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lizthedeveloper lizTheDeveloper
Founder @ ☸️ future infinitive on TikTok founder or exec at: @Hackbright @codepath @galvanize @enkidevs @girldevelopit

The Multiverse School Remote

Irsath Ahamed Irsathz
Hacker | Developer | Security Researcher

Tamil Nadu

Ghost Anon23261
I love working on new projects, coming up with new ideas, and collaborating. Certified Software Engineer/Cyber-security enthusiast/Programmer. The Discord is up

Ghost Sec USA

rager.fb rager1904
Full Stack developer / Gamer
Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Arjun Sunil Kumar arjunsk
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela

@aws Sunnyvale, CA

Daniel Stinson-Diess shellcromancer
Security Engineer @brexhq; Previously @cloudflare, Cyber@UCR; Hobbyist reverse engineer of 🍎 or 🐧 stuff.

@brexhq Austin

@CrazyHellRadioGroups CrazyHellRadioGroups

Josh Collyer br0kej
Algo Security Alchemist @ The Alan Turing Institute. PhD Researcher at Lboro Uni.

The Alan Turing Institute UK

rand rand12345
ESP32 and STM32 developer exploring can bus communications, reverse engineering green energy and creating IoT devices using async Rust no_std and ESP-IDF.
Morning Star AlexBestoso
Nobody will hire the uncertified, so here's my life's work for free

bestosotech Rhode Island