diff --git a/src/ontology/uberon-edit.obo b/src/ontology/uberon-edit.obo index acefabcea6..0c3e52db34 100644 --- a/src/ontology/uberon-edit.obo +++ b/src/ontology/uberon-edit.obo @@ -10362,7 +10362,7 @@ property_value: taxon_notes "Most vertebrates have some form of duct to transfer id: UBERON:0001001 name: chitin-based cuticle def: "A cuticular covering that is composed primarily of chitin. The main structural component of arthropod cuticle is a polysaccharide, chitin, composed of N-acetylglucosamine units, together with proteins and lipids[WP]." [https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165, https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3348965&group_id=36855&atid=440764, Wikipedia:Arthropod_exoskeleton, Wikipedia:Cuticle#Invertebrate_zoology] -comment: "TODO - split from exoskeleton? Also: See above sf item to see if this belongs in GO" xsd:string +comment: TODO - split from exoskeleton? Also: See above sf item to see if this belongs in GO subset: efo_slim subset: uberon_slim synonym: "arthropod cuticle" RELATED [] @@ -10385,7 +10385,7 @@ relationship: part_of UBERON:0002416 ! integumental system id: UBERON:0001002 name: cuticle def: "Tough but flexible, non-mineral outer coverings of an organism, or parts of an organism, that provide protection. Cuticles are non-homologous, differing in their origin, structure and chemical composition[WP]." [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3348965&group_id=36855&atid=440764, Wikipedia:Cuticle] -comment: "TODO - check cuticle vs exoskeleton. Note that GO has a very generic definition of cuticle. See also arthropod-anatomy ontology. Note in ncit Cuticle is a plant part" xsd:string +comment: TODO - check cuticle vs exoskeleton. Note that GO has a very generic definition of cuticle. See also arthropod-anatomy ontology. Note in ncit Cuticle is a plant part subset: grouping_class subset: non_informative subset: uberon_slim @@ -10592,7 +10592,7 @@ property_value: has_relational_adjective "digestive" xsd:string id: UBERON:0001008 name: renal system def: "The renal system in an anatomical system that maintains fluid balance and contributes to electrolyte balance, acid/base balance, and disposal of nitrogenous waste products." [DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0099864, GO:0072001] -comment: "In various sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica, the excretory and urinary systems are indeed the same system (see wikipedia talk page); we merge two BTO classes here" xsd:string +comment: In various sources such as Encyclopedia Britannica, the excretory and urinary systems are indeed the same system (see wikipedia talk page); we merge two BTO classes here subset: efo_slim subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim @@ -10962,7 +10962,7 @@ property_value: external_definition "White matter structure of CNS that contains id: UBERON:0001019 name: nerve fasciculus def: "A slender neuron projection bundle[FBbt]; A bundle of anatomical fibers, as of muscle or nerve (American Heritage Dictionary 4th ed)." [BIRNLEX:872, FBbt:00005101] -comment: "note FBbt class not disjoint from tract. Consider merging with 'neuron projection bundle'" xsd:string +comment: note FBbt class not disjoint from tract. Consider merging with 'neuron projection bundle' subset: uberon_slim synonym: "fascicle" BROAD [FBbt:00005101] synonym: "fasciculus" EXACT LATIN [] @@ -11839,7 +11839,7 @@ property_value: external_ontology_notes "currently intended for invert structure id: UBERON:0001054 name: Malpighian tubule def: "A tubule that extends from the posterior part of the digestive tract which absorbs solutes, water, and wastes from the surrounding hemolymph. Each tubule consists of a single layer of cells that is closed off at the distal end with the proximal end joining the alimentary canal at the junction between the midgut and hindgut[WP,modified]." [Wikipedia:Malpighian_tubule_system] -comment: "this will be ceded to the Arthropod Anatomy Ontology" xsd:string +comment: this will be ceded to the Arthropod Anatomy Ontology subset: efo_slim subset: uberon_slim synonym: "Malphigian tube" RELATED MISSPELLING [BTO:0000810] @@ -12012,7 +12012,7 @@ id: UBERON:0001064 name: ventral pancreatic duct alt_id: UBERON:0005627 