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424 lines (253 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

424 lines (253 loc) · 11.1 KB


List of examples:

Category Example title
Registry Copying images and charts between registries
Registry Copying images and charts from a file to a registry
Registry Checking available repositories on a docker private registry
Registry List all private registry repositories and corresponding tags
Docker Accessing the Docker daemon
Docker Using the host docker authentication
Kubernetes Accessing Kubernetes container runtime
Kubernetes Checking the images 'cached' on the current Kubernetes node
Kubernetes Loop the cpu, memory and storage metrics of each container on the current Kubernetes node
Images Checking images content
Images Checkout the files per layer on an existing image
Images Generate a BOM (Bill Of Materials) for a provided image

To search for a specific example type '/Checking images content' and use the arrow keys to navigate

Copying images and charts between registries

  1. Execute:
# With just docker
docker run --name imgutils --rm -ti nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash

# With just kubectl
kubectl run imgutils --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils -- sudo /bin/bash
  1. To copy from registry A to registry B, start by login into A and B:
skopeo login a.registry -u userA --password-stdin
[enter password for user A]
[hit Ctrl-D]

skopeo login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]
  1. Copy the image or helm chart between registry A and registry B:
skopeo copy --all docker://a.registry/some/image:1.2.3 docker://b.registry/some/image:1.2.3

skopeo copy --all docker://a.registry/some/chart:1.2.3 docker://b.registry/some/chart:1.2.3
  1. Exit image:

Copying images and charts from a file to a registry

  1. Execute:
# With just docker
docker run --name imgutils --rm -ti nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash

# With just kubectl 
kubectl run imgutils --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils -- sudo /bin/bash
  1. Copy the images and charts to the running image
# With just docker
docker cp myImageOrChart.tgz imgutils:/tmp/myImageOrChart.tgz

# With just kubectl
kubectl cp myImageOrChart.tgz imgutils:/tmp/myImageOrChart.tgz
  1. Login into the target registry
skopeo login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]

helm registry login b.registry -u userB --password-stdin
[enter password for user B]
[hit Ctrl-D]
  1. Copy the image to the target registry
skopeo copy --all docker-archive:/tmp/myImage.tgz docker://b.registry/some/image-or-chart:1.2.3

or copy the chart to the target registry

helm push /tmp/myChart.tgz oci://some/chart
  1. Exit image:

Accessing the Docker daemon

With docker you can execute directly:

docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock nmaguiar/imgutils sudo /bin/bash

Then you can execute commands like:

$ docker images
$ docker ps
$ docker rmi some/image

To exit just execute:


Accessing Kubernetes container runtime

AWS EKS with crictl

To use crictl on a specific node (change from "server-0" to the specific node you want):

NODENAME=ec2-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/containerd/containerd.sock  /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils  --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'

Then you can execute commands like:

$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi

To exit just execute:


K3S with crictl

To use crictl on a specific node (change from "k3s-server-0" to the specific node you want):

NODENAME=k3s-server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock  /bin/sh -c 'kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils  --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/containerd/containerd.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'

Then you can execute commands like:

$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi

To exit just execute:


OpenShift with crictl

To use crictl on a specific OpenShift node (change from "server-0" to the specific node you want):

NODENAME=server-0 NAME=imgutils HPATH=/var/run/crio/crio.sock  /bin/sh -c './kubectl run -n kube-system $NAME --rm -ti --image=nmaguiar/imgutils  --overrides="{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"spec\":{\"nodeName\":\"$NODENAME\",\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"$NAME\",\"image\":\"nmaguiar/imgutils\",\"securityContext\":{\"privileged\":true},\"stdin\":true,\"stdinOnce\":true,\"tty\":true,\"args\":[\"sudo\",\"-E\",\"/bin/bash\"],\"env\":[{\"name\":\"CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ENDPOINT\",\"value\":\"unix:///run/crio/crio.sock\"}],\"volumeMounts\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"mountPath\":\"/run/crio/crio.sock\"}]}],\"volumes\":[{\"name\":\"cri\",\"hostPath\":{\"path\":\"$HPATH\"}}]}}" -- sudo -E /bin/bash'

Then you can execute commands like:

$ crictl images
$ crictl ps
$ crictl rmi

To exit just execute:


Checking images content

To check images use the following commands within the imgutils/nmaguiar:

$ dive
$ docker image save some/image:latest > image.tar
$ imgInfo.yaml image=image.tar __format=json > image.json

