- verify if the host we listen to is resolvable to ip
- unit-test preflight upload cancellation using ubuntu image.
- audit all timeout usages and separate them
- remove wildcard bullshit from the config file
- make it work without
- make it work only with args instead of config.toml
- implement gui.transfer
- improve command executor (fire-and-forget, single-command-capture(<-), capture-result, capture-result-and-error)
- build foundation for better user-feedback / action while especially in non-transfer mode
- bring back read-close on yamux forwarder
- add a lot of comments on the config file
- display live transfer stats
- add test for preflight
- create clean public documentation like mitmproxy
- github workflow for release
- productionize preflight to make unbound-ssh executable, and download config/cert
- preflight triggerred using ctrl+b twice
- preflight to blink on top-right corner displaying preflight mode, plus press ctrl+c to cancel
- unit test Send&Receive of control stream
- clean code and refactor, write test (all methods should be synchronous, no goroutine leaks, no double close, etc., proper coherent re-usable modules)
- add timeout to yamux control handshake. gracefully close if not connected.
- improve test coverage and documentation
- better logging of the stream
- create more efficient custom codecs
- support tmux
- offer other fast working codecs (e.g. base64, base32, etc.)
- automatically reconnect on connection loss
- try smux instead of yamux