Ubuntu Dev enviroment on docker.
Base image: ubuntu:24.04.
Pull this container with the following Docker command:
docker pull quay.io/mqdev/ubuntu
Buid this image in local with the following command:
sh docker/build.sh
Run this image with the following command, this command will expose port 3001 to 3000, and 8001 to 8888 (runs the jupyter service) :
sh docker/run.sh
Stop and delete the container with the following command:
sh docker/stop.sh
Using mise
with latest installed.
Changed default pip source to https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/help/pypi/ .
Installed pip packages listed here: https://github.com/mqzhang/ubuntu.docker/blob/main/scripts/requirements.txt
Using mise
with 3.3 installed.
Changed default rubygem source to https://gems.ruby-china.com/ .
Installed gems listed here: https://github.com/mqzhang/ubuntu.docker/blob/main/scripts/Gemfile
Entrypoint will start the jupyter lab service by default. Exposed to port 8888. With iruby and pycall installed, which can be used to run ruby in jupyter and call python models.
- node npm yarn
- git
- sqlite
- vim
- emacs