We welcome contributions to PriorDB, we rely on contributions from the community to keep the database up-to-date and accurate.
If you encounter any error or typo in PriorDB, please report an issue to our issue tracker. Please check if the issue has already been reported before creating a new one.
Pull requests are welcome for all types of contributions to PriorDB. In particular, we are looking for contributions in the following areas:
- Adding new priors: Please make sure to include a citation for the prior.
- Improving existing priors: Including errors you want to fix or additional information to complement the existing content.
- Adding example code: We are looking to include example code for each prior in different languages, code in Stan, PyMC and other probabilistic programming languages is welcome.
If you would like to contribute to PriorDB with a pull request (PR), please follow these steps:
- Check that there is not an open PR for the issue you would like to work on.
- Check that there is not an open issue for the issue you would like to work on. If there is an open issue, please comment on it to let us know you would like to work on it.
- If the change is a small one, you can directly do a PR. If the change is a large one, please first submit an issue describing what you want to change and how you plan to do it.
- When opening the PR, please make sure to include a detailed description of the changes you made and the issue you are addressing. If you are unsure about how to do a PR, please refer to the GitHub documentation.