- Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.0
- jQuery 2.0.3
- LoDash 1.3.1
- Spring 3.2.4
- Spring Security 3.2.0 M2
- split vendor js/css from project assets
- tiles now have regexp/wildcard support
- added special maven property to hold the root project location
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.1
- Normalize.css 1.1.1
- HTML5 Boilerplate 4.2.0
- Backbone 1.0.0
- LoDash 1.2.0
- dustjs 1.2.3 / dust4j 0.3
- Spring 3.2.2
- Lodash 1.0.1
- dust.js 1.2.0 / dust4j 0.2
- Spring 3.2.1
- urls in navbar are now absolute
- templates are now served through separate endpoint with security disabled
- added few usefull libs, like commons-codec and commons-fileupload
- fixed warnings from yui in javascript code (#11)
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0
- jQuery 1.9.1
- HTML5 Boilerplate 4.1.0
- jQuery 1.9.0
- HTML5 Boilerplate 4.0.3
- Backbone.js 0.9.10
- fixed script error with jQuery loaded in footer
- scripts moved to the end of the page to speed up page rendering
- tobacco maven plugin for easy project generation
- replace underscore.js with lodash http://lodash.com/
- add Spring Security config, with TB-style form for easier security start
- aggregate licenses to single file
- remove minified versions of js and css, now we solely rely on yui compressor
- change Apple site mode from black to default, as black is not what you normally want, even if it looks so ;)
- removed weak Id function, in favor of _.uniqueId
- fixed messages.properties duplicates
- updated docs a bit
- added generic error page with nice 500 stacktrace output
- got rid of trivial mappings in favor of org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.ParameterizableViewController
- more error handler entries for 4xx error codes added by default
- Tiles 3.0.1
- JRebel included by default
- fixed JSONP issue with resources
- removed doc junk from project template
- dev versions of tiny pub/sub and jStorage
- Spring 3.2
- backbone.js 0.9.9
- other libraries updates, pom cleanup and minor fixes
- initial public release
- update to Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2
- update to HTML5 Boilerplate 4.0.2
- update to underscore.js 1.4.3
- added context-aware Apple icons and favicon
- fixed css for small screens
- less logging in production
- other bugfixes
- initial release