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Table of Contents

Day 1

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 1 is a pretty straightforward functional programming sort of pipeline.

The first part is just a sum:

day01a :: [Int] -> Int
day01a = sum

The second part is a little tricker, but we can get a list of running sums with scanl (+) 0. We need to find the first repeated item in that list of running totals. We can do this using explicit recursion down the linked list:

import qualified Data.Set as S

firstRepeated :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
firstRepeated = go S.empty
    go seen (x:xs)
      | x `S.member` seen = Just x                      -- this is it, chief
      | otherwise         = go (x `S.insert` seen) xs   -- we have to look furhter

And so then we have our full pipeline. We do need to remember to loop the input list infinitely by using cycle.

day01b :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
day01b = firstRepeated . scanl (+) 0 . cycle

We do need a parser, and we can leverage readMaybe:

parseItem :: String -> Maybe Int
parseItem = readMaybe . filter (/= '+')

parseList :: String -> Maybe [Int]
parseList = traverse parseItem . lines

One small extra bonus note --- as a Haskeller, we are always taught to be afraid of explicit recursion. So, the implementation of firstRepeated is a little unsettling. We can write it using a catamorphism instead, from the recursion-schemes library:

firstRepeated :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
firstRepeated xs = cata go xs S.empty
    go  :: ListF Int (Set Int -> Maybe Int)
        -> Set Int
        -> Maybe Int
    go Nil _              = Nothing
    go (Cons x searchRest) seen
      | x `S.member` seen = Just x                          -- this is it, chief
      | otherwise         = searchRest (x `S.insert` seen)  -- we have to look further

cata wraps up a very common sort of recursion, so we can safely write our firstRepeated as a non-recursive function.

Day 1 Benchmarks

>> Day 01a
time                 1.764 μs   (1.755 μs .. 1.780 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 1.761 μs   (1.757 μs .. 1.767 μs)
std dev              18.92 ns   (12.17 ns .. 27.60 ns)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 01b
time                 105.0 ms   (103.4 ms .. 106.5 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 104.8 ms   (104.3 ms .. 105.5 ms)
std dev              997.9 μs   (729.8 μs .. 1.348 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 2

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 2 part 1 works out nicely in a functional paradigm because it can be seen as just building a couple of frequency tables.

I often use this function to generate a frequency table of values in a list:

import qualified Data.Map as M

freqs :: [a] -> Map a Int
freqs = M.fromListWith (+) . map (,1)

Day 2 part 1 is then to:

  1. Build a frequency map for chars for each line
  2. Aggregate all of the seen frequencies in each line
  3. Build a frequency map of the seen frequencies
  4. Look up how often freq 2 and freq 3 occurred, and then multiply

So we have:

day02a :: [String] -> Maybe Int
day02a = mulTwoThree
       . freqs
       . concatMap (nubOrd . M.elems . freqs)

mulTwoThree :: Map Int Int -> Maybe Int
mulTwoThree mp = (*) <$> M.lookup 2 mp <*> M.lookup 3 mp

Part 2 for this day is pretty much the same as Part 2 for day 1, only instead of finding the first item that has already been seen, we find the first item who has any neighbors who had already been seen.

import           Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Set as S

firstNeighbor :: [String] -> Maybe (String, String)
firstNeighbor = go S.empty
    go seen (x:xs) = case find (`S.member` seen) (neighbors x) of
        Just n  -> Just (x, n)
        Nothing -> go (x `S.insert` seen) xs
    go _ [] = Nothing

neighbors :: String -> [String]
neighbors xs = [ xs & ix i .~ newChar
               | i       <- [0 .. length xs - 1]
               | newChar <- ['a'..'z']

firstNeighbor will return the first item who has a neighbor that has already been seen, along with that neighbor.

The answer we need to return is the common letters between the two strings, so we can write a function to only keep common letters between two strings:

onlySame :: String -> String -> String
onlySame xs = catMaybes . zipWith (\x y -> x <$ guard (x == y)) xs

-- > onlySame "abcd" "abed" == "abd"

And that's pretty much the entire pipeline:

day02a :: [String] -> Maybe String
day02a = fmap (uncurry onlySame) . firstNeighbor

Parsing is just lines :: String -> [String], which splits a string on lines.

Day 2 Benchmarks

>> Day 02a
time                 664.3 μs   (657.3 μs .. 677.1 μs)
                     0.995 R²   (0.988 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 667.8 μs   (658.2 μs .. 692.0 μs)
std dev              47.83 μs   (20.72 μs .. 79.86 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 61% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 02b
time                 48.43 ms   (43.69 ms .. 53.49 ms)
                     0.980 R²   (0.964 R² .. 0.993 R²)
mean                 46.10 ms   (44.03 ms .. 50.23 ms)
std dev              5.531 ms   (3.446 ms .. 7.711 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 48% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 3

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 3 brings back one of my favorite data structures in Haskell -- Map (Int, Int)! It's basically a sparse grid. It maps coordinates to values at each coordinate.

We're going to use V2 Int (from linear) instead of (Int, Int) (they're the same thing), because we get to use the overloaded + operator to do point-wise addition. Let's also define a rectangle specification and claim record type to keep things clean:

type Coord = V2 Int

data Rect = R { rStart :: Coord
              , rSize  :: Coord

data Claim = C { cId   :: Int
               , cRect :: Rect

Now, we want to make a function that, given a rectangle, produces a list of every coordinate in that rectangle. We can take advantage of range from Data.Ix, which enumerates all coordinates between two corners:

tiles :: Rect -> [Coord]
tiles (R start size) = range (topLeft, bottomRight)
    topLeft     = start
    bottomRight = start + size - 1          -- V2 has a Num instance

Now we can stake all of the claims and lay all of the tiles down into a Map Coord Int, a frequency map of coordinates that have been claimed (and how many times they have been claimed):

layTiles :: [Rect] -> Map Coord Int
layTiles = freqs . concatMap tiles

(Reusing freqs from Day 2)

From there, we need to count how many frequencies we observe are greater than 1. We can do that by filtering and counting how many are left.

import qualified Data.Map as M

day03a :: [Rect] -> Int
day03a = length . filter (>= 2) . M.elems . layTiles

For day03, we can use find to search our list of claims by id's, [(Int, Rect)] and find any claim that is completely non-overlapping.

We can check if a claim is non-overlapping or not by checking our map of staked tiles and making sure that every square in the claim has exactly frequency 1.

noOverlap :: Map Coord Int -> Rect -> Bool
noOverlap tilesClaimed r = all isAlone (tiles r)
    isAlone c = M.lookup c tilesClaimed == Just 1

And that's our Part 2:

day03b :: [Claim] -> Maybe Int
day03b ts = cId <$> find (noOverlap stakes . cRect) ts
    stakes = layTiles (map snd ts)

Parsing for this one is a little tricky, but we can get away with just clearing out all non-digit characters and using words to split up a string into its constituent words, and readMaybe to read each one.

parseLine :: String -> Maybe Claim
parseLine = mkLine
          . mapMaybe readMaybe
          . words
          . map onlyDigits
    mkLine [i,x0,y0,w,h] = Just $ Claim i (R (V2 x0 y0) (V2 w h))
    mkLine _             = Nothing
    onlyDigits c
      | isDigit c = c
      | otherwise = ' '

Day 3 Benchmarks

>> Day 03a
time                 352.3 ms   (310.9 ms .. 394.5 ms)
                     0.997 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 377.8 ms   (362.4 ms .. 405.6 ms)
std dev              26.96 ms   (2.181 ms .. 33.32 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 20% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 03b
time                 337.7 ms   (305.2 ms .. 379.3 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.984 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 331.0 ms   (321.0 ms .. 342.8 ms)
std dev              14.60 ms   (9.826 ms .. 18.05 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 16% (moderately inflated)

Day 4

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 4 was fun because it's something that, on the surface, sounds like it requires a state machine to run through a stateful log and accumulate a bunch of time sheets.

