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Jonathan workspace-public
Nth System Syndrome, Not Inspected for Public Use
Hina Suzuki hina18201716

University of Arizona

Durga Rao raodnik
Ocean Engineering Postgraduate, IIT Madras

Tamil Nadu

ASHRAF FAUZI Ashrafauzi96
ETL Developer | Data Engineer | Data Analyst

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Juan Pablo Flores juanpflores
An analogue guy in a digital world. Open Science @github | Ex-Buga 🏳️‍🌈 | Putting romance back in necromance 🗡️

GitHub Seattle

Kshitij Saraogi kshitij10496
more awesome, less suck.

@toknapp Berlin, Germany

Bernhard Schönberger schoenbergerb

Hierl und Müller OHG Passau, Bavaria, Germany

ryand2d ryand2d


Kleybson R. M. S. nosbyelk
Language Technologies. BSc in Economics. Indie diversity impostor.

Recife, Brazil

zcj 25zcj01
may the command line live forever || 1312

Villa Straylight

underwood thunderpoot
Principal Technologist at the Common Crawl Foundation

@commoncrawl London, United Kingdom

Greg Lindahl wumpus
Currently CTO at the Common Crawl Foundation. Formerly a Scientist at SAO, Founder/CTO of blekko, and Founder/Distinguished Engineer at PathScale.

Common Crawl Foundation Palo Alto, CA

rmathsphys rmathsphys
Studying Maths & Physics.
Ho Sang (Leon) Chan leon-astrophy
Please contact me through email
Brandon Smith phaeta

BioDigital, Inc. New York, NY

Tirth Gajjar tirthGajjar
Jack of all trades, master of some #NextJS #React #Vue #Browser extensions #GraphQL #SERVERLESS #AWS #MSSQL

@KnowuserDev @Tweetlify @MissionSustainability @Capterra Gandhinagar

Aniket Sharma aniket-sharma-768
BS-MS in Physics @ IISER Mohali | Master's thesis @ IAS, Princeton and University of Arizona | Interested in Data science and ML/AI applications

Faridabad, Haryana

Yuming Fu rudolffu

Leiden University Leiden

Chae DeLaRosa ChaeDLR
Student | Research Assistant | Videogame programmer


Eric Danforth edanforth85
Data Science Graduate Student @ UC Berkeley
João Pedro Carpanezi dos Santos jpcarpanezi
Engenheiro de Computação e Software Engineer @ Amazon.

Amazon Brasil

Deepika Tiwari Deee92

KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden

Saurabh Relativist1
Theoretical Astrophysicist | Max Planck Institute for Radio astronomy (MPIfR)

Bonn, Germany

Saud Hashmi BetterCallSaud
associate devops engineer at cleartrail | working on neurosymbolic ai, devops, and quantum computing

ClearTrail Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Indore, India

Vishal Thengane vgthengane
PhD Student | Continual Learning | Multimodal Models | 3D Vision

University of Surrey Earth

Nivan Poken NivDeveloper
B.Sc. Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics

University of Cape Town Cape Town

Joan A Pinol japinol7
Back-end samurai. Software Engineer. 🚀


A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Archit Kuiya architkuiya
Exploring and learning to contribute in the code-impelled world

Indore, India