- What are the relations with OCP project? Is OKD4 an upstream of OCP?
- How stable is OKD4?
- Can I run a single node cluster?
- Where can I find upgrades?
- How can I upgrade my cluster to a new version?
- Interesting commands while an upgrade runs
- How can I find out what's inside of a (CI) release and which commit id each component has?
- How can I enable the (non-community) Red Hat Operators?
- What to do in case of errors?
- Where do I seek support?
In 3.x release time OKD was used as an upstream project for Openshift Container Platform. OKD could be installed on Fedora/CentOS/RHEL and used CentOS based images to install the cluster. OCP, however, could be installed only on RHEL and its images were rebuilt to be RHEL-based.
Universal Base Image project has enabled us to run RHEL-based images on any platform, so the full image rebuild is no longer necessary, allowing OKD4 project to reuse most images from OCP4. There is another critical part of OCP - Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS. Although RHCOS is an open source project (much like RHEL8) it's not a community-driven project. As a result, OKD workgroup has made a decision to use Fedora CoreOS - open source and community-driven project - as a base for OKD4. This decision allows end-users to modify all parts of the cluster using prepared instructions.
It should be noted that OKD4 is being automatically built from OCP4 ci stream, so most of the tests are happening in OCP CI and being mirrored to OKD. As a result, OKD4 CI doesn't have to run a lot of tests to ensure the release is valid.
These relationships are more complex than "upstream/downstream", so we use "sibling distributions" to describe its state.
OKD4 builds are being automatically tested by release-controller. Release is rejected if either installation, upgrade from previous version or conformance test fails. Test results determine the upgrade graph, so for instance, if upgrade tests passed for beta5->rc edge, clusters on beta5 can be directly updated to rc release, bypassing beta6.
The OKD stable version is released bi-weekly, following Fedora CoreOS schedule, client tools are uploaded to Github and images are mirrored to Quay.
Set the following in install config, which renders 0 worker nodes and 1 control-plane node:
- name: worker
replicas: 0
name: master
replicas: 1
This would inject a non-HA manifest for etcd and run a single ingress pod.
WARNING: this cluster cannot be upgraded or adjusted via MachineConfigs. Adding more masters is not yet supported.
Note that nightly builds (from 4.x.0-0.okd
) are pruned every 72 hours.
If your cluster uses these images, consider mirroring these files to a local registry.
Builds from the stable-4
stream are not removed.
Find a version where a tested upgrade path is available from your version for on
Upgrade options:
Preferred ways:
Web Console: Home -> Overview -> Tab: Cluster, Card: Overview -> View settings -> Update Status
Shell: Upgrades to latest available version
oc adm upgrade
Last resort:
Upgrade to a certain version (will ignore the update graph!)
oc adm upgrade --force --allow-explicit-upgrade=true --to-image=registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/origin/release:4.4.0-0.okd-2020-03-16-105308
This will take a while; the upgrade may take several hours. Throughout the upgrade, kubernetes API would still be accessible and user workloads would be evicted and rescheduled as nodes are updated.
Check overall upgrade status:
oc get clusterversion
Check the status of your cluster operators:
oc get co
Check the status of your nodes (cluster upgrades may include base OS updates):
oc get nodes
This one is very helpful if you want to know if a certain commit has landed in your current version:
oc adm release info registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/origin/release:4.4 --commit-urls
Name: 4.4.0-0.okd-2020-04-10-020541
Digest: sha256:79b82f237aad0c38b5cdaf386ce893ff86060a476a39a067b5178bb6451e713c
Created: 2020-04-10T02:14:15Z
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Manifests: 413
Pull From: registry.svc.ci.openshift.org/origin/release@sha256:79b82f237aad0c38b5cdaf386ce893ff86060a476a39a067b5178bb6451e713c
Release Metadata:
Version: 4.4.0-0.okd-2020-04-10-020541
Upgrades: <none>
Component Versions:
kubernetes 1.17.1
machine-os 31.20200407.20 Fedora CoreOS
aws-machine-controllers https://github.com/openshift/cluster-api-provider-aws/commit/5fa82204468e71b44f65a5f24e2675dbfa0f5c29
azure-machine-controllers https://github.com/openshift/cluster-api-provider-azure/commit/832a43a30d7f00cd6774c1f5cd117aeebbe1b730
baremetal-installer https://github.com/openshift/installer/commit/a58f24b0df7e3699b39d4ae1d23c45672706934d
baremetal-runtimecfg https://github.com/openshift/baremetal-runtimecfg/commit/09850a724d9290ffb05db3dd7f4f4c748b982759
branding https://github.com/openshift/origin-branding/commit/068fa1eac9f31ffe13089dd3de2ec49c153b2a14
cli https://github.com/openshift/oc/commit/2576e482bf003e34e67ba3d69edcf5d411cfd6f3
cli-artifacts https://github.com/openshift/oc/commit/2576e482bf003e34e67ba3d69edcf5d411cfd6f3
cloud-credential-operator https://github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/commit/446680ed10ac938e11626409acb0c076edd3fd52
If you have installed OKD with an "official" pull secret which contains registry.redhat.io
such as that with which you can install OpenShift, you are entitled to enable the Red Hat operators
alongside the default community operators.
One reason for doing so, is to enable the "metering-ocp" operator, as the community operators ships with a deprecated "metering" operator.
Firstly, ensure that you do have a pull secret which contains registry.redhat.io
Then, update the OperatorHub CR:
cat <<EOF
apiVersion: config.openshift.io/v1
kind: OperatorHub
name: cluster
disableAllDefaultSources: true
- disabled: false
name: redhat-operators
- disabled: false
name: community-operators
) | oc apply -f -
If you experience problems during installation you must collect the bootstrap log bundle, see instructions
If you experience problems post installation, collect data of your cluster with:
oc adm must-gather
See documentation for more information.
Upload it to a file hoster and send the link to the developers (Slack channel, ...)
During installation the SSH key is required. It can be used to SSH onto the nodes later on - ssh core@<node ip>
OKD is a community-supported distribution, Red Hat does not provide commercial support of OKD installations.
Contact us on Slack:
Workspace: Kubernetes, Channel: #openshift-dev (for developer communication)
Workspace: Kubernetes, Channel: #openshift-users (for users)
See https://openshift.tips/ for useful Openshift tips