However, if we think of the log as just a stream of tokens, we can look at at it as parsing this stream of tokens into time sheets -- no state or mutation required.

First, the types at play:

type Minute = Finite 60

type TimeCard = Map Minute Int

data Time = T { _tYear   :: Integer
              , _tMonth  :: Integer
              , _tDay    :: Integer
              , _tHour   :: Finite 24
              , _tMinute :: Minute
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

newtype Guard = G { _gId :: Int }
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

data Action = AShift Guard
            | ASleep
            | AWake

Note that we have a bunch of "integer-like" quantities going on: the year/month/day/hour/minute, the guard ID, and the "frequency" in the TimeCard frequency map. Just to help us accidentally not mix things up (like I personally did many times), we'll make them all different types. A Minute is a Finite 60 (Finite 60, from the finite-typelits library, is a type that is basically the integers limited from 0 to 59). Our hours are Finite 24. Our Guard ID will be a newtype Guard, just so we don't accidentally mix it up with other types.

Now, after parsing our input, we have a Map Time Action: a map of times to actions committed at that time. The fact that we store it in a Map ensures that the log items are ordered and unique.

We now essentially want to parse a stream of (Time, Action) pairs into a Map Guard TimeCard: A map of TimeCards indexed by the guard that has that time card.

To do that, we'll use the parsec library, which lets us parse over streams of arbitrary token type. Our parser type will take a (Time, Action) stream:

import qualified Text.Parsec as P

type Parser = P.Parsec [(Time, Action)] ()

A Parser Blah will be a parser that, given a stream of (Time, Action) pairs, will aggregate them into a value of type Blah.

Turning our stream into a Map Guard TimeCard is now your standard run-of-the-mill parser combinator program.

-- | We define a nap as an `ASleep` action followed by an `AWake` action.  The
-- result is a list of minutes slept.
nap :: Parser [Minute]
nap = do
    (T _ _ _ _ m0, ASleep) <- P.anyToken
    (T _ _ _ _ m1, AWake ) <- P.anyToken
    pure [m0 .. m1 - 1]     -- we can do this because m0 < m1 always in the
                            --   input data.

-- | We define a a guard's shift as a `AShift g` action, followed by
-- "many" naps.  The result is a list of minutes slept along with the ID of the
-- guard that slept them.
guardShift :: Parser (Guard, [Minute])
guardShift = do
    (_, AShift g) <- P.anyToken
    napMinutes    <- concat <$> many (P.try nap)
    pure (g, napMinutes)

-- | A log stream is many guard shifts. The result is the accumulation of all
-- of those shifts into a massive `Map Guard [Minute]` map, but turning all of
-- those [Minutes] into a frequency map instead by using `fmap freqs`.
buildTimeCards :: Parser (Map Guard TimeCard)
buildTimeCards = do
    shifts <- M.fromListWith (++) <$> many guardShift
    pure (fmap freqs shifts)

We re-use the handy freqs :: Ord a => [a] -> Map a Int function, to build a frequency map, from Day 2.

We can run a parser on our [(Time, Action)] stream by using P.parse :: Parser a -> [(Time, Action)] -> SourceName -> Either ParseError a.

The rest of the challenge involves "the X with the biggest Y" situations, which all boil down to "The key-value pair with the biggest some property of value".

We can abstract over this by writing a function that will find the key-value pair with the biggest some property of value:

import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE

    :: (a -> a -> Ordring)  -- ^ function to compare values
    -> Map k a
    -> Maybe (k, a)         -- ^ biggest key-value pair, using comparator function
maximumValBy c = fmap (maximumBy (c `on` snd)) . NE.nonEmpty . M.toList

-- | Get the key-value pair with highest value
maximumVal :: Ord a => Map k a -> Maybe (k, a)
maximumVal = maximumValBy compare

We use fmap (maximumBy ...) . NE.nonEmpty as basically a "safe maximum", allowing us to return Nothing in the case that the map was empty. This works because NE.nonEmpty will return Nothing if the list was empty, and Just otherwise...meaning that maximumBy is safe since it is never given to a non-empty list.

The rest of the challenge is just querying this Map Guard TimeCard using some rather finicky applications of the predicates specified by the challenge. Luckily we have our safe types to keep us from mixing up different concepts by accident.

eitherToMaybe :: Either e a -> Maybe a
eitherToMaybe = either (const Nothing) Just

day04a :: Map Time Action -> Maybe Int
day04a logs = do
    -- build time cards
    timeCards               <- eitherToMaybe $ P.parse buildTimeCards "" (M.toList logs)
    -- get the worst guard/time card pair, by finding the pair with the
    --   highest total minutes slept
    (worstGuard , timeCard) <- maximumValBy (comparing sum) timeCards
    -- get the minute in the time card with the highest frequency
    (worstMinute, _       ) <- maximumVal timeCard
    -- checksum
    pure $ _gId worstGuard * fromIntegral worstMinute

day04b :: Map Time Action -> Maybe Int
day04b logs = do
    -- build time cards
    timeCards                      <- eitherToMaybe $ P.parse buildTimeCards "" (M.toList logs)
    -- build a map of guards to their most slept minutes
    let worstMinutes :: Map Guard (Minute, Int)
        worstMinutes = M.mapMaybe maximumVal timeCards
    -- find the guard with the highest most-slept-minute
    (worstGuard, (worstMinute, _)) <- maximumValBy (comparing snd) worstMinutes
    -- checksum
    pure $ _gId worstGuard * fromIntegral worstMinute

Like I said, these are just some complicated queries, but they are a direct translation of the problem prompt. The real interesting part is the building of the time cards, I think! And not necessarily the querying part.

Parsing, again, can be done by stripping the lines of spaces and using words and readMaybes. We can use packFinite :: Integer -> Maybe (Finite n) to get our hours and minutes into the Finite type that T expects.

parseLine :: String -> Maybe (Time, Action)
parseLine str = do
    [y,mo,d,h,mi] <- traverse readMaybe timeStamp
    t             <- T y mo d <$> packFinite h <*> packFinite mi
    a             <- case rest of
      "falls":"asleep":_ -> Just ASleep
      "wakes":"up":_     -> Just AWake
      "Guard":n:_        -> AShift . G <$> readMaybe n
      _                  -> Nothing
    pure (t, a)
    (timeStamp, rest) = splitAt 5
                      . words
                      . clearOut (not . isAlphaNum)
                      $ str

Day 4 Benchmarks

>> Day 04a
time                 15.29 ms   (13.97 ms .. 17.26 ms)
                     0.952 R²   (0.911 R² .. 0.989 R²)
mean                 15.37 ms   (14.92 ms .. 16.43 ms)
std dev              1.728 ms   (1.326 ms .. 2.424 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 53% (severely inflated)

>> Day 04b
time                 13.98 ms   (13.65 ms .. 14.39 ms)
                     0.989 R²   (0.969 R² .. 0.997 R²)
mean                 13.53 ms   (13.14 ms .. 13.95 ms)
std dev              983.1 μs   (660.8 μs .. 1.520 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 33% (moderately inflated)

Day 5

Prompt / Code / Rendered

My write-up for this is actually [on my blog, here][d05b]! It involves my group theory/free group/group homomorphism based solution. That's my main reflection, but I also had a method that I wrote before, that I would still like to preserve.

So, preserved here was my original solution involving funkcyCons and foldr:

One of the first higher-order functions you learn about in Haskill is foldr, which is like a "skeleton transformation" of a list.

That's because in Haskell, a (linked) list is one of two constructors: nil ([]) or cons (:). The list [1,2,3] is really 1:(2:(3:[])).

foldr f z is a function that takes a list replaces all :s with f, and []s with zs:

          [1,2,3] = 1  :  (2  :  (3  :  []))
foldr f z [1,2,3] = 1 `f` (2 `f` (3 `f` z ))

This leads to one of the most famous identities in Haskell: foldr (:) [] xs = xs. That's because if we go in and replace all (:)s with (:), and replace all []s with []... we get back the original list!

But something we can also do is give foldr a "custom cons". A custom cons that will go in place of the normal cons.

