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Kanako SATO ksato-aopc

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology 2-15, Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka-city, Kanagawa, Japan

Thelma Panaïotis ThelmaPana
Research Scientist at NOC, Southampton | Plankton Ecologist | Data Devotee | Machine Learning Practitioner | Shiny Enthusiast | Coffee Addict

Research Scientist, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, UK



Kevin Balem quai20
Coding for Oceanography @Ifremer_fr @Lops_Brest @argo_france

Brest, France


Bundesamt fuer Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie 20359 Hamburg, Bernhard-Nocht-str. 78

Keegan Wright ONC-KWright
Data Steward with Ocean Networks Canada

Ocean Networks Canada Victoria, BC, Canada

Flavien Petit Flavi1P
Research Scientist at the National Oceanography Center. Mainly focus on autonomous platform data and machine learning.

National Oceanography Center Southampton

Christophe SCHAEFFER SchaefferNke
Senior engineer

nke Instrumentation Hennebont - FRANCE

Edouard Leymarie EdLeymarie
Edouard Leymarie

CNRS-LOV Villefranche sur Mer

Yumi Song yumiisong

Kyungpook National University, South Korea DAEGU

Alberto González

Instituto Español de Oceanografía

Ingrid M. Angel Benavides imab4bsh

BSH - Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie - Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany Hamburg

Chris Gordon cgrdn
QC and operations work for @ArgoCanada

Halifax, NS

David (Roo) Nicholson dnicholson

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Pedro Vélez PedroVelez

Instituto Español de Oceanografía Canary Islands

Guillaume Maze gmaze
PhD physical oceanography: adj. 1 eager to understand the ocean machinery 2 ocean's big data mining enthusiast !

Ifremer, @euroargodev Brest, France

Lijing Cheng chenglijing
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guilherme Castelão castelao
multi-class: PhD in Physical Oceanography, offshore solo sailor, Rustacean and Pythonista.


Schmechtig catsch
I currently work on the BGC-Argo data management, trying to develop and apply quality control procedures on BGC parameters.