# Check the manifest of the image
$ oafp image.json path=info out=ctree
# Check how many entries are there of each layer
$ oafp image.json path=layers out=ctable sql='select "layer", "layerFile" id, count(*) "numberOfEntries" group by "layer"'
# List the files on layer 1 (layer numbering starts in 0)
$ oafp image.json path="layers[?layer==\`1\`].filepath" out=yaml
# List the file entry differences between layer 2 and layer 3
$ oafp image.json path="layers | { a: [?layer==\`2\`].filepath, b: [?layer==\`3\`].filepath }" diff="(a:a,b:b)" color=true
# List the file entry differences between layer 2 and layer 3 including file size
$ oafp image.json path="layers | { a: [?layer==\`3\`].{filepath:filepath,size:size}, b: [?layer==\`4\`].{filepath:filepath,size:size} }" diff="(a:a,b:b)" color=true

Checkout the files per layer on an existing image

$ skopeo copy docker://library/nginx:latest docker-archive:image.tar
$ imgExpand.yaml image=image.tar output=output json=image.json
# Check the output for the entrypoint and other information about the image
$ cd output
$ mc
# then use the midnight-commander UI to check the contents on each layer

Changing files on an existing image

To create a new image with changes to files on an existing image:

$ skopeo copy docker-daemon:my-image:latest docker-archive:my-image.tar
# Expand the image with the corresponding layers (if you don't choose it you will save an image with one layer only after changing)
$ imgExpand.yaml image=my-image.tar output=my-image json=my-image.json usetar=true layers=true
# Make the changes you need on the files of the folder my-image and then get back to the original folder
# ...
$ imgCollapse.yaml image=my-image.tar input=my-image json=my-image.json usetar=true
# Copy the new changed image
$ skopeo copy docker-archive:my-image.tar docker-daemon:my-image:v2
# Test your changed image
$ docker run --rm -ti my-image:v2

Using the host docker authentication

To start imgutils/nmaguiar with the local host docker authentication:

docker run --rm -ti -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $HOME:/work nmaguiar/imgutils /bin/sh -c "mkdir /home/openaf/.docker && sudo cp /work/.docker/config.json /home/openaf/.docker/. && sudo chmod a+r /home/openaf/.docker/*&& /bin/bash"

Checking available repositories on a docker private registry

Not all private container registries allow the listing of their repositories. But if they do you can try:

oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos inregistryurl=http://registry:5000 data="()"

Check for more options with 'oafp libs=dockerregistry help=dockerregistry'

Checking the images 'cached' on the current Kubernetes node

If you are currently running on a Kubernetes node (following the deploy instructions in 'usage-help') you can list the 'cached' images on it by executing:

crictl images | oafptab sql="select * order by IMAGE,TAG"

You can additionally force pulling an image:

crictl pull my-registry/my/image:1.2.3

Or even delete an unused image:

crictl rmi 6b963af3240f2

Use the IMAGE ID field value

Loop the cpu, memory and storage metrics of each container on the current Kubernetes node

If you are currently running on a Kubernetes node (following the deploy instructions in 'usage-help') you can obtain each containers' metrics:

oafp cmd="crictl stats -o json" path="stats[].{ns:attributes.labels.\"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace\",pod:attributes.labels.\"\",,cpuUsageCores:cpu.usageNanoCores.value,memWorkSet:memory.workingSetBytes.value,memAvail:memory.availableBytes.value,memUsage:memory.usageBytes.value,memRss:memory.rssBytes.value,memPageFault:memory.pageFaults.value,memMajorPageFaults:memory.majorPageFaults.value,ephUsed:writableLayer.usedBytes.value,ephInodes:writableLayer.inodesUsed.value}" from="sort(ns,pod,name)" out=ctable loop=2 loopcls=true

List all private registry repositories and corresponding tags

Given a private container registry you can list a table of all repositories and corresponding tags to visualize and/or import it, as csv, to other tools.

As a table

oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos data={} inregistrytags=true out=ctable inregistryurl=http://my.registry:5000

As a CSV

oafp libs=dockerregistry in=registryrepos data={} inregistrytags=true out=csv inregistryurl=http://my.registry:5000

You can check more options by executing 'oafp libs=dockerregistry help=dockerregistry'

Generate a BOM (Bill Of Materials) for a provided image

You can use the syft tool to generate a CycloneDX JSON BOM (Bill Of Materials) file:

syft scan nmaguiar/imgutils -o cyclonedx-json