This problem is well-suited for such a custom cons: instead of normal (:), we'll write a custom cons that respects the rules of reaction: we can't have two "anti-letters" next to each other:

anti :: Char -> Char -> Bool
anti x y = toLower x == toLower y && x /= y

funkyCons :: Char -> String -> String
x `funkyCons` (y:xs)
    | anti x y  = xs
    | otherwise = x:y:xs
x `funkyCons` []     = [x]

So, foldr funkyCons [] will go through a list and replace all (:) (cons) with funkyCons, which will "bubble up" the reaction.

So, that's just the entire part 1!

day05a :: String -> Int
day05a = length . foldr funkyCons []

For part 2 we can just find the minimum length after trying out every character.

day05b :: String -> Int
day05b xs = minimum [ length $ foldr funkyCons [] (remove c xs)
                    | c <- ['a' .. 'z']
    remove c = filter ((/= c) . toLower)

(Note that in the actual input, there is a trailing newline, so in practice we have to strip it from the input.)

Day 5 Benchmarks

>> Day 05a
time                 19.59 ms   (19.16 ms .. 20.18 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.986 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 19.76 ms   (19.47 ms .. 20.23 ms)
std dev              820.0 μs   (509.1 μs .. 1.093 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 13% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 05b
time                 88.26 ms   (83.86 ms .. 91.77 ms)
                     0.997 R²   (0.991 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 88.37 ms   (87.20 ms .. 90.73 ms)
std dev              2.997 ms   (1.642 ms .. 4.574 ms)

Day 6

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 6 Part 1 has us build a Voronoi Diagram, and inspect properties of it. Again, it's all very functional already, since we just need, basically:

  1. A function to get a voronoi diagram from a set of points
  2. A function to query the diagram for properties we care about

Along the way, types will help us write our programs, because we constantly will be asking the compiler for "what could go here" sort of things; it'll also prevent us from putting the wrong pieces together!

We're going to leverage the linear library again, for its V2 Int type for our points. It has a very useful Num and Foldable instance, which we can use to write our distance function:

type Point = V2 Int

distance :: Point -> Point -> Int
distance x y = sum $ abs (x - y)

We're going to be representing our voronoi diagram using a Map Point Point: a map of points to the location of the "Site" they are assigned to.

We can generate such a map by getting a Set Point (a set of all points within our area of interest) and using M.fromSet :: (Point -> Point) -> Set Point -> Map Point Point, to assign a Site to each point.

First, we build a bounding box so don't need to generate an infinite map. The boundingBox function will take a non-empty list of points (from Data.List.NonEmpty) and return a V2 Point, which the lower-left and upper-right corners of our bounding box.

We need to iterate through the whole list and accumulate the minimum and maximums of x and y. We can do it all in one pass by taking advantage of the (Semigroup a, Semigroup b) => Semigroup (a, b) instance, the Min and Max newtype wrappers to give us the appropriate semigroups, and using foldMap1 :: Semigroup m => (a -> m) -> NonEmpty a -> m:

import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import           Data.Semigroup.Foldable

type Box = V2 Point

boundingBox :: NonEmpty Point -> Box
boundingBox ps = V2 xMin yMin `V2` V2 xMax yMax
    (Min xMin, Min yMin, Max xMax, Max yMax) = flip foldMap1 ps $ \(V2 x y) ->
        (Min x, Min y, Max x, Max y)

(Note that we can just use foldMap, because Min and Max have a Monoid instance because Int is bounded. But that's no fun! And besides, what if we had used Integer?)

(Also note that this could potentially blow up the stack, because tuples in Haskell are lazy. If we cared about performance, we'd use a strict tuple type instead of the lazy tuple. In this case, since we only have on the order of a few thousand points, it's not a huge deal)

Next, we write a function that, given a non-empty set of sites and a point we wish to label, return the label (site location) of that point.

We do this by making a NonEmpty (Point, Int) dists that pair up sites to the distance between that site and the point.

We need now to find the minimum distance in that NonEmpty. But not only that, we need to find the unique minimum, or return Nothing if we don't have a unique minimum.

To do this, we can use NE.head . NE.groupWith1 snd . NE.sortWith snd. This will sort the NonEmpty on the second item (the distance Int), which puts all of the minimal distances in the front. NE.groupWith1 snd will then group together the pairs with matching distances, moving all of the minimal distance to the first item in the list. Then we use the total NE.head to get the first item: the non-empty list with the minimal distances.

Then we can pattern match on (closestSite, minDist) :| [] to prove that this "first list" has exactly one item, so the minimum is unique.

    :: NonEmpty Point     -- ^ set of sites
    -> Point              -- ^ point to label
    -> Maybe Point        -- ^ the label, if unique
labelVoronoi sites p = do
    (closestSite, _) :| [] <- Just
                            . NE.head
                            . NE.groupWith1 snd
                            . NE.sortWith snd
                            $ dists
    pure closestSite
    dists                  = sites <&> \site -> (site, distance p site)

Once we have our voronoi diagram Map Point Point (map of points to nearest-site locations), we can use our freqs :: [Point] -> Map Point Int function that we've used many times to get a Map Point Int, or a map from Site points to Frequencies --- essentially a map of Sites to the total area of the cells assigned to them. The problem asks us what the size of the largest cell is, so that's the same as asking for the largest frequency, maximum.

queryVoronoi :: Map Point Point -> Int
queryVeronoi = maximum . freqs . M.elems

One caveat: we need to ignore cells that are "infinite". To that we can create the set of all Sitse that touch the border, and then filter out all points in the map that are associated with a Site that touches the border.

cleanVoronoi :: Box -> Map Point Point -> Map Point Point
cleanVoronoi (V2 (V2 xMin yMin) (V2 xMax yMax)) voronoi =
                  M.filter (`S.notMember` edges) voronoi
    edges = S.fromList
          . mapMaybe (\(point, site) -> site <$ guard (onEdge point))
          . M.toList
          $ voronoi
    onEdge (V2 x y) = or [ x == xMin, x == xMax, y == yMin, y == yMax ]

We turn edges into a Set (instead of just a list) because of the fast S.notMember function, to check if a Site ID is in the set of edge-touching ID's.

Finally, we need to get a function from a bounding box Box to [Point]: all of the points in that bounding box. Luckily, this is exactly what the Ix instance of V2 Int gets us:

import qualified Data.Ix as Ix

bbPoints :: Box -> [Point]
bbPoints (V2 mins maxs) = Ix.range (mins, maxs)

And so Part 1 is:

day06a :: NonEmpty Point -> Int
day06a sites = queryVoronoi cleaned
    bb      = boundingBox sites
    voronoi = catMaybes
            . M.fromSet (labelVoronoi sites)
            . S.fromList
            $ bbPoints bb
    cleaned = cleanVoronoi bb voronoi

Basically, a series of somewhat complex queries (translated straight from the prompt) on a voronoi diagram generated by a set of points.

