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Nathan Jensen edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 28 revisions
What operating systems does Jep support?
  • Jep supports Linux, OS X, and Windows 7 and up. Other variants of *nix may also work.
Does Jep work on Android?
  • We haven't tried it yet. In theory it should possible, but there may be some challenges to overcome. If you try this, we'd love to hear about it and will gladly accept contributions to make Jep work well on more platforms.
What Python modules does Jep work with?
  • Jep should work with any pure python modules. Unfortunately, CPython extensions and Cython modules may not work correctly, it depends on how they were coded. We have started a list of Package Compatibility. Please contribute to the list with your findings.
What Java UI frameworks does Jep support?
  • Jep has been run with Swing and SWT. We haven't tried JavaFX yet, but it should work.
What's the typical usage of Jep code look like?
try(Jep jep = new Jep(false)) {
    jep.eval("import somePyModule");
    // any of the following work, these are just pseudo-examples

    // using eval(String) to invoke methods
    jep.setValue("arg", obj);
    jep.eval("x = somePyModule.foo1(arg)");
    Object result1 = jep.getValue("x");

    // using getValue(String) to invoke methods
    Object result2 = jep.getValue("somePyModule.foo2()");

    // using invoke to invoke methods
    Object result3 = jep.invoke("somePyModule.foo3", obj);

   // using runScript
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