- CakePHP 3.0.0 or greater
- PHP 5.4.16 or greater
- JCrop (jquery plugin v0.9.12) Github
This software is registered under the MIT license. Copyright(c) 2015 - Ernest Conill
- Clone this plugin from Github You will need a PhotoCrop directory in your plugins folder so from your app root directory you can use:
git clone https://github.com/netusco/CakePhp-PhotoCrop.git plugins/PhotoCrop/
This plugin uses JCrop jquery plugin. You can update it from it's Github source
Load the plugin
Plugin::load('PhotoCrop', ['bootstrap' => false, 'routes' => true]);
If you have a problem with this plugin please open an issue.
I'm not actively maintaining this plugin, but it's open for community contributions.
In your database you need to add the following sql schema found also in config/schema. Remember to add your foreign key to relate to models and index them.
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`type` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
`mime` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
`width` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`height` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
`bits` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL
ALTER TABLE `photocrops`
- In your controller you need to load the component with the configurations required for each type of photo crop. If no configuration is given or for each missing configuration element the one used is the default.
public function initialize()
$this->loadComponent('PhotoCrop.Photocrop', [
'profile' => [
'maxNumImagesAllowed' => 3,
'maxWidthPreview' => 500, //pxs
'cover' => [
'maxNumImagesAllowed' => 1,
'aspectRatio' => 4/3,
'maxWidthPreview' => 750, //pxs
default config:
protected $_photocropDefaults = [
'default' => [
'type' => 'default',
'maxNumImagesAllowed' => 5,
'maxFileSizeAllowed' => 10, //MBs
'qualityJpeg' => 0.85, //from 0.0 to 1 (normal default is 0.92)
'allowResize' => true,
'selMinSize' => [ 50, 50 ], //pxs
'maxWidthPreview' => 500, //pxs
'maxHeightPreview' => false,
'aspectRatio' => 1, //1 square (16/9, 4/3, etc)
'bgOpacity' => 0.5,
'bgColor' => 'black',
'cropImageWidth' => 600, //if ommited and added cropImageHeight width is calculated according to aspectRatio
- Then within the action method add the contain when you get the entity. (Only if you would like to display the saved photocrops).
$entity = $this->Users->get($this->request->session()->read('Auth.User.id'), ['contain' => ['Photocrops']]);
- To add the photocrop info and patch the resulting entity add this line right before the
// $entity is patched within the Component Photocrop
$entity = $this->Photocrop->preparePhotocropsAndPatchEntity($entity);
- Now you are ready to save this entity (no need to Patch it as it's already done).
After adding the database you need to set up the relations with those models that use Photocrops. (Only needed if we want to add a dependent relation)
$this->hasMany('PhotoCrop.Photocrops', ['dependent' => true]);
- In your view you do a call to the plugin element giving the data needed to adjust the required specifications (see below). It loads font-awesome v4.3, Jquery v1.11.2, JCrop v0.9.12 if not loaded already
echo $this->element('PhotoCrop.photocrop_input', [
'data' => [
'photocrop-type' => 'profile', //if there is only one type defined this can be ommited
'entity' => $entity, //to be added only if there is the need to display stored photocrops of this entity
'inputPhotocropLabel' => 'Ajouter une photo', //if ommited there will be no label
'inputPhotocropLabelClass' => 'photocrop_label', //only needed if there is label
'inputPhotocropClass' => 'form__input--photocrop', //this is the class by default
To display the images look for them within webroot/photocrops/{$entity->type}/{$entity->name}
(remove 'webroot' using $this->Html->image
Adding PhotoCrops plugin might mean that you need to modify a bit your test cases. You can easily point to the Photocrops fixtures file within the plugin.
public $fixtures = [
'Photocrops' => 'plugin.PhotoCrop.photocrops'
To pass the tests within the PhotoCrop plugin use the following:
vendor/bin/phpunit plugins/PhotoCrop/tests/TestCase/Controller/PhotocropsControllerTest.php