- Added project variables to gruntfile.
- Added clean task
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-clean
- Added injectors script on index file for Bower dependencies.
- Moved index.html from assets folder to root folder
- Removed bower_components folder.
- Removed .bowerrc from root folder, using Grunt bower to install dependencies.
- Finished the first publishing.
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-recess
- grunt-sass
- Bower components moved to assets folder.
- Added injectors script on index file.
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-bower-task
- grunt-injector
Removed first-test.js from test folder.
Moved Mocha js and css files to respective folders.
- Adjusted package.json
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-mocha
Removed Karma and grunt karma
- Adjusted package.json
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-contrib-concat
- grunt-contrib-uglify
- karma-jasmine
- Adjusted path to karma.conf.js file
- Grunt.js Plugins
- karma-chrome-launcher
- karma-firefox-launcher
- Comments improvement
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-contrib-connect
- grunt-contrib-csslint
- Grunt.js Plugins
- grunt-concurrent
- grunt-contrib-csslint
- grunt-contrib-jshint
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-karma
- load-grunt-tasks
- jshint-stylish
- time-grunt