This is a manually generated log to track changes to the repository for each release. Each section should include general headers such as Implemented enhancements and Merged pull requests. All closed issued and bug fixes should be represented by the pull requests that fixed them. Critical items to know are:
- renamed commands
- deprecated / removed commands
- changed defaults
- backward incompatible changes
- migration guidance
- changed behaviour
versions here coincide with releases on pypi.
- updating yaml to use Loader (0.0.55)
- validation shouldn't continue if paper doesn't exist (0.0.54)
- papers module validation functions (0.0.53)
- adding color for "spec" (specification) to match (0.0.52)
- adding custom color specification (0.0.51)
- bug with name needing dashes replaced with underscores (0.0.5)
- fixing bug with ob-badge (0.0.4)
- adding badges module, and entry point ob-badge (0.0.3)
- missing requests dependency (0.0.2)
- adding icons endpoint
(0.0.1) - added base functions to get fields from paper markdown and tests (0.0.0)
- package registration (still under development)