Part 2 is much simpler; it's just filtering for all the points that have a given function, and then counting how many points there are.

day06b :: NonEmpty Point -> Int
day06b sites = length
             . filter ((< 10000) . totalDist)
             . bbPoints
             . boundingBox
             $ sites
    totalDist p = sum $ distance p <$> sites
  1. Get the bounding box with boundingBox
  2. Generate all of the points in that bounding box with bbPoints
  3. Filter those points for just those where their totalDist is less than 10000
  4. Find the number of such points

Another situation where the Part 2 is much simpler than Part 1 :)

Our parser isn't too complicated; it's similar to the parsers from the previous parts:

parseLine :: String -> Maybe Point
parseLine = (packUp =<<)
          . traverse readMaybe
          . words
          . clearOut (not . isDigit)
    packUp [x,y] = Just $ V2 x y
    packUp _     = Nothing

Day 6 Benchmarks

>> Day 06a
time                 357.1 ms   (266.7 ms .. 474.3 ms)
                     0.983 R²   (0.979 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 342.2 ms   (320.2 ms .. 364.1 ms)
std dev              25.62 ms   (21.74 ms .. 28.96 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 21% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 06b
time                 83.35 ms   (81.71 ms .. 88.06 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.984 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 82.90 ms   (81.98 ms .. 86.21 ms)
std dev              2.605 ms   (400.7 μs .. 4.282 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 7

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 7 Benchmarks

>> Day 07a
Input file not found at data/07.txt
Error contacting Advent of Code server to fetch input
Possible invalid session key
Server response: FailureResponse (Request {requestPath = (BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Https, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 443, baseUrlPath = ""},"/2018/day/7/input"), requestQueryString = fromList [], requestBody = Nothing, requestAccept = fromList [text/plain], requestHeaders = fromList [], requestHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, requestMethod = "GET"}) (Response {responseStatusCode = Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = "Bad Request"}, responseHeaders = fromList [("Date","Thu, 02 Dec 2021 04:58:20 GMT"),("Content-Type","text/plain"),("Transfer-Encoding","chunked"),("Connection","keep-alive"),("Server","Apache"),("Server-Ip",""),("Set-Cookie","session=;; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure"),("Strict-Transport-Security","max-age=300")], responseHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, responseBody = "Puzzle inputs differ by user.  Please log in to get your puzzle input.\n"})
>> Day 07b
Input file not found at data/07.txt
Error contacting Advent of Code server to fetch input
Possible invalid session key
Server response: FailureResponse (Request {requestPath = (BaseUrl {baseUrlScheme = Https, baseUrlHost = "", baseUrlPort = 443, baseUrlPath = ""},"/2018/day/7/input"), requestQueryString = fromList [], requestBody = Nothing, requestAccept = fromList [text/plain], requestHeaders = fromList [], requestHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, requestMethod = "GET"}) (Response {responseStatusCode = Status {statusCode = 400, statusMessage = "Bad Request"}, responseHeaders = fromList [("Date","Thu, 02 Dec 2021 04:58:24 GMT"),("Content-Type","text/plain"),("Transfer-Encoding","chunked"),("Connection","keep-alive"),("Server","Apache"),("Server-Ip",""),("Set-Cookie","session=;; Expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure"),("Strict-Transport-Security","max-age=300")], responseHttpVersion = HTTP/1.1, responseBody = "Puzzle inputs differ by user.  Please log in to get your puzzle input.\n"})

Day 8

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Another nice one for Haskell! We're just parsing a stream of Ints here :)

import qualified Text.Parsec    as P

type Parser = P.Parsec [Int] ()

with a Parsec [Int] (), it means that our "tokens" are Int. That means P.anyToken :: Parser Int will pop the next Int from the stream.

Our Day 1 will be the sum1, which will parse a stream of Ints into the sum of all the metadatas.

sum1 :: Parser Int
sum1 = do
    numChild <- P.anyToken
    numMeta  <- P.anyToken
    childs   <- sum <$> replicateM numChild sum1
    metas    <- sum <$> replicateM numMeta  P.anyToken
    pure $ childs + metas

And so part 1 is:

day01a :: [Int] -> Int
day01a xs = fromRight 0 . P.parse sum1 ""

Part 2 is similar. Again, we parse a stream of ints into a sum:

sum2 :: Parser Int
sum2 = do
    numChild <- P.anyToken
    numMeta  <- P.anyToken
    childs   <- replicateM numChild sum2
    metas    <- replicateM numMeta  P.anyToken
    pure $ if null childs
      then sum metas
      else sum . mapMaybe (\i -> childs ^? ix (i - 1)) $ metas

I'm using xs ^? ix i (from lens) as a "safe indexing", that returns Maybe a. We need to remember to index into i - 1 because our indexing starts at one!

And so part 2 is:

day02a :: [Int] -> Int
day02a = fromRight 0 . P.parse sum1 ""

We can get a list of [Int] from a string input using map read . words.

Day 8 Benchmarks

>> Day 08a
time                 4.929 ms   (4.859 ms .. 5.015 ms)
                     0.994 R²   (0.983 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 4.872 ms   (4.810 ms .. 5.000 ms)
std dev              238.5 μs   (143.0 μs .. 412.6 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 28% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 08b
time                 1.849 ms   (1.801 ms .. 1.918 ms)
                     0.991 R²   (0.979 R² .. 0.998 R²)
mean                 1.820 ms   (1.787 ms .. 1.852 ms)
std dev              110.6 μs   (74.26 μs .. 155.2 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 44% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 9

Prompt / Code / Rendered

And today features the re-introduction of an Advent of Code staple: the (circular) tape/zipper! I used this data structure last year for days 5, 17, 18 and 23, and I consider them near and dear to my heart as Advent of Code data structures :)

Last year, I wrote my own implementations on the spot, but since then I've come to appreciate the pointed-list library. A circular tape is a circular data structure with a "focus" that you can move back and forth in. This is the data structure that implements exactly what the challenge talks about! It's linear-time on "moving the focus", and constant-time on insertions and deletions.

The center of everything is the place function, which takes a number to place and a tape to place it in, and returns an updated tape with the "score" accumulated for that round.

We see that it is mostly a straightforward translation of the problem statement. If x is a multiple of 23, then we move 7 spaces to the left, and return the resulting tape with the item deleted. The score is the deleted item plus x. Otherwise, we just move 2 spaces to the right and insert x, with a score of 0.

    :: Int                       -- ^ number to place
    -> PointedList Int           -- ^ tape
    -> (Int, PointedList Int)    -- ^ resulting tape, and scored points
place x l
    | x `mod` 23 == 0
    = let l'       = PL.moveN (-7) l
          toAdd    = _focus l'
      in  (toAdd + x, fromJust (PL.deleteRight l'))
    | otherwise
    = (0, (PL.insertLeft x . PL.moveN 2) l)

We wrap it all up with a run function, which is a strict fold over a list of (currentPlayer, itemToPlace) pairs, accumulating a (scorecard, tape) state (our scorecard will be a vector where each index is a different player's score). At each step, we place, and use the result to update our scorecard and tape. The lens library offers some nice tool for incrementing a given index of a vector.

    :: Int                  -- ^ number of players
    -> Int                  -- ^ Max # of piece
    -> V.Vector Int
run numPlayers maxPiece = fst
                        . foldl' go (V.replicate numPlayers 0, PL.singleton 0)
                        $ zip players toInsert
    go (!scores, !tp) (!player, !x) = (scores & ix player +~ pts, tp')
        (pts, tp') = place x tp
    players  = (`mod` numPlayers) <$> [0 ..]
    toInsert = [1..maxPiece]

And that's it! The answer is just the maximal score in the final score vector:

day09a :: Int -> Int -> Int
day09a numPlayers maxPiece = V.maximum (run numPlayers maxPiece)

day09b :: Int -> Int -> Int
day09b numPlayers maxPiece = V.maximum (run numPlayers (maxPiece * 100))

From this naive implementation, Part 1 takes, and Part 2 takes 4.5s.

Day 9 Benchmarks

>> Day 09a
time                 48.10 ms   (43.29 ms .. 55.00 ms)
                     0.963 R²   (0.916 R² .. 0.997 R²)
mean                 46.84 ms   (44.99 ms .. 50.53 ms)
std dev              4.997 ms   (1.566 ms .. 6.993 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 41% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 09b
time                 6.997 s    (2.875 s .. 11.89 s)
                     0.923 R²   (0.902 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 5.830 s    (4.820 s .. 6.585 s)
std dev              1.042 s    (290.2 ms .. 1.293 s)
variance introduced by outliers: 47% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 10

Prompt / Code / Rendered

I originally did this by running a simulation, parting the velocity and points into two lists and using zipWith (+) for the simulation. However, I found a much nicer closed-form version that [I wrote about in my blog][d10b]!

