30 packages
Extension providing parsing support and helper functions for Mapbox Style.
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Connection to an EPSG postgreSQL database. This database should be built by the user from the SQL scripts delivered by EPSG.
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Contains extra CRS defined by ESRI (and other parties) in the EPSG namespace. Those CRS are not defined in the official ESPG database, but are used widely enough to warant an optional plugin in Geotools. This plugin do not contains any definition already found in the official EPSG database - it is not a replacement for epsg-hsql or epsg-postgresql. One of the above plugins (at user choice) should be in the classpath.
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Extension of the of Grid Coverage plugins, leveraging on the GDAL raster data access capabilities by means of the ImageIO-Ext Project.
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Datasource created to read a pyramid of georeferenced images or geotiff (and in future also JPEG2K).
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Extension of the of Grid Coverage plugins, leveraging on the JP2K raster data access capabilities.
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DataAccess to create complex feature types defined in a GML application schema.
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DataAccess for testing complex feature integration without introducing app-schema dependency.