Update the version
- Create release notes (clog-cli can help)
git clean -ndx
to see what files to clean upgit clean -fdx
to clean up files- Include release notes in commit messaage
- Publish a PR
Tagging a release
- (on main)
git tag -a v<X>.<Y>.<Z>
with the release notes as the message git push <UPSTREAM> main --tag v<X>.<Y>.<Z>
- Go to https://github.com/ni/nixnet-python/releases
- The new release should be there, but it will be poorly formatted.
- Draft a new release. Use the same tag version. You don't need to attach any new files.
Uploading packages to PyPI
rm -Rf dist
python setup.py sdist
pip install wheel
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
pip install twine
twine upload dist/* -u <PyPI username> -p <PyPI password>