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Stake Wars Challenge 004

Published on: June 22 2020

Create a warchest of staked tokens, and dynamically maintain no more than one seat. This challenge is designed to learn how to monitor the minimum stake to become a validator, and dynamically manage your staking pool. Your achievement will be to control a liquid reserve of tokens, the warchest, that you can leverage if your validator risks to be kicked out from the current set for insufficient stake. Heads Up: After you complete the script, fill up this form:

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Monitor your stake
  2. Manage the seat price

1.Monitor your stake

Use near-cli or the validators method in the JSON RPC to query the validators state:

Action near-cli validators JSON RPC
current set (t0) near validators current result.current_validators
next set (t+1) near validators next result.next_validators
proposals (t+2) near proposals result.current_proposals

Where t0 is the current epoch, and t+n epochs in the future.

Monitor the current set of validators with near-cli


near validators current | awk '/<POOL_ID>/ {print $4}'

This command will generate a string with an integer in NEAR tokens, where:

  • near validators current is used to show the current set of validators
  • awk '/<POOL_ID> {print $4}' filters by POOL_ID, and prints an integer with its current stake

Monitor the current set with the RPC


curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -c '.result.current_validators[] | select(.account_id | contains ("<POOL_ID>"))' | jq .stake

This command query the JSON RPC with:

  • "method": "validators"
  • jq -c '.result.current_validators to visualize only the current set
  • select(.account_id | contains ("<POOL_ID>"))' to filter only <POOL_ID> from the results
  • jq .stake to filter again via jq the results and take only the total stake in YoctoNEAR

If compared with near-cli, this query provides a more accurate stake of the <POOL_ID>.

You can use similar filters to check if your pool will be in the next set or not:

Monitor the next set with near-cli

Use the command below to see if your node will lose its seat in the next epoch:

near validators next | grep "Kicked out" | grep "<POOL_ID>"

If the result is not empty, <POOL_ID> will not be in the next validators set, and will lose its seat.

Alternatively, you can use

near proposals | grep "Rollover" | grep "<POOL_ID>"

If this result is not empty, <POOL_ID> will be in the Rollover set, and will maintain the validator seat.

Monitor the next set with the JSON RPC:

Similar to the commands above, use

curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -c '.result.next_validators[] | select(.account_id | contains ("<POOL_ID>"))'

If the result is not empty, <POOL_ID> will be in the next validators set.

The RPC provides data on the previous epoch, to investigate the reason why a node is not in the current set:

curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -c '.result.prev_epoch_kickout[] | select(.account_id | contains ("<POOL_ID>"))' | jq .reason

Similar to the other command above above:

  • jq -c '.result.prev_epoch_kickout filters the previous epoch set kick out
  • jq .reason filters the reason, eg insufficient stake or insufficient number of blocks generated

Monitor the epoch progress

  • get the current block height
  • get the current epoch start

As an example, you can use the command

curl | jq .sync_info.latest_block_height

to return an integer of the current block height.

As of today, you can retrieve the epoch_start from the JSON RPC:

curl -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "validators", "id": "dontcare", "params": [null]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq .result.epoch_start_height

This query will generate an integer with the block number that started the current epoch

As a final step, estimate how many blocks are left in the current epoch by subtracting the latest_block_height from epoch_start_height + 10000.

Heads up: BetaNet, TestNet and MainNet have different epoch lengths:

Network Epoch Blocks
BetaNet 10,000
TestNet 43,200
MainNet 43,200

Monitor the seat price

Measure or calculate yourself the cost of a seat to become validator.

As an example, you may use near-cli to know:

  • the current epoch seat price with near validators current | awk '/price/ {print substr($6, 1, length($6)-2)}'
  • the next epoch seat price price with near validators next | awk '/price/ {print substr($7, 1, length($7)-2)}'
  • the estimated t+2 seat price with near proposals | awk '/price =/ {print substr($15, 1, length($15)-1)}'

2.Manage the seat price

This challenge is complete when you can dynamically adjust the locked balance of your staking pool, and maintain one seat.

