Created: James Gardner, 2016-02-22
Audience: Community
Maturity: Planning
This is a list of the types of documents and data we want to thread together. It is based on Ben Goldacre's paper, Sam Smiths mockups and various internal conversations. We're keen to know if there are other things we should be targetting.
See also Example Documents and Data which gives real examples of some of these for you to see.
- Registry entries
- Links, abstracts, or texts of academic journal papers
- Portions of regulatory documents describing individual trials
- Structured data on methods and results extracted by systematic reviewers or other researchers
- SRDR from AHRQ
- Cochrane (risk of bias, effect sizes)
- Jadad score
- results pages
- Clinical Study Reports
- EPAR segments
- Drugs@FDA segments
- Additional documents such as:
- Blank consent forms
- Blank case report forms
- Protocol
- Lay summaries
- Statistical analysis plan
- Ethics/Institutional review board paperwork or approval documents
- Patient Information Sheets