These rules are based on the following essential principles:
- All contributors are treated equally, no matter who they are.
- The only applicable law is French law.
- No one may dispense justice. This right and duty is reserved to the @Staff.
- Total respect of the Déclaration du Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen which is extended to the Woman and the Citizen.
- Every contributors knows these rules.
- Everything that is not explicitly forbidden is authorized.
- The rules may be updated.
- Inappropriate, inappropriate, vulgar, hateful or violent comments, profile photos or nicknames are forbidden and will result in permanent banishment.
- Attempting or raiding this repository is forbidden, and will result, without exception, in a permanent ban.
- Spamming a contributor is forbidden, one mention is enough under penalty of permanent ban.
- Mentioning unnecessary problems is forbidden.
- All links, videos... are allowed as long as they respect the rules.
- Double accounts are not allowed under penalty of perm ban.