def: "A duct joining the pancreas to the common bile duct to supply pancreatic juices which aid in digestion provided by the exocrine pancreas. The pancreatic duct joins the common bile duct just prior to the ampulla of Vater, after which both ducts perforate the medial side of the second portion of the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla." [Wikipedia:Pancreatic_duct] -comment: "in EHDAA2 this is an epithelium, in FMA the wall consists of epithelium and connective tissue" xsd:string +comment: in EHDAA2 this is an epithelium, in FMA the wall consists of epithelium and connective tissue subset: uberon_slim synonym: "canal of Wirsung" RELATED [BTO:0002362] synonym: "chief pancreatic duct" EXACT [FMA:16003] @@ -12049,7 +12049,7 @@ property_value: homology_notes "These data show that ducts within the zebrafish id: UBERON:0001065 name: parotid main excretory duct def: "The main excretory tubular canal that connects the parotid gland and the buccal mucosa and secretes a serous saliva into the vestibule of the oral cavity; it arises from the anterior surface of the gland, traversing the masseter muscle; the duct then pierces the buccinator muscle, moving medially, and opens out into the oral cavity near the second upper molar; saliva produced by acinar secretory cells in the glandular body flows sequentially through the intercalated ducts, striated ducts, and excretory ducts." [MP:0009530] -comment: "we follow MP in identifying the 'parotid duct' with the main excretory duct, although in fact the parotid has many other ducts of different types" xsd:string +comment: we follow MP in identifying the 'parotid duct' with the main excretory duct, although in fact the parotid has many other ducts of different types subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim synonym: "duct of parotid" BROAD [OBOL:automatic] @@ -12140,7 +12140,7 @@ property_value: depiction "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d2/Gr id: UBERON:0001068 name: skin of back def: "A zone of skin that is part of a back [Automatically generated definition]." [OBOL:automatic] -comment: "TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region" xsd:string +comment: TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region subset: pheno_slim synonym: "back skin" EXACT [] synonym: "back zone of skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] @@ -12440,7 +12440,7 @@ property_value: depiction "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d0/Pe id: UBERON:0001079 name: prezygapophysis def: "Paired processes at the cephalic end of the neural arch. The articular facets of the prezygapophyses face dorsomedially and articulate with the lateroventrally facing facets of the postzygapophyses of the preceding vertebra." [AAO:Pugener_and_Maglia_2008] -comment: "TODO - add distinct classes for hemal vs neural?" xsd:string +comment: TODO - add distinct classes for hemal vs neural? subset: vertebrate_core synonym: "cranial articular process of vertebra" EXACT [] synonym: "neural prezygapophyses" RELATED PLURAL [TAO:0001325] @@ -12568,7 +12568,7 @@ property_value: homology_notes "As noted, the hearts of birds and mammals have f id: UBERON:0001084 name: skin of head def: "A zone of skin that is part of a head [Automatically generated definition]." [OBOL:automatic] -comment: "TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region" xsd:string +comment: TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region synonym: "adult head zone of skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] synonym: "head skin" EXACT [] synonym: "head zone of skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] @@ -12588,7 +12588,7 @@ intersection_of: part_of UBERON:0000033 ! head id: UBERON:0001085 name: skin of trunk def: "A zone of skin that is part of a trunk [Automatically generated definition]." [OBOL:automatic] -comment: "TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region" xsd:string +comment: TODO - distinguish between entire skin of region and arbitrary zone of skin on region synonym: "torso zone of skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] synonym: "trunk skin" EXACT [] synonym: "trunk zone of skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] @@ -12708,7 +12708,7 @@ property_value: structure_notes "The fluid contains hyaluronan secreted by fibro id: UBERON:0001091 name: calcareous tooth def: "Skeletal element within the mouth (or in some species, upper part of the digestive tract) that is composed of dentine and is used in procuring or masticating food." