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396 lines (318 loc) · 13.2 KB

Specification version number


  • status: current

Specification name

NDT (Network Diagnostic Tool)

Test preconditions

  • An internet connection

Expected impact

Measurement of performance parameters of the end-to-end path between the user's device and a Measurement Lab server.

Expected inputs


Test description

This is an external experiment. Not only OONI users but many users worldwide are using NDT every day to measure network performance. We wrote our own, spec compliant implementation of NDT, but we are using third party server infrastructure and implementation provided by the Measurement Lab consortium. As such, the privacy policy of Measurement Lab applies in additon to OONI's privacy policy.

There are two flavours of the NDT protocol: ndt5 and ndt7. The ndt5 version of the protocol is now obsolete. This documentation describes OONI's usage of ndt7. The specification of the ndt7 protocol is available at

Data consumers could differentiate ndt7 and ndt5 tests by looking at the following features. Ndt5 tests have a "test_s2c" key that is not present inside of ndt7 tests. Ndt7 clients also include a key that is called "protocol" and is set to 7.

Expected output

Parent data format

  • df-000-base

  • df-009-tunnel


The ndt7 toplevel keys are the following:

  "download": [],
  "failure": null,
  "protocol": 7,
  "server": {},
  "summary": {},
  "upload": [],


  • "download" ([]Measurement): contains measurements collected during the download phase of the experiment;

  • "failure" (string; nullable): null on success, string on error as documented in;

  • "protocol" (int): is the protocol being used, 7 for ndt7;

  • "server" (Server): contains info on the server you're using;

  • "summary" (Summary): contains the experiment summary;

  • "upload" ([]Measurement): contains measurements collected during the upload phase of the experiment.

The Measurement object is a "Measurement message" described by the aformentioned ndt7 specification. Its "Origin" field allows to take apart measurements from the client and measurements from the server. As of v0.9.0 of such spec, a Measurement is like:

  "AppInfo": {
    "ElapsedTime": 1234,
    "NumBytes": 1234,
  "Origin": "server",
  "Test": "download",
  "TCPInfo": {
    "BusyTime": 1234,
    "BytesAcked": 1234,
    "BytesReceived": 1234,
    "BytesSent": 1234,
    "BytesRetrans": 1234,
    "ElapsedTime": 1234,
    "MinRTT": 1234,
    "RTT": 1234,
    "RTTVar": 1234,
    "RWndLimited": 1234,
    "SndBufLimited": 1234


  • AppInfo is an optional object only included in the measurement when an application-level measurement is available:

    • ElapsedTime (a int64) is the time elapsed since the beginning of this test, measured in microseconds.

    • NumBytes (a int64) is the number of bytes sent (or received) since the beginning of the specific test. Note that this counter tracks the amount of data sent at application level. It does not account for the overheaded of the WebSockets, TLS, TCP/IP, and link layers.

  • Origin is an optional string that indicates whether the measurement has been performed by the client or by the server. This field SHOULD only be used when the entity that performed the measurement would otherwise be ambiguous.

  • Test is an optional string that indicates the name of the current test. This field SHOULD only be used when the current test should otherwise not be obvious.

  • TCPInfo is an optional object only included in the measurement when it is possible to access TCP_INFO stats. It contains:

    • BusyTime aka tcpi_busy_time (an optional int64), i.e. the number of microseconds spent actively sending data because the write queue of the TCP socket is non-empty.

    • BytesAcked aka tcpi_bytes_acked (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes for which we received acknowledgment. Note that this field, and all other TCPInfo fields, contain the number of bytes measured at TCP/IP level (i.e. including the WebSocket and TLS overhead).

    • BytesReceived aka tcpi_bytes_received (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes for which we sent acknowledgment.

    • BytesSent aka tcpi_bytes_sent (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes which have been transmitted or retransmitted.

    • BytesRetrans aka tcpi_bytes_retrans (an optional int64), i.e. the number of bytes which have been retransmitted.

    • ElapsedTime (an optional int64), i.e. the time elapsed since the beginning of this test, measured in microseconds.

    • MinRTT aka tcpi_min_rtt (an optional int64), i.e. the minimum RTT seen by the kernel, measured in microseconds.

    • RTT aka tcpi_rtt (an optional int64), i.e. the current smoothed RTT value, measured in microseconds.

    • RTTVar aka tcpi_rtt_var (an optional int64), i.e. the variance or RTT.

    • RWndLimited aka tcpi_rwnd_limited (an optional int64), i.e. the amount of microseconds spent stalled because there is not enough buffer at the receiver.

    • SndBufLimited aka tcpi_sndbuf_limited (an optional int64), i.e. the amount of microseconds spent stalled because there is not enough buffer at the sender.

The real measurement MAY include more TCPInfo fields, but the ones mentioned above are the ones that are guaranteed to be there.

The Server object is like:

  "hostname": ""

where "hostname" maps to the server hostname.

The Summary object is like:

  "avg_rtt": 44.207,
  "download": 86462.99292978938,
  "mss": 1460,
  "max_rtt": 72.787,
  "min_rtt": 20.764,
  "ping": 20.764,
  "retransmit_rate": 0,
  "upload": 19788.673292743886


  • "avg_rtt" (float): average RTT computed from server provided data during the download phase, in millisecond;

  • "download" (float): average download speed computed from client side data during the download phase, in kbit/s;

  • "mss" (int): maximum segment size computed from server provided data during the download phase, in bytes;

  • "max_rtt" (float): maximum observed value of the RTT computed from server data during the download phase, in millisecond (keep in mind that we may be missing samples, so the real maximum RTT may be larger than that, but we may fail to observe it);

  • "min_rtt" (float): minimum RTT computed from server provided data during the download phase, in millisecond;

  • "ping" is currently the same as "min_rtt";

  • "retransmit_rate" (float): number between 0 and 1 computed by dividing the bytes retransmitted over the bytes sent, using server provided data during the download phase;

  • "upload" (float): average upload speed computed from client side data during the upload phase, in kbit/s.

