Copy the python scripts "", "", "", "", "", "" to a directory under your machine's environmental variables $PATH and $PYTHONPATH, so that these scripts can be run anywhere on the machine.
- First install ISCE2 (
- When installing ISCE v2.4+, autoRIFT (and Geogrid) will be installed automatically as a bundled package under contrib/geo_autoRIFT, so one can ignore the rest of the installation notes
- For manually installing autoRIFT/Geogrid within ISCE, put the "geo_autoRIFT" folder and the "Sconscript" file under the "contrib" folder that is one level down ISCE's source directory (denoted as "isce-version"; where you started installing ISCE), i.e. "isce-version/contrib/" (see the snapshot below)
- Run "scons install" again from ISCE's source directory "isce-version" using command line, which will install the "autoRIFT" module as well as the "Geogrid" module (
1) Manual Install:
- this option does not rely on ISCE so it cannot process radar images as the above install option does; rather, it can only handle optical Cartesian-coordinate images
- Put the "geo_autoRIFT" folder and the "" file under some source directory (see the snapshot below)
- Run "python3 install" or "sudo python3 install" (if the previous failed due to permission restriction) using command line, which should install the "autoRIFT" module as well as the "Geogrid" module (
- The standalone version only supports Cartesian coordinate imagery. However, if the above "With ISCE" version is installed independently, the standalone version can also support radar coordinate imagery.
- If the modules cannot be imported in Python environment, please make sure the path where these modules are installed (see "") to be added to the environmental variable $PYTHONPATH.
2) Conda Install:
- The source code "geo_autoRIFT" folder can also be installed via conda-forge channels. Please follow the instructions on the following page (with no more than three command lines):