Apache Pinot is a real-time OLAP data store that can provide ultra low latency even at high throughput. It can ingest data from batch data sources such as Hadoop, S3, Azure and Google cloud storage or from streaming data sources such as Kafka, EventHub, Kinesis.
Originally built at LinkedIn, Pinot can power a variety of analytical applications such as
- Real-time Dashboarding applications like Superset,
- Anomaly detection applications such as ThirdEye,
- Rich interactive user facing analytics Data Products such as Company Analytics, Who Viewed My Profile, UberEats Restaurant Analytics, and many more.
Pinot is also used at companies Uber, Microsoft, Weibo, Factual, Slack, and many more
This repo contains sample files used in the tutorial video How to setup a Pinot cluster. All the commands used in the video can be found below.
In the tutorial, we will setup a Pinot cluster with the following components
- 1 zookeeper
- 2 controllers
- 2 brokers
- 2 servers Once the cluster is up and running, we see how to load data into Pinot and query it. At the end, we show how Pinot is resilient to failures.
Below are listed all commands used in the tutorial video.
Before we get started, make sure to go over this list of prerequisites
No. | Step | Link |
1 | Download sample data and configs | https://github.com/npawar/pinot-tutorial |
2 | Download latest Pinot release binary | https://pinot.apache.org |
3 | Install Java 9 or higher | https://openjdk.java.net |
4 | Install Apache Maven 3.5.0 or higher | https://maven.apache.org |
5 | Setup Zooinspector | https://github.com/zzhang5/zooinspector |
6 | Download Apache Kafka binary 2.4 or higher | https://kafka.apache.org |
Using the launcher script in apache-pinot-incubating-0.3.0-bin
directory form the Pinot release
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartZookeeper -zkPort 2181
Using the launcher script in apache-pinot-incubating-0.3.0-bin
directory form the Pinot release
Controller 1
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartController \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-controllerPort 9001
Controller 2
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartController \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-controllerPort 9002
Using the launcher script in apache-pinot-incubating-0.3.0-bin
directory form the Pinot release
Broker 1
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartBroker \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-brokerPort 7001
Broker 2
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartBroker \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-brokerPort 7002
Using the launcher script in apache-pinot-incubating-0.3.0-bin
directory form the Pinot release
Server 1
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartServer \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-serverPort 8001 -serverAdminPort 8011
Server 2
bin/pinot-admin.sh StartServer \
-zkAddress localhost:2181 \
-clusterName PinotCluster \
-serverPort 8002 -serverAdminPort 8012
The cluster is set up! Explore the cluster using Zooinspector. Explore the Admin endpoints using Rest API on the controller http://localhost:9001.
Check out the README in transcript example folder for steps on how to push data into the cluster.