Data computed from server side data assumes that the server is sending us TCPInfo snapshots, which Measurement Lab servers do. In specific conditions (e.g. when there is no end to end connectivity due to application level proxing by a mobile provider) TCPInfo data is very inaccurate. We are researching how to detect this specific case. A common symptom appears to be unreasonably low RTTs and unreasonably low download speeds.

Possible conclusions

This experiment is a "here and now" snapshot of the performance between the user and a well provisioned reasonably-nearby server. This experiment does not provide information regarding the throttling of specific sites and/or network paths (e.g. Netflix). It may be useful, instead, to understand congestion.

This experiment attempts to use the full available bandwidth. If the server is a Measurement Lab server (as it should be), it is using TCP BBR, which generates an accurate model of the channel and should not create excessive queue at the bottleneck. Therefore, the min RTT and the average bandwidth included in the summary provide a good indication of what the end to end channel can deliver.

It is important to understand that this experiment does not run for a long time, compared to long lived flows such as streaming and video calls. So, it likely won't detect throttling experienced by long lived flows. Nonetheless analysing the performance over the lifetime of the experiment, as opposed to just looking into the summary, provide insights into the performance dynamics.

This experiment does not use multiple flows. As such it provides an indication of what a single flow can achieve on the given end to end path. This means that it will perform less than other speed tests, e.g., in cases in which the connectivity is less than ideal. This is most likely what you want from a diagnostic test, i.e. information rather than confirmation.

The selected server may vary across multiple runs of this experiment. Pay attention to the server that you are using. It may be that you have good connectivity with some servers and bad connectivity with others. NDT has been indeed used in the past precisely to diagnose this kind of problems.

Privacy considerations

Notwithstanding your privacy settings, this experiment will collect your public IP address. It will not be included in OONI data but it will be collected and saved by the Measurement Lab server you are using, and it will be subsequently published by Measurement Lab. We are working with Measurement Lab to understand whether it will be possible to avoid collecting the IP address in a future version of NDT.

The two main reasons why removing IP addresses from NDT server data is complex are managing abuses and beacons detection. With respect to managing abuses, the Measurement Lab platform would need an alternative way to protect itself from high-speed clients hammering it continuously. From the research standpoint, instead, there is lots of value in keeping track of how the performance of long-lived hosts (aka "beacons") across time. Until we solve these two problems in a privacy preserving way, NDT will continue to collect the full user IP address.

In addition, there is the additional, mainly technical obstacle that traceroute data collected by services ancillary to the NDT server needs to be made anonymous as well. If we don't make traceroute anonymous, then one can join the NDT result with the traceroute result, thus obtaining the user's IP address. This is possible because both the NDT server measurement and the traceroute measurement include a UUID that uniquely identifies the measurements session. Because a reverse traceroute is very valuable to understand performance, we are facing another tradeoff here, and removing the reverse traceroute for all NDT users does not seem to be the right balance between measurements quality and privacy.

See for progress updates on this effort.

Example output sample

The following output sample has been trimmed for readability, by removing multiple instances of Measurement.

  "annotations": {
    "engine_name": "miniooni",
    "engine_version": "0.9.0",
    "platform": "linux"
  "data_format_version": "0.2.0",
  "input": null,
  "measurement_start_time": "2020-04-08 10:18:00",
  "probe_asn": "AS30722",
  "probe_cc": "IT",
  "probe_ip": "",
  "report_id": "20200408T101800Z_AS30722_Q2HYsPMDdmmdT6ZppPNkF8PNyHxe91HwFGtIJwWIlopRFJr358",
  "resolver_asn": "AS30722",
  "resolver_ip": "",
  "resolver_network_name": "Vodafone Italia S.p.A.",
  "software_name": "miniooni",
  "software_version": "0.1.0-dev",
  "test_keys": {
    "download": [
        "AppInfo": {
          "NumBytes": 1703936,
          "ElapsedTime": 250466
        "Origin": "client",
        "Test": "download"
        "AppInfo": {
          "NumBytes": 4456448,
          "ElapsedTime": 500177
        "Origin": "client",
        "Test": "download"
        "Origin": "server",
        "Test": "download",
        "TCPInfo": {
          "BusyTime": 230000,
          "BytesAcked": 876930,
          "BytesReceived": 661,
          "BytesRetrans": 0,
          "BytesSent": 1726350,
          "MinRTT": 23172,
          "RTT": 37812,
          "RTTVar": 2044,
          "RWndLimited": 38000,
          "RcvMSS": 536,
          "SndBufLimited": 0,
          "ElapsedTime": 202574
    "failure": null,
    "protocol": 7,
    "server": {
      "hostname": ""
    "summary": {
      "avg_rtt": 44.282,
      "download": 86735.17865757788,
      "mss": 1460,
      "max_rtt": 80.154,
      "min_rtt": 23.172,
      "ping": 23.172,
      "retransmit_rate": 0.0002913916808191168,
      "upload": 19788.436651446274
    "upload": [
        "AppInfo": {
          "NumBytes": 656384,
          "ElapsedTime": 250563
        "Origin": "client",
        "Test": "upload"
  "test_name": "ndt",
  "test_runtime": 21.3737419,
  "test_start_time": "2020-04-08 10:18:00",
  "test_version": "0.4.0"