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Kubernetes (K8s) Setup

For instructions on how to manually deploy mautic-k8s to AWS EKS, see the documentation here.

Kubernetes Integration with GitLab

How to Add Existing Cluster to GitLab

Import the kube-config:

aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name>`

Note: check if your AWS_PROFILE is set if you're using multiple aws profiles.

Confirm if your able to read cluster resources:

kubectl get pods -A

Get Kubernetes URL:

kubectl cluster-info | grep 'Kubernetes master' | awk '/http/ {print $NF}'

Get Kubernetes Certificate

Get list of all secrets:

kubectl get secrets

There is a secret named " default-token-<random-string> . get that secret:

kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o jsonpath="{['data']['ca\.crt']}" | base64 --decode

Create a cluster-admin Service account

Save the below code as eks-admin.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: eks-admin
  namespace: kube-system

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: eks-admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: eks-admin
  namespace: kube-system

Then run

kubectl apply -f eks-admin.yaml

Retrieve the token fo eks-admin service account:

kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep eks-admin | awk '{print $1}')

Copy the Authentication token from the output.

After successfully adding the cluster, Add the Helm Tiller application.

In the Project Menu, go to Operations --> Kubernetes --> --> Applications --> Install Helm Tiller

Cluster role to GitLab Project to run ci-cd

kubectl create clusterrolebinding gitlabci-rolebinding \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Cron jobs in Kubernetes

Cron is managed by Kubernetes cron constructs. This creates a new pod with the same mautic PHP docker image as the running stateful set.

The pod lifecycle is the duration of the cron job. The pod gets terminated upon ternmiation of the process which gets triggered from the cron job, successful or otherwise.

The cron logs are stored and can be queried from the cli using the command:

$ kubectl logs mautic-cron-trigger-campaign-1580262660-b7fjl -n mautic
Triggering events for campaign 42
Triggering events for newly added contacts
0 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100 contacts

0 total events were executed
0 total events were scheduled

Triggering scheduled events
0 total events(s) to be processed in batches of 100 contacts

0 total events were executed
0 total events were scheduled

Triggering events for inactive contacts

0 total events were executed
0 total events were scheduled

To get the pod name:

$ kubectl get pod -n mautic
NAME                                            READY     STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
mautic-0                                        2/2       Running             0          34h
mautic-1                                        2/2       Running             0          34h
mautic-2                                        0/2       ContainerCreating   0          22h
mautic-3                                        2/2       Running             0          22h
mautic-cron-trigger-campaign-1580263740-sf2d2   0/1       Completed           0          9m3s
mautic-cron-trigger-campaign-1580263920-6xvrb   0/1       Completed           0          6m3s
mautic-cron-trigger-campaign-1580264100-c59l9   0/1       Completed           0          3m2s
mautic-cron-trigger-campaign-1580264280-6gm6g   1/1       Running             0          2s

To alter cron schedule, edit the cron job and change the spec/schedule entry.

To alter the cron process, edit the cron job and change the jobTemplate/spec/template/containers/command entry.

NOTE Each crontab entry will be a new cron job construct in the cluster and they are all mutually exclusive.

Using Helm to install Mautic.

Helm is a package manager for kubernetes. Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application.

helm is the client side component and tiller is the server side component

Install helm and tiller

Create a Service Account and cluster rolebinding with cluster-admin roe

  1. Create a Service Account for Tiller

Create a file with below content and save it as tiller_service_account.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tiller
  namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: tiller
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: tiller
    namespace: kube-system

kubectl apply -f tiller_service_account.yaml

Install helm

curl -Lo /tmp/
chmod 700 /tmp/
bash /tmp/

Initialize helm with tiller

helm init --service-account tiller

Confirm installation by checking the pods in the kube-system namespace

kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system

A successful helm initialization creates a pod with the name tiller-deploy-xxxxxxx-xxxx and it should be in running status.

Storage class for data persisentce

To install mautic in High Available (HA) Mode, the mautic pods need to run on multiple nodes in the K8s cluster. For this, persisent volumes (PV) with ReadWriteMany(RWX) Mode are needed. To be able to provision PVs with RWX, a custom storage class needs to be created based on the cloud provider.

When deploying on eks, the following steps can be followed to create a storage class that supports RWX operations.

  1. Create a EFS File system in aws.
  2. Make sure the Worker Node group has connectivity to the EFS cluster. Refer Documentation for further help.
helm install stable/efs-provisioner --set efsProvisioner.efsFileSystemId=fs-12345678 --set efsProvisioner.awsRegion=us-east-2

In the above command replace FileSytemId with your EFS File system ID and the region.

Update configuration details

  1. The values.yaml file is the single point to load all configuration details for your application. Replace all the relevant details and

  2. These values can be overridden at the command line or in your CI-CD pipeline with the --set option. For example, if you would like to update the variable ExternalDbHost which is under project header, you use the set command like below:

helm upgrade --install $RELEASE_NAME_ /path/to/mautic/helm/chartroot_ \
    --namespace $KUBE_NAMESPACE \ 
    --set project.branch=$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH \
    --set project.mauticImage.tag=$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA \ 
    --set project.nginxImage.tag=$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA \ 
    --set project.ExternalDbHost={{externalDbHostname}}


  • The Variable Name is denoted along with the parent item as defined in Values.yaml For instance to override the key value as defined below, use foo.dict.key, to override value for name use
  • @TODO Update the {{externalDbHostname}} to leverage a GitLab CI/CD variable.
  name: bar
    key: somevalue

A new values.yaml file can be cloned from the original values.yaml and the values can be replced with custom values and be passed as an argument to the command pipeline.

helm upgrade --install $RELEASE_NAME /path/to/helm/chart --values /path/to/custom_values.yaml

Read more about Helm Values here.

