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Cengiz AKCAN wwwakcan
Senior Full-Stack Developer | DevOps & UI/UX Specialist | IT Infrastructure Expert


gzf Argzf

Vancouver, Canada

Codes a lil bit of everything and is not currently availaible for jobs (will never 🤣)


Mythical Trashcan MythicalTrashcan

Mythical Trashcan USA

ShadowLp174 ShadowLp174
Hobby JS, Java and PHP programmer.

RedTech Programming Germany; Slovakia

ForGetFulSkyBro forgetfulskybro
Developer of Discord Bots and Websites

In Space

BrandgrandReal BrandgrandRealMe
Hi there 👋 I Am a Node.JS programmer. Read my for more info!

@Team148 Texas

Jesus Diaz Desik

Eclecty Chicago, IL

Ducky DuckyTheColonel
A professional duck


Merlin Seela merlinseela

Fraunhofer IPK Germany

Connor200024 Connor200024
Works as a IT Techinician | Full-Stack Website Developer | Discord Bot Developer | App Developer | Game Developer

@NodeByteHosting United Kingdom

mooock mooocks
cybersecurity student
Nëïgsëndöïg Cöcülës Neigdoig
German-American multimedia novice, beginner programmer, gamer, professional music composer and Free Software advocate.

Cöcülës Industries Spy Network Entertainment Group Portland, OR

Bryden Calaway BrydenIsNotSmart
Not really sure what I'm doing- But I've made it this far so I'll keep going.

Vital Development Texas, US

Meow itzTheMeow

Meow Development Pennsylvania, USA

Matthew ItzMatt019
Breaking code daily is what I do best.

@Ezrinix California, USA

"The best error message is the one that never shows up." - Thomas Fuchs
