Where a dataset is provided in multiple physical files: a description of the dataset structure must be provided EITHER in an atom "content" element as free text, OR in an external document which is the target of another "link" element. Where a "link" element is used this element shall have a "rel" value equal to "alternate" and a suitable media type shall be used for the "type" value.
Test method
- If links with a rel attribute of "section" are provided, then there must be either an alternate link or an Atom content element. See Note [1] as well.
- TG DL, Req 33
Test type:
[1] The test can also be interpreted as: entries with a section link, but without an alternate link and without an Atom content element must not exist in the feed. The appropriate XPath-test for this is: empty(//atom:entry[./atom:link[@rel='section'] and count(./atom:link[@rel='alternate'])=0 and count(./atom:content) = 0])
The namespace prefixes used as described in README.md.