- Software Life Cycle
- Waterfall model – Prototyping – Spiral model
- Agile development
- pros and cons of each model
- Requirements Analysis
- SRS – Introduction to Structured analysis and design techniques
- Introduction to Object oriented analysis and design techniques.
- Software Design
- Design Heuristics
- Cohesion and Coupling
- Concepts of user interface design
- Architectural design
- Use case analysis
- Introduction to UML diagrams
- case studies
- ATM system design using object oriented analysis techniques.
- Emerging trends in software engineering
- Introduction to Rational unified process
- Service oriented architecture(SOA).
- Introduction to Software Quality Management
- Software Testing
- Objectives of testing
- Black Box and white box testing
- Test Plan
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- System testing
- Test reporting
- Testing object oriented programs
- Quality standards ISO and CMM
- Software quality metrics.
- Familiarisation with testing tools.
- Software Project Management
- Brief study of various phases of Project Management
- Planning
- Organizing
- Staffing
- Directing and Controlling
- Case studies and activities.
- Software Project Cost Estimation
- COCOMO model
- Software Project Scheduling
- Work Breakdown Structure
- CASE tools
- Life cycle, classification and different types.
- Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering – 6E
- Booch et. al, The UML Reference Manual.
- Jacobs et. al, Object Oriented Software Engineering: A Use case driven approach, Pearson Education, 7E.
- Frank Tsui, Managing Software Projects
- David Gustafson, Software Engineering-, 1E
- Richard Thayer et. al, Software Engineering Project Management – 2E