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165, Wikipedia:Tooth_(animal)] -comment: "we place ZFA ctb 5 tooth here for now. Consider changing name from calcaeeous tooth. Note that sea cucumbers develop calcareous tooth-like structures" xsd:string +comment: we place ZFA ctb 5 tooth here for now. Consider changing name from calcaeeous tooth. Note that sea cucumbers develop calcareous tooth-like structures subset: efo_slim subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim @@ -12833,7 +12833,7 @@ property_value: vertebra_number "2" xsd:nonNegativeInteger id: UBERON:0001094 name: sacral vertebra def: "A vertebra bone that is part of the sacral region of the vertebral column." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165] -comment: "todo - AAO placement to be confirmed by AAO curators (the AAO class may also include modified ribs)" xsd:string +comment: todo - AAO placement to be confirmed by AAO curators (the AAO class may also include modified ribs) subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim synonym: "sacral segment" EXACT [] @@ -45475,7 +45475,7 @@ property_value: depiction "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Ce id: UBERON:0002246 name: dorsal thoracic nucleus def: "Two column-shaped nuclear masses formed by large cells. Clarke's nuclei are located in the regions dorsolateral to the central canal in the thoratic and upper lumbar segments." [NLXANAT:20090102] -comment: "Created by Sarah M. Maynard" xsd:string +comment: Created by Sarah M. Maynard subset: uberon_slim synonym: "Clarke's column" EXACT [] synonym: "Clarke's nuclei" RELATED PLURAL [NLXANAT:20090102] @@ -47106,7 +47106,7 @@ property_value: taxon_notes "the basic trilaminar structure of the dentate gyrus id: UBERON:0002305 name: layer of hippocampus def: "The layers of the laminar structure of the hippocampus." [MP:0000813, Wikipedia:Hippocampus_anatomy#Hippocampal_Cells_and_Layers] -comment: "TODO - check NIF xref" xsd:string +comment: TODO - check NIF xref subset: pheno_slim synonym: "cytoarchitectural fields of hippocampal formation" EXACT [BIRNLEX:1192] synonym: "hippocampus layer" EXACT [] @@ -47126,7 +47126,7 @@ relationship: contributes_to_morphology_of UBERON:0002421 ! hippocampal formatio id: UBERON:0002306 name: nasal mucus def: "Mucus produced in the nasal cavity, by the respiratory segment of the nasal mucosa." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165] -comment: "TODO - split nasal vs respiratory tract?" xsd:string +comment: TODO - split nasal vs respiratory tract? subset: uberon_slim synonym: "respiratory mucus" RELATED [BTO:0003603] xref: BTO:0003603 @@ -47263,7 +47263,7 @@ id: UBERON:0002313 name: hippocampus pyramidal layer alt_id: UBERON:0005369 def: "A cytoarchitectural term denoting the layer of the hippocampus in which pyramidal cells are predominant. Its location is superficial to the Stratum oriens; it is deep to the Stratum radiatum in area CA1 and area CA2 and deep to the Stratum lucidum in area CA3 (Stephan-75) (NeuroNames)." [BIRNLEX:1444] -comment: "this layer changes in its depthwise spatial relation across its extent" xsd:string +comment: this layer changes in its depthwise spatial relation across its extent subset: pheno_slim synonym: "gyrus occipitalis inferior" RELATED LATIN [NeuroNames:156] synonym: "gyrus occipitalis tertius" RELATED LATIN [NeuroNames:156] @@ -47498,7 +47498,7 @@ relationship: part_of UBERON:0004190 {source="GO"} ! renal glomerulus vasculatur id: UBERON:0002321 name: extraglomerular mesangium def: "The tissue comprised of mesangial cells that fill the triangular space between the macula densa and the afferent and efferent arterioles of the juxtaglomerular apparatus." [ISBN:0-683-40008-8, MP:0011340] -comment: "check MA part_ofs - should be spatially disjoint from renal glomerulus?" xsd:string +comment: check MA part_ofs - should be spatially disjoint from renal glomerulus? subset: pheno_slim xref: EMAPA:28278 