Repository for controlling 2 Turtlebot3 robots in Vietnamese-German University's Robotics Lab
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone --branch master
cd ~/catkin_ws
ROS_NAMESPACE=turtle_1 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch multi_robot_name:=turtle_1 set_frame_id:=turtle_1/base_scan
ROS_NAMESPACE=turtle_2 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch multi_robot_name:=turtle_2 set_frame_id:=turtle_2/base_scan
Launch navigation module (amcl and move_base) node on 2 robots. This will open Rviz interface
roslaunch multi_turtlebot3_navigation two_robots_navigation.launch
Open new terminal. Launch navigator for controlling robots based on shostest distance to goal
rosrun multi_turtlebot3_navigation navigator
Now you can controll the robots on Rviz interface using 2D pose estimate for setting inital robots' location and nav goal to send navigation goal to the navigator. The navigator node will calculate the distance to the 2 robots and send the navigation goal to the robot that has the shortest distance