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Iceland |
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This section contains the information about the type of education the participants have, as well as their highest degree obtained.
We asked the participants, in which field they are working. With that question, it is possible to see which current field employed the most of RSE/RSD. The questions was specific to each country and was multiple choice. Each participant could choose several fields. We then calculate the different proportion by dividing each field by the total of participants that have selected at least one option.
- What is the highest level of education you have attained? (one choice list)
- In which discipline is your highest academic qualification? (one choice list)
- List any professional qualifications you hold (free text)
Highest level of education for Iceland | Count | Percentage |
Bachelors | 1 | 50 |
B.Tech | 1 | 50 |
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Alongside of question about education level we also asked the participants in which field they finished their highest level of education. Here again the propositions were specific to each countries so the comparison is difficult despite lot of overlapping in the categories.
Field of education for Iceland | Count | Percentage |
Chemical Engineering | 1 | 50 |
nan | 1 | 50 |
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