Updating the form below will recalculate an estimate for the resources you can use to configure your Sourcegraph deployment.
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- The estimator does not support instances with more than 50,000 users or 5,000,000 repositories.
- For docker-compose deployments, edit your docker-compose.yml file and set cpus and mem_limit to the limits shown above.
- For Helm deployments, create an override file (or update your existing override file) with the new values shown above.
- For non-Helm Kubernetes deployments, we recommend using Kustomize to generate manifests with the values shown above. Please refer to our Kustomize overlay for resources update for detail.
- (Deprecated) Engagement rate refers to the percentage of users who use Sourcegraph regularly. It is generally used for existing deployments to estimate resources.
- Repository permissions on Sourcegraph can have a noticeable impact on search performance if you have a large number of users and/or repositories on your code host. We suggest setting your authorization ttl values as high as you are comfortable setting it in order to reduce the chance of this (e.g. to 72h) in the repository permission configuration.
- See our docs on Persistent data backup in Kubernetes for more detail.