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metalefty edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 4 revisions

This page should help us when doing a new release.

  1. Bump version number in,, in devel branch. Make sure the old version is not left in any other file.
  2. Update with the latest changes.
  3. Review and update as needed.
  4. If its a major release (0.2, 0.3, ...) checkout devel branch into a new major version branch (for example, v0.3), if its just a minor version release (for example, 0.2.4), merge devel branch into the the major version branch which is already exists.
  5. Merge version branch into master.
  6. Create an annotated gpg-signed tag (git tag -a --sign) pointing to the version branch head
  7. Make a clean checkout. Create the tarball (./bootstrap && ./configure && make distcheck).
  8. gpg-sign the tarball (gpg -u <IDENTITY> --armor --detach-sig --sign xrdp-*.tar.gz)
  9. Create a GitHub release draft choosing the annotated tag already created, upload tarballs and their signature there (xorgxrdp-*.tar.gz, xorgxrdp-*.tar.gz.asc).
  10. Make the release draft final
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