Efficient clustering of MASSCAN results
MASSCAN does a wonderful job at scanning the entire internet randomly.
I want to cluster the results by port, a feature that MASSCAN lacks.
Simply open your shell and write:
$ /path/to/masscan-cluster/msc.sh /path/to/output-dir
MASSCAN-Cluster will use $PWD/masscan.conf
as the config file.
If you want to specify a different file, pass it:
$ /path/to/masscan-cluster/msc.sh /path/to/output-dir /path/to/masscan.conf
MASSCAN-Cluster rotates the files every 100kb, with is configurable via the environment variable MAX_FILESIZE_KB
for instance, for 1mb
$ MAX_FILESIZE_KB=1024 /path/to/masscan-cluster/msc.sh
MASSCAN writes all its output to a file.
MASSCAN-Cluster creates a named pipe for MASSCAN output-file,
runs MASSCAN, then clusters the output by port using the split