Day 10 Benchmarks

>> Day 10a
time                 74.62 μs   (72.83 μs .. 79.00 μs)
                     0.987 R²   (0.967 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 79.63 μs   (75.90 μs .. 91.32 μs)
std dev              21.99 μs   (11.81 μs .. 38.03 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 97% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 10b
time                 27.54 μs   (26.86 μs .. 28.97 μs)
                     0.991 R²   (0.982 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 27.77 μs   (27.17 μs .. 29.87 μs)
std dev              3.265 μs   (1.773 μs .. 6.063 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 88% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 11

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 11 is a nice opportunity to demonstrate dynamic programming in a purely functional language like Haskell.

Once we define a function to get a power level based on a serial number:

type Point = V2 Int

powerLevel :: Int -> Point -> Int
powerLevel sid (V2 x y) = hun ((rid * y + sid) * rid) - 5
    hun = (`mod` 10) . (`div` 100)
    rid = x + 10

We can create a Map of of Point to power level, by creating the set of all points (using range from Data.Ix) and using M.fromSet with a function.

mkMap :: Int -> Map Point Int
mkMap i = M.fromSet (powerLevel i)
        . S.fromList
        $ range (V2 1 1, V2 300 300)

Now, both Part 1 and Part 2 involve finding sums of contiguous squares in the input. One popular way to do this quickly for many different sums is to build a [summed-area table][]

summedAreaTable :: Map Point Int -> Map Point Int
summedAreaTable mp = force sat
    sat = M.mapWithKey go mp
    go p0 v = (+ v) . sum . catMaybes $
      [ negate <$> M.lookup (p0 - V2 1 1) sat
      ,            M.lookup (p0 - V2 1 0) sat
      ,            M.lookup (p0 - V2 0 1) sat

This is where the dynamic programming happens: our summed area is sat, and we define sat in a self-recursive way, using M.mapWithKey go. M.mapWithKey go lazily generates each cell of sat by referring to other cells in sat. Because of laziness, mapWithKey doesn't do any actual "mapping"; but, rather, allocates thunks at each value in the map. As soon as these thunks are asked for, they resolve and are kept as resolved values.

For example, note that go (V2 1 1) v11 does not refer to any other value. So, the map at V2 1 1 is just v11.

However, go (V2 2 1) v21 depends on one other value: M.lookup (V2 1 1) sat. But, because we already have evaluated this to v11, all is well; our answer is v21 + v11.

Now, go (V2 2 2) v22 depends on three other values: it depends on M.lookup (V 1 1) sat, M.lookup (V2 1 2) sat, and M.lookup (V2 1 2) sat. GHC will go and evaluate the ones it needs to evaluate, caching them in the values of the map, and then just now return the pre-evaluated results.

In this way, we build the summed area table "lazily" in a self-recursive way. At the end of it all, we return force sat, which makes sure the entire sat map is filled out all the way (getting rid of all thunks) when the user actually tries to use the summed area table.

The rest of this involves just making a list of all possible sums of squares, and finding the maximum of all of them. Because all of our sums of squares are now calculable in O(1) on the size of the square (after we generate our table), the search is very manageable.

fromSAT :: Map Point Int -> Point -> Int -> Int
fromSAT sat (subtract (V2 1 1)->p) n = sum . catMaybes $
    [            M.lookup p            sat
    ,            M.lookup (p + V2 n n) sat
    , negate <$> M.lookup (p + V2 0 n) sat
    , negate <$> M.lookup (p + V2 n 0) sat

findMaxAny :: Map Point Int -> (Point, Int)
findMaxAny mp = fst . maximumBy (comparing snd)
             $ [ ((p, n), fromSAT sat p n)
               , n <- [1 .. 300]
               , p <- range (V2 1 1, V2 (300 - n + 1) (300 - n + 1))
    sat = summedAreaTable mp

Note the benchmarks below are actually using an early-cut-off version of findMaxAny that I implemented after thinking about ways of optimization.

Day 11 Benchmarks

>> Day 11a
time                 80.31 ms   (77.70 ms .. 81.90 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 82.27 ms   (80.62 ms .. 86.64 ms)
std dev              4.393 ms   (1.213 ms .. 7.294 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 11b
time                 825.4 ms   (800.7 ms .. 865.9 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 841.3 ms   (832.8 ms .. 847.7 ms)
std dev              9.500 ms   (5.115 ms .. 13.39 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 12

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 12 is made a little more fun with everyone's favorite Haskell data structures: maps and sets! (Note that I've pretty much used Maps and Sets for every challenge, more or less!)

We can represent a "context", or neighborhood, as a Set (Finite 5), where Finite 5 can be thought of as a type that only contains the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 (five elements only). We'll treat 0 as "two to the left", 1 as "one to the left", 2 as "the current point", 3 as "one to the right", and 4 as "two to the right". The set will contain the given finite if it is "on" in that position. So, for example, the context #.##. would be S.fromList [0,2,3].

type Ctx = Set (Finite 5)

Our ruleset will be Set Ctx, or a set of neighborhoods. If a given neighborhood is in the set, then that means that the plant is meant to turn on. Otherwise, it means that the plant is meant to turn off. So, #.##. => # would mean that the item S.fromList [0,2,3] is in the ruleset, but ##..# => . would mean that the item S.fromList [0,1,4] is not in the ruleset.

Finally, the type of our "world" is just Set Int. If a plant is "on", then its index will be in the set. Otherwise, its index will not be in the set.

One nice thing about representing the world as Set Int is that getting the "sum of all plant IDs that are on" is just sum :: Set Int -> Int :)

Writing our step function is going to be filtering all of the "candidate" positions for the ones that remain "on". That's it! We perform this filter by aggregating the neighborhood around each point and checking if the neighborhood is in the ruleset.

    :: Set Ctx
    -> Set Int
    -> Set Int
step ctxs w0 = S.fromDistinctAscList
             . filter go
             $ [S.findMin w0 - 2 .. S.findMax w0 + 2]
    go i = neighbs `S.member` ctxs
        neighbs = S.fromDistinctAscList . flip filter finites $ \j ->
          (i - 2 + fromIntegral j) `S.member` w0

Part 2 requires a bit of trickery. If we monitor our outputs, we can observe that the entire shape of the world starts to loop after a given amount of time. We can find this loop structure by stepping repeatedly and finding the first item that is repeated, by using a "seen items" set. We have to make sure to "normalize" our representation so that the same shame will be matched no matter what coordinate it starts at. I did this by subtracting out the minimum item in the set, so that the leftmost plant is always at zero.

    :: Set Ctx
    -> Set Pos
    -> (Int, Int, Int)      -- time to loop, loop size, loop incr
findLoop ctxs w0 = go (M.singleton w0 (0, 0)) 1 w0
    go !seen !i !w = case M.lookup w'Norm seen of
        Nothing              -> go (M.insert w'Norm (mn, i) seen) (i + 1) w'
        Just (seenMn, seenI) -> (seenI, i - seenI, mn - seenMn)
        w'           = step ctxs w
        (mn, w'Norm) = normalize w'
    normalize w = (mn, (subtract mn) w)
        mn = S.findMin w

And now we can be a little clever using divMod to factor out 50 billion into the "initialization", the "loop amount", and the "amount to increase":

    :: Int
    -> Set Pos
    -> Set Ctx
    -> Set Pos
stepN n w ctx = goN extra
              . (+ (loopIncr * looped))
              . goN ttl
              $ w
    goN m = (!!! m) . iterate (step ctx)
    (ttl, loopSize, loopIncr) = findLoop ctx w
    (looped, extra) = (n - ttl) `divMod` loopSize

Day 12 Benchmarks

>> Day 12a
time                 989.9 μs   (956.8 μs .. 1.021 ms)
                     0.992 R²   (0.988 R² .. 0.995 R²)
mean                 903.4 μs   (880.0 μs .. 934.1 μs)
std dev              77.26 μs   (69.01 μs .. 83.18 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 67% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 12b
time                 21.60 ms   (20.06 ms .. 22.84 ms)
                     0.979 R²   (0.950 R² .. 0.992 R²)
mean                 22.90 ms   (21.82 ms .. 26.10 ms)
std dev              3.973 ms   (1.452 ms .. 7.201 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 74% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 13

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Day 13 is fun because it can be stated in terms of a hylomorphism!

