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Alexander Courtis edited this page Aug 14, 2023 · 17 revisions

"Clean Room" Replication

Other plugins or automation may be interfering with nvim-tree.

It can be very useful to attempt to replicate an issue with a minimal configuration with nvim-tree only, using defaults.

  1. Download nvt-min.lua to /tmp
  2. Run neovim with nvim -nu /tmp/nvt-min.lua
  3. Add nvim-tree configuration to setup to replicate the issue
  4. Add other plugins and automation as needed to replicate

When raising a bug, please include the contents of your modified nvt-min.lua

Troublesome Plugins

You may experience an issue with your full configuration and plugins that cannot be reproduced in a clean room.

You can use binary search method to find the culprit quickly: disable half of your plugins and rerun reproduction steps. If you can reproduce still it means that one of active plugins causes the issue. Then disable half of remaining plugins and try again.

Diagnostic Logging

You may enable diagnostic logging to nvim's log standard-path. See :help nvim-tree.log and :help standard-path.

This is usually ${XDG_STATE_HOME}/nvim/nvim-tree.log on Linux, and ~\AppData\Local\Temp\nvim on Windows. Use :echo stdpath("log") to confirm the location on your system.

Performance Issues

If you are experiencing performance issues please enable profiling.

It is advisable to enable git logging at the same time, as that can be a source of performance problems.

log = {
  enable = true,
  truncate = true,
  types = {
    diagnostics = true,
    git = true,
    profile = true,
    watcher = true,

Please attach ${XDG_STATE_HOME}/nvim/nvim-tree.log if you raise an issue.

Performance Tips


If you are using fish as an editor shell (which might be fixed in the future), try set shell=/bin/bash in your vim config. Alternatively, you can prevent fish from loading interactive configuration in a non-interactive shell.

Git Timeouts

Huge git repositories may timeout after the default git.timeout of 400ms. Try increasing that in your setup if you see [git] job timed out in the logs.

Try manually running the git command (see the logs) in your shell e.g. git --no-optional-locks status --porcelain=v1 --ignored=matching -u.

Try temporarily disabling git integration by setting git.enable = false

Git fsmonitor Daemon

MacOS and some Windows users may enable git's file system monitor daemon to greatly improve performance. See Improve Git monorepo performance with a file system monitor.

Unfortunately this is not available for Linux.

Enable for your repo:

git config core.fsmonitor true
git config core.untrackedcache true

Icons Not Correctly Shown

Your terminal emulator must be configured to use the patched font such as "Hack Nerd Font".

You might find that the icons are the incorrect size or cut off. There are sometimes multiple variants of hack fonts; experiment with each e.g. Hack Nerd Font vs Hack Nerd Font Mono


The patched font can be configured as the default monospace font, which terminal emulators, browsers etc. will likely use. See Font configuration for further information.

Example ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
            <family>Hack Nerd Font</family>

You can validate this configuration:

:; fc-match monospace
Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete.ttf: "Hack Nerd Font" "Regular"

"Could not start fs_event for path ..... :EMFILE"


You have reached the user maximum total number of inotify filesystem watcher handles.

Get This Limit

cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

Set A Higher Limit

Create a file (as root) /etc/sysctl.d/fs.conf

fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 1048576

Apply the new limit:

sudo sysctl -p --system

On some distributions the limit may need to be placed in /etc/sysctl.conf instead of /etc/sysctl.d

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