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File metadata and controls

56 lines (42 loc) · 2.11 KB


Gravity Missions Analysis Tool data ingestion and API


  • a running TimescaleDB instance
  • conda environment installed and activated
  • environment variables set
    export TSDB_HOST='localhost';
    export TSDB_PORT='5432';
    export TSDB_USER='postgres';
    export TSDB_PASSWORD='password';
    export TSDB_DATABASE='masschange';

Docker Quickstart (OUTDATED)

  1. Clone repository
  2. Build image with docker build -t masschange path/to/repository
  3. Ensure that input root directory exists and contains data
  4. Ensure that output root exists and is globally-writable (this will be removed as a requirement at some point)
  5. Run GRACE-FO sample data ingest with docker run -v path/to/input-data-root:/input -v path/to/output-data-root:/data masschange conda run -n masschange python /app/masschange/src/masschange/ingest/datasets/gracefo/ /input /data
  6. Confirm presence of ingested data in output root directory

Dev Quickstart


  • conda
  1. Clone repository
  2. Create conda env with conda env create --file ./environment.yml
  3. Activate conda env with conda activate masschange
  4. Install editable masschange package with pip install -e /app/masschange
  5. Run ingestion on GRACE-FO data location with python ./masschange/ingest/datasets/gracefo/ --dataset GRACEFO_ACC1A --src path/to/input_data_root (add --zipped if data is in tarballs)

To update existing conda environment

  1. Edit ./environment.yml
  2. Activate conda env with conda activate masschange
  3. Update env with conda env update --file ./environment.yml --prune


Ingest and dataset implementations

Run functional and unit tests from repository root with

PYTHONPATH='./src' && python -m unittest discover

A test database named masschange_functional_tests will be created, written to, and deleted during functional test execution.

API tests

API operational tests are provided by starlette and may be run from the repository root with

pytest path/to/src/masschange/api/tests