First, our data types:

type Point = V2 Int

data Turn = TurnNW      -- ^ a forward-slash mirror @/@
          | TurnNE      -- ^ a backwards-slash mirror @\\@
          | TurnInter   -- ^ a four-way intersection
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

data Dir = DN | DE | DS | DW
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

data Cart = C { _cDir   :: Dir
              , _cTurns :: Int
  deriving (Eq, Show)

makeLenses ''Cart

newtype ScanPoint = SP { _getSP :: Point }
  deriving (Eq, Show, Num)

instance Ord ScanPoint where
    compare = comparing (view _y . _getSP)
           <> comparing (view _x . _getSP)

type World = Map Point     Turn
type Carts = Map ScanPoint Cart

We will be using Map ScanPoint Cart as our priority queue; ScanPoint newtype-wraps a Point in a way that its Ord instance will give us the lowest y first, then the lowest x to break ties.

Note that we don't ever have to store any of the "track" positions, | or -. That's because they don't affect the carts in any way.

Next, we can implement the actual logic of moving a single Cart:

stepCart :: World -> ScanPoint -> Cart -> (ScanPoint, Cart)
stepCart w (SP p) c = (SP p', maybe id turner (M.lookup p' w) c)
    p' = p + case c ^. cDir of
      DN -> V2 0    (-1)
      DE -> V2 1    0
      DS -> V2 0    1
      DW -> V2 (-1) 0
    turner = \case
      TurnNW    -> over cDir $ \case DN -> DE; DE -> DN; DS -> DW; DW -> DS
      TurnNE    -> over cDir $ \case DN -> DW; DW -> DN; DS -> DE; DE -> DS
      TurnInter -> over cTurns (+ 1) . over cDir (turnWith (c ^. cTurns))
    turnWith i = case i `mod` 3 of
      0 -> turnLeft
      1 -> id
      _ -> turnLeft . turnLeft . turnLeft
    turnLeft DN = DW
    turnLeft DE = DN
    turnLeft DS = DE
    turnLeft DW = DS

There are ways we can the turning and Dir manipulations, but this way already is pretty clean, I think! We use lens combinators like over to simplify our updating of carts. If there is no turn at a given coordinate, then the cart just stays the same, and only the position updates.

Now, to separate out the running of the simulation from the consumption of the results, we can make a type that emits the result of a single step in the world:

data CartLog a = CLCrash Point a      -- ^ A crash, at a given point
               | CLTick        a      -- ^ No crashes, just a normal timestep
               | CLDone  Point        -- ^ Only one car left, at a given point
  deriving (Show, Functor)

And we can use that to implement stepCarts, which takes a "waiting, done" queue of carts and:

  1. If waiting is empty, we dump done back into waiting and emit CLTick with our updated state. However, if done is empty, then we are done; emit CLDone with no new state.
  2. Otherwise, pop an cart from waiting and move it. If there is a crash, emit CLCrash with the updated state (with things deleted).
    :: World
    -> (Carts, Carts)
    -> CartLog (Carts, Carts)
stepCarts w (waiting, done) = case M.minViewWithKey waiting of
    Nothing -> case M.minViewWithKey done of
      Just ((SP lastPos, _), M.null->True) -> CLDone lastPos
      _                                    -> CLTick (done, M.empty)
    Just (uncurry (stepCart w) -> (p, c), waiting') ->
      case M.lookup p (waiting' <> done) of
        Nothing -> CLTick             (waiting'           , M.insert p c done)
        Just _  -> CLCrash (_getSP p) (M.delete p waiting', M.delete p done  )

Now, we can write our consumers. These will be fed the results of stepCarts as they are produced. However, the a parameters will actually be the "next results", in a way:

-- | Get the result of the first crash.
firstCrash :: CartLog (Maybe Point) -> Maybe Point
firstCrash (CLCrash p _) = Just p   -- this is it, chief
firstCrash (CLTick    p) = p        -- no, we have to go deeper
firstCrash (CLDone  _  ) = Nothing  -- we reached the end of the line, no crash.

-- | Get the final point.
lastPoint :: CartLog Point -> Point
lastPoint (CLCrash _ p) = p   -- we have to go deeper
lastPoint (CLTick    p) = p   -- even deeper
lastPoint (CLDone  p  ) = p   -- we're here

And now:

day13a :: World -> Carts -> Maybe Point
day13a w c = (firstCrash `hylo` stepCarts w) (c, M.empty)

day13b :: World -> Carts -> Point
day13b w c = (lastPoint `hylo` stepCarts w) (c, M.empty)

The magic of hylo is that, as firstCrash and lastPoint "demand" new values or points, hylo will ask stepCarts w for them. So, stepCarts w is iterated as many times as firstCrash and lastPoint needs.

Day 13 Benchmarks

>> Day 13a
time                 16.23 ms   (15.45 ms .. 17.66 ms)
                     0.983 R²   (0.964 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 16.09 ms   (15.83 ms .. 16.65 ms)
std dev              887.0 μs   (436.6 μs .. 1.361 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 24% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 13b
time                 26.62 ms   (23.94 ms .. 29.29 ms)
                     0.947 R²   (0.904 R² .. 0.988 R²)
mean                 23.62 ms   (22.40 ms .. 25.28 ms)
std dev              3.184 ms   (2.140 ms .. 4.860 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 56% (severely inflated)

Day 14

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 14 Benchmarks

>> Day 14a
time                 407.8 μs   (406.1 μs .. 409.7 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 407.9 μs   (407.1 μs .. 410.4 μs)
std dev              4.711 μs   (2.436 μs .. 8.193 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 14b
time                 186.0 ms   (185.8 ms .. 186.2 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 186.4 ms   (186.2 ms .. 187.0 ms)
std dev              411.3 μs   (54.50 μs .. 570.9 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 15

Prompt / Code / Rendered

This one feels complex at first (a generate-check-generate-check loop)...if you take a generate-check loop, you also have to be sure to make sure you check the case of 1 or 2 added digits.

However, it becomes much simpler if you separate the act of generation and checking as two different things. Luckily, with Haskell, this is fairly easy with lazily linked lists.

chocolatePractice :: [Int]
chocolatePractice = 3 : 7 : go 0 1 (Seq.fromList [3,7])
    go !p1 !p2 !tp = newDigits ++ go p1' p2' tp'
        sc1 = tp `Seq.index` p1
        sc2 = tp `Seq.index` p2
        newDigits = digitize $ sc1 + sc2
        tp' = tp <> Seq.fromList newDigits
        p1' = (p1 + sc1 + 1) `mod` length tp'
        p2' = (p2 + sc2 + 1) `mod` length tp'

digitize :: Int -> [Int]
digitize ((`divMod` 10)->(x,y))
    | x == 0    = [y]
    | otherwise = [x,y]

We use go to lazily generate new items as they are demanded. Once the user consumes all of the newDigits asks for more, go will be asked to generate new digits. The important thing is that this is demand-driven.

We keep track of the current tape using Seq from Data.Sequence for its O(1) appends and O(log) indexing -- the two things we do the most. We could also get away with pre-allocation with vectors for amortized O(1) suffix appends and O(1) indexing, as well.

Note that chocolatePractice is effectively the same for every per-user input data. It's just a (lazily generated) list of all of the chocolate practice digits.

Part 1 then is just a drop then a take:

day14a :: Int -> [Int]
day14a n = take 10 (drop n chocolatePractice)

Part 2, we can use isPrefixOf from Data.List and check every tails until we get one that does have our digit list as a prefix:

substrLoc :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Maybe Int
substrLoc xs = length
             . takeWhile (not . (xs `isPrefixOf`))
             . tails

day14b :: [Int] -> [Int]
day14b xs = xs `substrLoc` cholcatePractice

Note that chocolatePractice is essentially just a futumorphism, so this whole thing can be stated in terms of a chronomorphism. I don't know if there would be any advantage in doing so. But it's interesting to me that I solved Day 13 using a hylomorphism, and now Day 14 using what is essentially a chronomorphism ... so maybe recursion-schemes is the killer app for Advent of Code? :)

A note on benchmarks -- it's very difficult to benchmark Day 14, because I couldn't get ghc to stop memoizing chocolatePractice. This means my repeated benchmarks kept on re-using the stored list.