xref: FMA:84141 @@ -47529,7 +47529,7 @@ id: UBERON:0002323 name: coelemic cavity lumen alt_id: UBERON:0000169 def: "The cavity within the body of all animals higher than the coelenterates and certain primitive worms, formed by the splitting of the embryonic mesoderm into two layers. In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial cavities." [BTO:0001707] -comment: "check the FMA placement here; ncit placement of body cavity here probably not correct" xsd:string +comment: check the FMA placement here; ncit placement of body cavity here probably not correct subset: uberon_slim subset: vertebrate_core synonym: "body cavity" BROAD [BTO:0001707] @@ -47721,12 +47721,12 @@ relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:7711 {source="GOTAX:0000352"} ! Chordata property_value: axiom_lost_from_external_ontology "relationship loss: develops_from paraxial mesenchyme (TAO:0000942)[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000155", ontology="TAO"} property_value: axiom_lost_from_external_ontology "relationship type change: OBO_REL:part_of trunk (TAO:0001115) CHANGED TO: develops_from trunk (UBERON:0002100)[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000155", ontology="TAO"} property_value: axiom_lost_from_external_ontology "relationship type change: part_of paraxial mesoderm (AAO:0010568) CHANGED TO: develops_from paraxial mesoderm (UBERON:0003077)[AAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-06-20", external_class="AAO:0010569", ontology="AAO"} +property_value: curator_notes "currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest. Consider making 'somitic mesoderm' a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to 'trunk somite' as it is part of the trunk" xsd:string property_value: depiction "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/Gray19_with_color.png" xsd:anyURI property_value: external_definition "Post-cranial axial segments which form sclerotome and dermomyotome.[AAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-06-20", external_class="AAO:0010569", ontology="AAO", source="AAO:EJS"} property_value: external_definition "Undifferentiated mesodermal components of early trunk or tail segments or metameres, derived from paraxial mesoderm; forms myotomes, sclerotomes and perhaps dermatomes. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000155", ontology="TAO", source="ZFIN:curator"} property_value: has_relational_adjective "somitic" xsd:string property_value: homology_notes "(...) cephalocordates and craniates belong to a group known as Somitichordata. Somitichordate synapomorphies include (1) somites (...) (reference 1); The idea that the last common ancestor of bilaterian animals (Urbilateria) was segmented has been raised recently on evidence coming from comparative molecular embryology (reference 2).[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0000191", ontology="VHOG", source="ISBN:978-0030223693 Liem KF, Bemis WE, Walker WF, Grande L, Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective (2001) p.40, DOI:10.1093/icb/43.1.137 Balavoine G, Adoutte A, The segmented urbilateria: a testable scenario. Integrative and Comparative Biology (2003)", source="http://bgee.unil.ch/"} -property_value: curator_notes "currently classified as an epithelial vesicle, consistent with EHDAA2 and https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest. Consider making 'somitic mesoderm' a separate term and correlate with regionalization processes. Consider moving ZFA term to 'trunk somite' as it is part of the trunk" xsd:string [Term] id: UBERON:0002330 @@ -48075,13 +48075,13 @@ relationship: dubious_for_taxon NCBITaxon:117565 {source="ISBN:0073040584", sour relationship: existence_starts_during UBERON:0000110 {source="PMID:11523831"} ! neurula stage relationship: only_in_taxon NCBITaxon:89593 {notes="Hall and others restrict NC to vertebrates but we opt for a less restrictive constraint to avoid inconsistencies when areas such as P1 area of pallium in hagfishes inherit cell lineage from telecephalon-contributing NC cells", source="ISBN:0073040584"} ! Craniata relationship: part_of UBERON:0002346 {source="XAO", source="https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/wiki/The-neural-crest"} ! neurectoderm +property_value: curator_notes "consider including subclasses for pre- and post- migratory (e.g. sheets/paths/streams)." xsd:string property_value: depiction "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Gray644.png" xsd:anyURI property_value: depiction "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8f/Neural_Crest.png" xsd:anyURI property_value: external_definition "A cell population arising from the dorsolateral aspect of the central nervous system primordium during the segmentation period, and later migrating along stereotyped pathways to give rise to a diverse and well-defined set of cell types including pigment cells, peripheral neurons and glia, and head cartilage. Kimmel et al, 1995.[TAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-08-14", external_class="TAO:0000045", ontology="TAO", source="ZFIN:curator"} property_value: external_definition "Migratory cell population which delaminates from neural tube, borders surface ectoderm and neural ectoderm, and gives rise to many different tissue types.[AAO]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-06-20", external_class="AAO:0010578", ontology="AAO", source="AAO:EJS"} property_value: homology_notes "A well developed neural crest population is present in lampreys (Horigome et al. 1999 ; Tomsa & Langeland, 1999) and gnathostomes. chordate fossils from the early Cambrian (Yunnanozoan and Haikouella) with apparent neural-crest derived structures (pharyngeal denticles and pharyngeal skeletons resembling the striped mucocartilage of the branchial bars in lamprey ammocoete larvae), suggests that neural crest arose very early in vertebrate evolution (Chen et al. 1999; Holland & Chen, 2001). The invertebrate chordates apparently lack defini- tive neural crest. One marker of migrating neural crest in some vertebrates, the antibody HNK1, does not recognize any cells in amphioxus embryos (Holland, unpublished). Even so, in both amphioxus and tunicates, cells at the edges of the neural plate and adjacent nonneural ectoderm share some properties of neural crest[PMID:11523831]" xsd:string {source="PMID:11523831"} property_value: homology_notes "We conclude that the neural crest is a vertebrate novelty, but that neural crest cells and their derivatives evolved and diversified in a step-wise fashion - first by elaboration of neural plate border cells, then by the innovation or co-option of new or ancient metazoan cell fates.[well established][VHOG]" xsd:string {date_retrieved="2012-09-17", external_class="VHOG:0000057", ontology="VHOG", source="DOI:10.1111/j.1469-7580.2012.01495.x Hall BK, Gillis JA, Incremental evolution of the neural crest, neural crest cells and neural crest-derived skeletal tissues. J Anat (2012)", source="http://bgee.unil.ch/"} -property_value: curator_notes "consider including subclasses for pre- and post- migratory (e.g. sheets/paths/streams)." xsd:string [Term] id: UBERON:0002343 @@ -48188,7 +48188,7 @@ property_value: taxon_notes "Thoracic vertebrae in all species are defined as th id: UBERON:0002348 name: epicardium def: "A region of the serous membrane that forms the innermost layer of the pericardium and the outer surface of the heart." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165] -comment: "TODO - check links with UBERON:0002425 visceral serous pericardium. develops from proepicardium. WP:Epicardium -- When considered as a part of the pericardium, it is the inner layer, or visceral pericardium, continuous with the serous layer." xsd:string +comment: TODO - check links with UBERON:0002425 visceral serous pericardium. develops from proepicardium. WP:Epicardium -- When considered as a part of the pericardium, it is the inner layer, or visceral pericardium, continuous with the serous layer. subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim subset: vertebrate_core @@ -48220,7 +48220,7 @@ property_value: function_notes "The visceral pericardium apparently produces the id: UBERON:0002349 name: myocardium def: "The middle layer of the heart, comprised mainly of striated cardiac muscle fibers." [ISBN:0-683-40008-8, MP:0005329] -comment: "TODO - check 'Myocardum proper' in FMA. We superclass the more generic class for now. FMA has is_a muscle layer - should we add this? ZFA and BTO both have