You can use the commands stake and unstake with near shell, dynamically locking your funds:

near call <POOL_ID> stake '{"amount": "<STAKE_AMOUNT>"}' --accountId <WARCHEST_ID>


  • POOL_ID is the name of your staking pool
  • STAKE_AMOUNT is calculated from the data collected above
  • WARCHEST_ID is the account that you use to delegate funds to your pool

If your current stake provides two seats or more, your funds should be unstaked and held in the warchest balance.

To prove that your warchest is deployed, provide a list of 4 transactions that staked or unstaked funds based on the seat pric following these principles. Reply to this Form to receive 100,000 extra betanet tokens delegated to your pool and begin the challenge.

Heads up: we will run our monitoring scripts too, and will un-delegate the 100,000 tokens from your pool if:

  • you retain two or more seats for three epochs in a row
  • you retain two or more seats for 15 epochs in total

Overall, we suggest to use NEAR's delegated tokens as your main stake in the pool, and keep your own token reserves (earned from previous challenges and contributions) as liquid tokens within the pool. Once you are running your warchest, reply to the Issue #500 posting your accomplishment. Use also the same issue if we undelegated your funds, and you want to try again.

Contribution Opportunities

Heads Up: No more contributions are accepted, except the ones already posted on before October 2nd. You are free to add new ones without receiving token rewards!

Do you want to earn extra tokens? We have contribution opportunities available below!

Reply to the challenges application thread on Github specifying:

  • which contribution you want to do, and the link to this challenge
  • the type of document you will release
  • the date when you will publish the content (you can postpone a few days, no worries)

Once your work is done, you will be added to the list below. Please note that rewards in tokens will need to pass basic KYC checks from NEAR Foundation, and comply with regulations.

List of available contributions

Abstract Description Contributor Date Link NEAR Tokens Maintenance Language
Monitor the Stake Create a tutorial, in the form of a video, a blogpost or Github document, that shows how to monitor your stake, and the current seat price. The goal is to help users integrate this system with their monitoring platform, such as Grafana or Datadog. Updates to this guide, reflecting any updates of the tools involved, will be paid a % of the initial bounty per each revision, up to once per month, until Stake Wars is over. Contributions in other languages are encouraged, but considered case by case basis. @narniec Jun 23 2020 Medium 1,000 15% RU
Monitor the Stake Same as the above @masknetgoal634 Jun 26 2020 Github 1,000 15% EN
Monitor the Stake Same as the above @bonsfi Jul 21 2020 Medium 1,000 15% ES
Monitor the Stake Same as the above @youlaiwuqu Oct 1 2020 Github 1,000 15% CN
Monitor the Stake Same as the above @wjdfx Jul 7 2020 Jianshu 1,000 15% CN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @masknetgoal634 Jun 26 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Release a Warchest Bot, in your favorite programming language, capable to manage your validator seat and maintain its number to one. It doesn't have to be production-ready, but it should document how to install and run it. @48cfu Jun 28 2020 Github EN/Github IT 2,875 15% EN and IT
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @gaia Jun 29 2020 Github 2,500 10% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @eorituz Jul 1 2020 Github 2,500 10% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @imnisen Jul 6 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @WilliamGuozi Jul 21 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @minstr22 aug 28 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @denysk Sep 15 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @savelev1 Sep 16 2020 Github 2,500 15% RU/EN
Release the Warchest Bot Release the Warchest Bot, and have a Chinese usage description @crackerli sep 16 2020 Github 2,500 15% CN
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @youlaiwuqu Oct 1 2020 Github 2,500 15% CN
Release the warchest bot One script both as warchest and node monitor @majal Sep 16 2020 GitHub Gist 2,500 15% EN
Release the Warchest Bot Release the Warchest Bot with a Ukrainian usage description @rozum-dev sep 17 2020 Github 2,500 15% UA
Release the Warchest Bot Same as the above @marat586l( Oct 04 2020 Github 2,500 15% EN
Release the warchest bot One script both as warchest and node monitor @bonsfi Oct 1 2020 GitHub Gist 2,500 15% EN
Install and start warchest bot Explain installation, configuration and monitoring work of warchest bot by @eorituz. Process of obtaining results @everuner Aug 30 2020 Medium - - RU
Install and start warchest bot Same as the above @Cryptomilion Sep 19 2020 Medium - - UA

Next Challenge

Automatically deploy nearcore using a CI/CD pipeline: challenge005

Previous Challenge

Monitor your node health, and setup automated email alerts: challenge003