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zz9pzza edited this page Oct 2, 2014 · 6 revisions

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Extra installation tips and tricks

General config

In the config/ folder create a file called local.yml to customize the application if/as necessary for your system. This file will overwrite anything in config/config.yml. As an example, in order for your application to send email, you may want to enter the following lines (change myusername and mypassword to your gmail account). Be careful where you then send emails to, however - most of the email addresses are fake, but you wouldn't want to spam people (or yourself, with all the delivery failure notifications)! A quick way to turn it off temporarily is to comment out the 'PERFORM_DELIVERIES: true' line and restart your server.

 RETURN_ADDRESS: [email protected]
 ERROR_ADDRESS: [email protected]
 APP_URL: 'http://localhost:3000'


If you want to be able to upload user icons locally, you will need to install ImageMagick. You may need to reboot after installing.

Note: You can install ImageMagick on Ubuntu/Debian Linux distributions by running the command sudo apt-get install imagemagick


To load all the standard skins, you'll need to have ImageMagick installed, and you'll need to have an existing user with login "lim". Then run bundle exec rake skins:load_site_skins and skins:load_user_skins, and select n for replacing existing skins. These skins are automatically in the latest seed data, but anyone creating a new local install will need this.