is_a 'cardiac muscle' (tissue?). But in U we also follow FMA and have cardiac muscle tissue of myocardium (there is also Fibrocollagenous connective tissue of myocardium), which would be identical (see issue-10). Note that GO also treats left/right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue synonymous with ventricular myocardium" xsd:string +comment: TODO - check 'Myocardum proper' in FMA. We superclass the more generic class for now. FMA has is_a muscle layer - should we add this? ZFA and BTO both have is_a 'cardiac muscle' (tissue?). But in U we also follow FMA and have cardiac muscle tissue of myocardium (there is also Fibrocollagenous connective tissue of myocardium), which would be identical (see issue-10). Note that GO also treats left/right ventricular cardiac muscle tissue synonymous with ventricular myocardium subset: efo_slim subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim @@ -49719,7 +49719,7 @@ property_value: structure_notes "the nasolacrimal duct, the sac is lined by stra id: UBERON:0002393 name: pharyngotympanic tube def: "Organ with organ cavity which connects the cavity of the middle ear to the cavity of the pharynx. Examples: There are only two pharyngotympanic tubes, the right and the left pharyngotympanic tubes.[FMA]." [FMA:FMA, Wikipedia:Eustachian_tube] -comment: "we follow FMA in making this an organ, but include a separate class for the part that is epithelium, which is equivalent to the EHDAA2 structure. From this we infer the developmental relationship" xsd:string +comment: we follow FMA in making this an organ, but include a separate class for the part that is epithelium, which is equivalent to the EHDAA2 structure. From this we infer the developmental relationship subset: organ_slim subset: pheno_slim subset: uberon_slim @@ -49952,7 +49952,7 @@ property_value: has_relational_adjective "manual" xsd:string id: UBERON:0002399 name: lesser omentum def: "The double layer of peritoneum that extends from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach and the start of the duodenum. [WP,unvetted]." [Wikipedia:Lesser_omentum] -comment: "exact part of and develops from relationships need to be established" xsd:string +comment: exact part of and develops from relationships need to be established subset: uberon_slim synonym: "gastrohepatic omentum" RELATED [Wikipedia:Lesser_omentum] synonym: "omentum minus" RELATED LATIN [Wikipedia:Lesser_omentum] @@ -73138,8 +73138,8 @@ id: UBERON:0003532 name: hindlimb skin def: "A zone of skin that is part of a hindlimb [Automatically generated definition]." [OBOL:automatic] synonym: "hind limb skin" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] -synonym: "lower limb skin" EXACT [FMA:23102] synonym: "lower limb skin" EXACT [https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0819-0473] +synonym: "lower limb skin" EXACT [FMA:23102] synonym: "skin of hind limb" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] synonym: "skin of hindlimb" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] synonym: "skin of lower extremity" EXACT [OBOL:automatic] @@ -76163,7 +76163,7 @@ relationship: part_of UBERON:0001091 ! calcareous tooth id: UBERON:0003679 name: mouth floor def: "The ventral area of the mouth. In organisms with a tongue, this is the area under the ventral surface of the tongue[ncit, modified]." [http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6601-2165, ncithesaurus:Floor_of_the_Mouth] -comment: "reclassify after CARO2 overhaul" xsd:string +comment: reclassify after CARO2 overhaul subset: efo_slim subset: pheno_slim synonym: "floor of mouth" EXACT [FMA:86592] @@ -159006,7 +159006,7 @@ relationship: part_of UBERON:0001737 ! larynx id: UBERON:0014374 name: embryoid body def: "Embryoid bodies (EBs) are three-dimensional aggregates of pluripotent stem cells." [EFO:0004988, https://github.com/obophenotype/uberon/issues/245] -comment: "in future this class may be ceded to another ontology if it falls outside the scope of in-vivo, non-pathological biology" xsd:string +comment: in future this class may be ceded to another ontology if it falls outside the scope of in-vivo, non-pathological biology subset: efo_slim synonym: "embryonic body" RELATED [Wikipedia:Embryoid_body] xref: BTO:0001718