Important Values:

Value Description Default
project.replicas Determines the number of Pods created for Mautic Application 2
project.Name The prefix for the resources created in the cluster hello End points of an external DB service such as RDS. Empty
ingress.domain The URL would be {{ project.Name }}.{{ ingress.domain }}
project.persisentce.storageClass Storage Class for Persistence aws-efs
cronjobs Schedule and commands for various cron jobs 10 jobs

Note on Database: If no value is passed for ExternalDbHost parameter, a Database service is created on the Kubernetes cluster. Follow steps in DB Import to MySQL K8s Service

Cron Jobs.

This deployment deploys 10 cron jobs as listed in the default values.yaml. Comment out or delete any cronjobs that are not required or add new cronjobs as required in the below syntax

- name: _name for the cronjob_
  schedule: _Cron Schedule_
  command: '"app/console", _"command"_, "--env=prod"'


- name: trigger-campaign
  schedule: "10,25,40,55 _**_"
  command: '"app/console", "mautic:campaigns:trigger", "--env=prod"'


Helm provides an easy way to deploy other helm charts along with the current chart. All that is to be done is include the details of the chart in the requirements.yaml file and run helm dependency update to include the helm charts in the deployment.

This repository has helm charts for RabbitMQ and Traefik configured.

If new charts are to be added, edit the requirements.yaml under the helm chart and add the chart details as below:

- name: <Chartname>
  version: <chart-Version>
  repository: <chart_URL>


- name: rabbitmq
  version: '7.2.1'
  repository: ''


This project uses .gitlab-ci.yml for Continuous Integration and Deployment. There are four stages in the pipeline.

Environment Variables

The below variables are updated in the GitLab variables and not as part of .gitlab-ci.yml as these are sensitive. These can be updated by going to the Repository --> LeftPane --> Settings --> CI/CD --> Variables

Variable Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS Access ID to push and pull images to ECR.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS Secret key to push and pull images to ECR.
TLS_CERT base64 encoded cert.pem for wildcard SSL for ingress.
TLS_KEY base64 encoded privkey.pem for wildcard SSL for ingress (non-prod envs).
PROD_TLS_CERT base64 encoded cert.pem of SSL cert for Prod ingress . Only if cert for non-prod and prod is different.
PROD_TLS_KEY base64 encoded privkey.pem for SSL cert for Prod ingress. Only if cert for non-prod and prod is different.
RDS_PASSWORD RDS Password used to create secret for RDS
RDS_ROOT_PASSWORD RDS root Password (optional)
APP_SECRET_KEY Secret key for the Mautic application
MAILER_SECRET_KEY Password for the email host
PROD_APP_SECRET_KEY Secret key for the Mautic application in Prod env
PROD_MAILER_SECRET_KEY Password for the email host for Prod env

Variables used in GitLab CI:

Variable Description
RDS_HOST The endpoint of RDS host or external Database service
DEV_BUILD_DISABLED comment this out to run the stage dev-build
PROD_BUILD_DISABLED comment this out to run the stage prod-build
DEV_RELEASE_DISABLED comment this out to run dev-deploy stage when commiting from non-master branch
PROD_RELEASE_DISABLED comment this out to run dev-deploy stage when commiting from non-master branch

ECR can be replaced with any other Image repository by updating MAUTIC_REPOSITORY_URL and NGINX_REPOSITORY_URL

  • dev-build

    This stage builds mautic and nginx images when the code is commited from non-master branch. The images are tagged with the $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA and pushed to ECR repository.

  • prod-build

    This stage builds mautic and nginx images when the code is commited from master branch. The images are tagged with the $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA and also with the latest and pushed to ECR repository.

  • dev-deploy

    This stage creates a namespace with the branch name ($CI_COMMIT_BRANCH) when code is commited from non-master branch, if one doesn't exist and deploy the applications with helm charts. If the namespace already exists, the helm upgrade will be run and the application will be upgraded as per the changes. A secret called regcred is also created when the code is commited from the branch for the first time. This is used to pull images from ecr.

  • prod-deploy

    This stage creates a namespace with the name mautic-code when code is commited from master branch and deploy the applications with helm charts. If the namespace already exists, the helm upgrade will be run and the application will be upgraded as per the changes. A secret called regcred is also created when the code is commited from the branch for the first time. This is used to pull images from ecr.

Upon successful execution of the CI-CD, the application is deployed on the respective namespace and the pipeline outputs the commands to find out the URL and the Loadbalancer DNS name (elb endpoint).

Map the CNAME to the ELB endpoint in the DNS records.

Deleting an Environment

To delete any particular environment:

  1. Find the helm release and namespace corresponding to the branch. The release name is typically mautci-$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH
helm ls

The output would be simlar to this

NAME                    REVISION        UPDATED                         STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION     NAMESPACE       
efk                     1               Thu Jan 23 15:05:57 2020        DEPLOYED        efk-0.4.1                       6.4.2           logging         
logging                 1               Thu Jan 23 15:05:42 2020        DEPLOYED        elasticsearch-operator-0.1.7    0.3.0           default         
mautic-dev              11              Fri Aug 21 15:41:47 2020        DEPLOYED        mautic-0.1.0                    1.0             dev             
mautic-master           21              Sat Aug 22 05:56:48 2020        DEPLOYED        mautic-0.1.0                    1.0             mautic-prod     

The first column NAME corresponds to the release name of the helm chart and the last column is the NAMESPACE

To delete the helm release, run

helm delete --purge <release_name>

Once the helm release is deleted, ensure the namespace is deleted to clean up any pre-install resources

kubectl delete namespace <namespace>