List of examples:
Category | Example title |
Registry | Copying images and charts between registries |
Registry | Copying images and charts from a file to a registry |
Registry | Checking available repositories on a docker private registry |
Registry | List all private registry repositories and corresponding tags |
Docker | Accessing the Docker daemon |
Docker | Using the host docker authentication |
Kubernetes | Accessing Kubernetes container runtime |
Kubernetes | Checking the images 'cached' on the current Kubernetes node |
Kubernetes | Loop the cpu, memory and storage metrics of each container on the current Kubernetes node |
Images | Checking images content |
Images | Checkout the files per layer on an existing image |
Images | Generate a BOM (Bill Of Materials) for a provided image |
To search for a specific example type '/Checking images content' and use the arrow keys to navigate
- Execute:
# With just docker
docker run --name imgutils --rm -ti nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash
# With just kubectl
kubectl run imgutils --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils -- sudo /bin/bash
- To copy from registry A to registry B, start by login into A and B:
skopeo login a.registry -u userA --password-stdin
[enter password for user A]
[hit Ctrl-D]
skopeo login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]
- Copy the image or helm chart between registry A and registry B:
skopeo copy --all docker://a.registry/some/image:1.2.3 docker://b.registry/some/image:1.2.3
skopeo copy --all docker://a.registry/some/chart:1.2.3 docker://b.registry/some/chart:1.2.3
- Exit image:
- Execute:
# With just docker
docker run --name imgutils --rm -ti nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash
# With just kubectl
kubectl run imgutils --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils -- sudo /bin/bash
- Copy the images and charts to the running image
# With just docker
docker cp myImageOrChart.tgz imgutils:/tmp/myImageOrChart.tgz
# With just kubectl
kubectl cp myImageOrChart.tgz imgutils:/tmp/myImageOrChart.tgz
- Login into the target registry
skopeo login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]
helm registry login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]
- Copy the image to the target registry
skopeo copy --all docker-archive:/tmp/myImage.tgz docker://b.registry/some/image-or-chart:1.2.3
or copy the chart to the target registry
helm push /tmp/myChart.tgz oci://some/chart
- Exit image:
With docker you can execute directly:
docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash
Then you can execute commands like:
$ docker images
$ docker ps
$ docker rmi some/image
To exit just execute:
To use crictl on a specific node (change from "server-0" to the specific node you want):
NODENAME=ec2-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/containerd/containerd.sock /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'
Then you can execute commands like:
$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi
To exit just execute:
To use crictl on a specific node (change from "k3s-server-0" to the specific node you want):
NODENAME=k3s-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'
Then you can execute commands like:
$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi
To exit just execute:
To use crictl on a specific OpenShift node (change from "server-0" to the specific node you want):
NODENAME=server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/var/run/crio/crio.sock /bin/sh -c './kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"securityContext\":{\"privileged\":true},\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/crio/crio.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/crio/crio.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'
Then you can execute commands like:
$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi
To exit just execute:
To check images use the following commands within the imgutils/nmaguiar:
$ dive
$ docker image save some/image:latest > image.tar
$ imgInfo.yaml image=image.tar __format=json > image.json
# Check the manifest of the image
$ oafp image.json path=info out=ctree
# Check how many entries are there of each layer
$ oafp image.json path=layers out=ctable sql='select "layer", "layerFile" id, count(*) "numberOfEntries" group by "layer"'
# List the files on layer 1 (layer numbering starts in 0)
$ oafp image.json path="layers[?layer==\`1\`].filepath" out=yaml
# List the file entry differences between layer 2 and layer 3
$ oafp image.json path="layers | { a: [?layer==\`2\`].filepath, b: [?layer==\`3\`].filepath }" diff="(a:a,b:b)" color=true
# List the file entry differences between layer 2 and layer 3 including file size
$ oafp image.json path="layers | { a: [?layer==\`3\`].{filepath:filepath,size:size}, b: [?layer==\`4\`].{filepath:filepath,size:size} }" diff="(a:a,b:b)" color=true
$ skopeo copy docker://library/nginx:latest docker-archive:image.tar
$ imgExpand.yaml image=image.tar output=output json=image.json
# Check the output for the entrypoint and other information about the image
$ cd output
$ mc
# then use the midnight-commander UI to check the contents on each layer
To create a new image with changes to files on an existing image:
$ skopeo copy docker-daemon:my-image:latest docker-archive:my-image.tar
# Expand the image with the corresponding layers (if you don't choose it you will save an image with one layer only after changing)
$ imgExpand.yaml image=my-image.tar output=my-image json=my-image.json usetar=true layers=true
# Make the changes you need on the files of the folder my-image and then get back to the original folder
# ...
$ imgCollapse.yaml image=my-image.tar input=my-image json=my-image.json usetar=true
# Copy the new changed image
$ skopeo copy docker-archive:my-image.tar docker-daemon:my-image:v2
# Test your changed image
$ docker run --rm -ti my-image:v2
To start imgutils/nmaguiar with the local host docker authentication:
docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $HOME:/work nmaguiar/imgutils /bin/sh -c "mkdir /home/openaf/.docker && sudo cp /work/.docker/config.json /home/openaf/.docker/. && sudo chmod a+r /home/openaf/.docker/*&& /bin/bash"
Not all private container registries allow the listing of their repositories. But if they do you can try:
oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos inregistryurl=http://registry:5000 data="()"
Check for more options with 'oafp libs=dockerregistry help=dockerregistry'
If you are currently running on a Kubernetes node (following the deploy instructions in 'usage-help') you can list the 'cached' images on it by executing:
crictl images | oafptab sql="select * order by IMAGE,TAG"
You can additionally force pulling an image:
crictl pull my-registry/my/image:1.2.3
Or even delete an unused image:
crictl rmi 6b963af3240f2
Use the IMAGE ID field value
If you are currently running on a Kubernetes node (following the deploy instructions in 'usage-help') you can obtain each containers' metrics:
oafp cmd="crictl stats -o json" path="stats[].{ns:attributes.labels.\"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace\",pod:attributes.labels.\"\",,cpuUsageCores:cpu.usageNanoCores.value,memWorkSet:memory.workingSetBytes.value,memAvail:memory.availableBytes.value,memUsage:memory.usageBytes.value,memRss:memory.rssBytes.value,memPageFault:memory.pageFaults.value,memMajorPageFaults:memory.majorPageFaults.value,ephUsed:writableLayer.usedBytes.value,ephInodes:writableLayer.inodesUsed.value}" from="sort(ns,pod,name)" out=ctable loop=2 loopcls=true
Given a private container registry you can list a table of all repositories and corresponding tags to visualize and/or import it, as csv, to other tools.
oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos data={} inregistrytags=true out=ctable inregistryurl=http://my.registry:5000
oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos data={} inregistrytags=true out=csv inregistryurl=http://my.registry:5000
You can check more options by executing 'oafp libs=dockerregistry help=dockerregistry'
You can use the syft tool to generate a CycloneDX JSON BOM (Bill Of Materials) file:
syft scan nmaguiar/imgutils -o cyclonedx-json