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Ihssane ned Ihssane5
Hi 🌟,I’m NEDJAOUI Ihssane, a Software Engineering and AI student with a passion for tech, history, and creative storytelling. my contact details are below😊.

National School Of Applied Science Safi

makmoul soufiane makmoulsoufiane
Junior Web Developer


othmane taoussi othtaou
data science enthusiast
Hi! I'm Oussama Errouji, a 4th year robotics and cobotics student at EuroMed University of Fes.


Ossama Fadloullah OssFad
Hello this is Ossama, a data scientist, data analyst.
Mohammed Nadjib Allah Salhi moh495
Student in my 4th year of automation and control engineering at the University of Boumerdes, Algeria , I am interested in ML/DL and IOT, BI

I'm looking for job Boumerdes,algeria

Abdelilah abdelilahdahamou
Data Engineer

INPT Rabat, Maroc

Mohammed Oraiche Oraiche
Coding is my passion. My background includes problem-solving, software engineering, and Data Science.


Aymane HAMZA AymaneHamza
Computer Engineering Student

ENSA Tetouan Tetouan, Morocco