereum. If you want to use
your own RPC urls, or use a chain that's not in the default SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS
you can set the
following environment variables:
export CHAIN_{CHAIN_ID}_RPC_WSS=wss://<your_chain_rpc>
# example
export CHAIN_7777777_RPC_WSS=wss://rpc.zora.energy
Logging is controlled via the RUST_LOG
environment variable. We recommend
setting export RUST_LOG=info
You can run the node with the following command, this will give you a node running with a repl
cargo build --release
RUST_LOG=info SECRET=use_a_real_secret_please ./target/release/mintpool
You now will have a node running on with HTTP api running on http://localhost:7777
and p2p
on http://localhost:7778
Your node should automatically connect to the default boot nodes and sync the last 1 day worth or
premints. See docs/API.md
for details on the rest api.