However, using time, I timed Part 1 to about 180ms, and Part 2 to 10s.

Day 15 Benchmarks

>> Day 15a
time                 4.062 s    (3.493 s .. 4.752 s)
                     0.997 R²   (0.988 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 4.567 s    (4.331 s .. 4.916 s)
std dev              363.0 ms   (67.59 ms .. 477.4 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 21% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 15b
time                 25.70 s    (22.49 s .. 27.53 s)
                     0.998 R²   (0.996 R² .. NaN R²)
mean                 24.17 s    (23.50 s .. 24.86 s)
std dev              821.5 ms   (417.6 ms .. 1.132 s)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 16

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Today was fun because I got to re-use some techniques I discussed in a blog post I've written in the past: Send More Money: List and StateT. I talk about using StateT over [] to do implement prolog-inspired constraint satisfaction searches while taking advantage of laziness.

First of all, our types. I'll be using the vector-sized library with finite-typelits to help us do safe indexing. A Vector n a is a vector of n as, and a Finite n is a legal index into such a vector. For example, a Vector 4 Int is a vector of 4 Ints, and Finite 4 is 0, 1, 2, or 3.

import           Data.Vector.Sized (Vector)
import           Data.Finite       (Finite)

type Reg = Vector 4 Int

data Instr a = I { _iOp  :: a
                 , _iInA :: Finite 4
                 , _iInB :: Finite 4
                 , _iOut :: Finite 4
  deriving (Show, Functor)

data Trial = T { _tBefore :: Reg
               , _tInstr  :: Instr (Finite 16)
               , _tAfter  :: Reg
  deriving Show

data OpCode = OAddR | OAddI
            | OMulR | OMulI
            | OBanR | OBanI
            | OBorR | OBorI
            | OSetR | OSetI
            | OGtIR | OGtRI | OGtRR
            | OEqIR | OEqRI | OEqRR
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)

We can leave Instr parameterized over the opcode type so that we can use it with Finite 16 initially, and OpCode later.

We do need to implement the functionality of each op, which we can do by pattern matching on an OpCode. We use some lens functionality to simplify some of the editing of indices, but we could also just manually modify indices.

runOp :: Instr OpCode -> Reg -> Reg
runOp I{..} = case _iOp of
    OAddR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA  +  r ^. V.ix _iInB
    OAddI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA  +  fromIntegral _iInB
    OMulR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA  *  r ^. V.ix _iInB
    OMulI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA  *  fromIntegral _iInB
    OBanR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA .&. r ^. V.ix _iInB
    OBanI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA .&. fromIntegral _iInB
    OBorR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA .|. r ^. V.ix _iInB
    OBorI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA .|. fromIntegral _iInB
    OSetR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~ r ^. V.ix _iInA
    OSetI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut .~                     fromIntegral _iInA
    OGtIR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (fromIntegral _iInA  > r ^. V.ix _iInB   )
    OGtRI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (r ^. V.ix _iInA     > fromIntegral _iInB)
    OGtRR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (r ^. V.ix _iInA     > r ^. V.ix _iInB   )
    OEqIR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (fromIntegral _iInA == r ^. V.ix _iInB   )
    OEqRI -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (r ^. V.ix _iInA    == fromIntegral _iInB)
    OEqRR -> \r -> r & V.ix _iOut . enum .~ (r ^. V.ix _iInA    == r ^. V.ix _iInB   )

Now, from a Trial, we can get a set of OpCodes that are plausible candidates if the output matches the expected output for a given OpCode, for the given input.

plausible :: Trial -> Set OpCode
plausible T{..} = S.fromList (filter tryTrial [OAddR ..])
    tryTrial :: OpCode -> Bool
    tryTrial o = runOp (_tInstr { _iOp = o }) _tBefore == _tAfter

Part 1 is, then, just counting the trials with three or more plausible candidates:

day16a :: [Trial] -> Int
day16a = length . filter ((>= 3) . S.size . plausible)

Part 2 is where we can implement our constraint satisfaction search. Following this blog post, we can write a search using StateT (Set OpCode) []. Our state will be the OpCodes that we have already used. We fill up a vector step-by-step, by picking only OpCodes that have not been used yet:

fillIn :: Set OpCode -> StateT (Set OpCode) [] OpCode
fillIn candidates = do
    unseen <- gets (candidates `S.difference`)  -- filter only unseen candidates
    pick   <- lift $ toList unseen              -- branch on all unseen candidates
    modify $ S.insert pick                      -- in this branch, 'pick' is seen
    pure pick                                   -- return our pick for the branch

Now, if we have a map of Finite 16 (op code numbers) to their candidates (a Map (Finite 16) (Set OpCode)), we can populate all legal configurations. We'll use Vector 16 OpCode to represent our configuration: 0 will represent the first item, 1 will represent the second, etc. We can use V.generate :: (Finite n -> m a) -> m (Vector n a), and run our fillIn action for every Finite n.

    :: Map (Finite 16) (Set OpCode)
    -> StateT (Set OpCode) [] (Vector 16 OpCode)
fillVector candmap = V.generateM $ \i -> do
    Just cands <- pure $ M.lookup i candmap
    fillIn cands

    :: Map (Finite 16) (Set OpCode)
    -> Maybe (Vector 16 OpCode)
fromClues m = listToMaybe $ evalStateT (fillVector m) S.empty

If this part is confusing, the blog post explains how StateT and [], together, give you this short-circuting search behavior!

So our Part 2 is using fromClues from all of the candidates (making sure to do a set intersection if we get more than one clue for an opcode number), and a foldl' over our instruction list:

day16b :: [Trial] -> [Instr (Finite 16)] -> Int
day16b ts = V.head . foldl' step (V.replicate 0)
    candmap    = M.fromListWith S.intersection
               $ [ (_iOp (_tInstr t), plausible t)
                 | t <- ts
    Just opMap = fromClues candmap
    step r i = runOp i' r
        i' = (opMap `V.index`) <$> i

Day 16 Benchmarks

>> Day 16a
time                 11.21 ms   (10.00 ms .. 12.44 ms)
                     0.954 R²   (0.919 R² .. 0.983 R²)
mean                 11.38 ms   (10.93 ms .. 12.14 ms)
std dev              1.474 ms   (810.9 μs .. 2.543 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 66% (severely inflated)

>> Day 16b
time                 354.1 ms   (249.7 ms .. 408.0 ms)
                     0.989 R²   (0.976 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 370.6 ms   (354.2 ms .. 384.5 ms)
std dev              17.15 ms   (14.76 ms .. 19.76 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 17

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 17 Benchmarks

>> Day 17a
time                 66.48 ms   (65.01 ms .. 68.81 ms)
                     0.998 R²   (0.995 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 65.01 ms   (64.48 ms .. 66.25 ms)
std dev              1.291 ms   (488.5 μs .. 2.328 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 17b
time                 58.05 ms   (56.33 ms .. 60.15 ms)
                     0.997 R²   (0.993 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 58.15 ms   (57.46 ms .. 59.40 ms)
std dev              1.716 ms   (645.0 μs .. 2.726 ms)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 18

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 18 Benchmarks

>> Day 18a
time                 32.72 ms   (30.43 ms .. 34.87 ms)
                     0.987 R²   (0.975 R² .. 0.996 R²)
mean                 35.44 ms   (33.92 ms .. 37.89 ms)
std dev              3.489 ms   (1.858 ms .. 5.590 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 36% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 18b
time                 3.732 s    (3.617 s .. 3.794 s)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 3.733 s    (3.717 s .. 3.748 s)
std dev              19.38 ms   (9.254 ms .. 25.37 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 19

