We have setup a Dockerfile to create an image and a container that runs ubuntu 12.04 provisioned with Python 2.7.3, MongoDB, BLAST, plzip, jellyfish and the cssscl
program for the quick deployment and testing.
a. Make sure that you have Docker installed on your system.On how to install Docker on your system please consult the docker installation guide here.b. Download the ubuntucsss.tar.gz file that contains the Dockerfile.c. tar -zxvf ubuntucsss.tar.gzd. To run thecssscl
program follow the instructions below:
Use docker to run cssscl
If necessary add user to docker group
$ sudo adduser -a [username] docker # then Logout
otherwise run docker as sudo.
Login and
to theubuntucsss
$ cd ./ubuntucsss
Build the docker image using the Dockerfile located in the ubuntucss directory as shown below
$ docker build -t cssscl/ubuntucsss .
or if you did not add user to docker group run it with the sudo command
$ sudo docker build -t cssscl/ubuntucsss .
Now use the docker image cssscl/ubuntucsss to create and run a container:
$ docker run -ti cssscl/ubuntucsss /bin/bash
or if you did not add user to docker group run it with the sudo command
$ sudo docker run -ti cssscl/ubuntucsss /bin/bash
Note: you could setup any number of cpus for the container to use as shown below:
$ docker run -ti --cpuset-cpus="0-7" cssscl/ubuntucsss /bin/bash
or if you did not add user to docker group run it with the sudo command
$ sudo docker run -ti --cpuset-cpus="0-7" cssscl/ubuntucsss /bin/bash
This will run the container with 8 cpus
Inside the running container start the mongo database as shown below:
$ mongod --fork --logpath /data/db/log
Configure cssscl :
$ cssscl configure
Accept all the values prompted by default by pressing [ENTER]
Run the cssscl
Build the necessary databases from the training set:
$ cssscl build_dbs -btax -c -blast -nt 2 /home/test_data/TRAIN.fa /home/taxon/
(the whole process should take ~ 37 min using 2 CPUs)
By default all databases will be outputted to the directory
where the train.fa resides (note that all paths provided need to be absolute/full paths to the files/directories).
For more information about the cssscl
please consult its help page by typing:
$ cssscl build_dbs --help
Perform the classification using
:$ cssscl classify -c -blast blastn -tax genus -nt 2 /home/test_data/test/TEST.fa /home/test_data/
(the whole process should take ~ 29 min using 2 CPUs)
Note: in the above example the output file cssscl_results_genus.txt
with classification results will be located in the directory where the TEST.fa resides.
Note that for the test set data the parameters of the model have already been optimized and are included as part of the test set data, thus optimization is not required to be performed prior to running the classifier.
This will run the classifier with all the similarity measures (including the compression and the blast measure) described in Borozan et al. "Integrating alignment-based and alignment-free sequence similarity measures for biological sequence classification." Bioinformatics. 2015 Jan 7. pii: btv006.
For more information about the cssscl
please consult its help page by typing:
$ cssscl classify --help