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 19 Benchmarks

>> Day 19a
time                 499.5 ms   (463.9 ms .. 522.3 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. NaN R²)
mean                 511.2 ms   (502.0 ms .. 515.0 ms)
std dev              6.623 ms   (1.882 ms .. 8.706 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 19b
time                 5.963 s    (5.814 s .. 6.314 s)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 6.088 s    (5.990 s .. 6.222 s)
std dev              132.9 ms   (42.30 ms .. 178.7 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 20

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Like Day 4, this one is made pretty simple with parser combinators! :D

Just for clarity, we will tokenize the stream first -- but it's not strictly necessary.

data Dir = DN | DE | DS | DW
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data RegTok = RTStart
            | RTDir Dir
            | RTRParen
            | RTOr
            | RTLParen
            | RTEnd
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

parseToks :: String -> [RegTok]
parseToks = mapMaybe $ \case
    '^' -> Just RTStart
    'N' -> Just $ RTDir DN
    'E' -> Just $ RTDir DE
    'W' -> Just $ RTDir DW
    'S' -> Just $ RTDir DS
    '|' -> Just RTOr
    '(' -> Just RTRParen
    ')' -> Just RTLParen
    '$' -> Just RTEnd
    _   -> Nothing

Now, to write our parser! We will parse our [RegTok] stream into a set of edges.

import           Linear (V2(..))
import qualified Text.Parsec as P

-- V2 Int = (Int, Int), essentially
type Point = V2 Int

data Edge = E Point Point
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | Make an edge.  Normalizes so we can compare for uniqueness.
mkEdge :: Point -> Point -> Edge
mkEdge x y
  | x <= y    = E x y
  | otherwise = E y x

-- | Parse a stream of `RegTok`.  We have a State of the "current point".
type Parser = P.Parsec [RegTok] Point

We either have a "normal step", or a "branching step". The entire way, we accumulate a set of all edges.

tok :: RegTok -> Parser ()
tok t = P.try $ guard . (== t) =<< P.anyToken

-- | `anySteps` is many normal steps or branch steps.  Each of these gives an
-- edge, so we union all of their edges together.
anySteps :: Parser (Set Edge)
anySteps = fmap S.unions . P.many $
    P.try normalStep P.<|> branchStep

-- | `normalStep` is a normal step without any branching.  It is an `RTDir`
-- token, followed by `anySteps`.  We add the newly discovered edge to the
-- edges in `anySteps`.
normalStep :: Parser (Set Edge)
normalStep = do
    currPos <- P.getState
    RTDir d <- P.anyToken
    let newPos = currPos + case d of
          DN -> V2   0 (-1)
          DE -> V2   1   0
          DS -> V2   0   1
          DW -> V2 (-1)  0
    P.setState newPos
    S.insert (mkEdge currPos newPos) <$> anySteps

-- | `branchStep` is many `anySteps`, each separated by an `RTOr` token.  It is
-- located between `RTRParen` and `RTLParen`.
branchStep :: Parser (Set Edge)
branchStep = (tok RTRParen `P.between` tok RTLParen) $ do
    initPos <- P.getState
    fmap S.unions . (`P.sepBy` tok RTOr) $ do
      P.setState initPos

Our final regexp parser is just anySteps seperated by the start and end tokens:

buildEdges :: Parser (Set Edge)
buildEdges = (tok RTStart `P.between` tok RTEnd) anySteps

Now that we have successfully parsed the "regexp" into a set of edges, we need to follow all of the edges into all of the rooms. We can do this using recursive descent.

neighbs :: Point -> [Point]
neighbs p = (p +) <$> [ V2 0 (-1), V2 1 0, V2 0 1, V2 (-1) 0 ]

roomDistances :: Set Edge -> [Int]
roomDistances es = go 0 S.empty (V2 0 0)
    go :: Int -> Set Point -> Point -> [Int]
    go n seen p = (n :) $
        concatMap (go (n + 1) (S.insert p seen)) allNeighbs
        allNeighbs = filter ((`S.member` es) . mkEdge p)
                   . filter (`S.notMember` seen)
                   $ neighbs p

We have to make sure to keep track of the "already seen" rooms. On my first attempt, I forgot to do this!

Anyway, here's Part 1 and Part 2:

day20a :: String -> Int
day20a inp = maximum (roomDistances edges)
    Right edges = P.runParser buildEdges (V2 0 0) ""
                    (parseToks inp)

day20b :: String -> Int
day20b inp = length . filter (>= 1000) $ roomDistances edges
    Right edges = P.runParser buildEdges (V2 0 0) ""
                    (parseToks inp)

Day 20 Benchmarks

>> Day 20a
time                 48.76 ms   (47.74 ms .. 50.18 ms)
                     0.996 R²   (0.989 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 48.25 ms   (47.39 ms .. 49.76 ms)
std dev              2.059 ms   (1.481 ms .. 3.110 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 14% (moderately inflated)

>> Day 20b
time                 504.4 ms   (450.3 ms .. 538.3 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.996 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 470.3 ms   (455.0 ms .. 485.7 ms)
std dev              18.07 ms   (14.42 ms .. 20.91 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 21

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 21 Benchmarks

>> Day 21a
time                 78.55 μs   (77.02 μs .. 80.91 μs)
                     0.989 R²   (0.976 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 78.98 μs   (77.53 μs .. 82.23 μs)
std dev              7.702 μs   (4.384 μs .. 12.44 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 82% (severely inflated)

>> Day 21b
time                 352.6 ms   (289.1 ms .. 434.9 ms)
                     0.994 R²   (0.980 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 357.8 ms   (338.3 ms .. 371.7 ms)
std dev              19.35 ms   (7.637 ms .. 25.72 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

Day 22

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 22 Benchmarks

>> Day 22a
time                 10.12 ms   (9.639 ms .. 10.69 ms)
                     0.973 R²   (0.940 R² .. 0.997 R²)
mean                 10.58 ms   (10.26 ms .. 11.49 ms)
std dev              1.562 ms   (474.8 μs .. 2.725 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 72% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 22b
time                 498.6 ms   (410.3 ms .. 567.8 ms)
                     0.996 R²   (NaN R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 498.3 ms   (491.2 ms .. 517.9 ms)
std dev              13.10 ms   (179.7 μs .. 15.52 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 19% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

Day 23

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 23 Benchmarks

>> Day 23a
time                 12.65 ms   (11.32 ms .. 13.77 ms)
                     0.943 R²   (0.916 R² .. 0.971 R²)
mean                 12.50 ms   (11.86 ms .. 13.26 ms)
std dev              1.857 ms   (1.437 ms .. 2.578 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 69% (severely inflated)

>> Day 23b
time                 83.78 ms   (76.93 ms .. 93.01 ms)
                     0.955 R²   (0.840 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean                 83.76 ms   (80.41 ms .. 93.39 ms)
std dev              9.353 ms   (2.714 ms .. 15.62 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 38% (moderately inflated)

Day 24

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 24 Benchmarks

>> Day 24a
time                 16.71 ms   (15.57 ms .. 17.75 ms)
                     0.982 R²   (0.968 R² .. 0.991 R²)
mean                 14.38 ms   (13.82 ms .. 15.18 ms)
std dev              1.610 ms   (1.437 ms .. 1.933 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 54% (severely inflated)

>> Day 24b
time                 280.8 ms   (262.1 ms .. 322.6 ms)
                     0.995 R²   (0.976 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 264.2 ms   (254.3 ms .. 276.6 ms)
std dev              13.22 ms   (6.382 ms .. 19.39 ms)
variance introduced by outliers: 16% (moderately inflated)

Day 25

Prompt / Code / Rendered

Reflection not yet written -- please check back later!

Day 25 Benchmarks

>> Day 25a
time                 35.05 ms   (34.73 ms .. 35.44 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 34.84 ms   (34.59 ms .. 35.10 ms)
std dev              551.7 μs   (372.9 μs .. 946.2 μs)

* parsing and formatting times excluded