In general, all components are in their own page EXCEPT:
- Cart display will be popup
- Item detail will be popup
With that, we have six(6) main routes: home, search, order, account, auth and checkout. Assuming our URL is https://localhost
, we have
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/
and components are in routes/home
directory. This is where we see all the products, deals as well as sections
There is only one subroute
will show all products, deals and section
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/search
and the components are in routes/search
directory. This is where we search for products
There is only one subroute
will show the results that matched the search dynamically. In case we make some change later, the change would probably use params (likehttps://localhost/search?q=cocacola
) instead of new subroutes
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/category
and the components are in routes/category
directory. This is where we display the products that is in selected category-
There are two(2) main subroutes
will show all products that belong to categorycategoryName
. For example,https://localhost/category/fruit
will show all products belong to fruit category/category/
will show all products. There shouldn't any link that lead to this route, but for completeness, just show all products here
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/auth
and the components are in routes/auth
directory. This route has all authentication service in it
There are four(4) main subroutes
is the route that prompt user to enter their phone number. There should be a button to continue after user has entered their phone number, a link to email authentication in case user forget their phone number. This method of authentication has high priority/auth/phone/otpcode
is the route that prompt user to enter the OTP code they receive on their phone. There should be a limit on how many times they can try/auth/email
is the route that prompt user to enter their email address/auth/email/otpcode
is the route that prompt user to enter the OTP code they receive on their email. There should be a limit on how many times they can try/auth/signup
is the route that prompt user to enter their name and email address. This is used only after user has been successfully authenticated with phone number and is a new user.
Some notes here. We do not verify whether the phone number or email exist in database or not. All the steps above only verify that the user actually own the phone number/email. Only after user enter the OTP code and the code is correct, we do find the user in database
In case we cannot find the user in database, there are two scenarios: if the user use phone number to authenticate, we create new user and move them to route /auth/signup
. If they use email to authenticate, we simply say the email is not associated with any account
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/order
and the component are in routes/order
. This will show all orders that are new and old. This is protected route, means that only authenticated user can access it
There are two(2) main subroutes here
will show all orders. This means we can see what is the current order as well as orders that has been finished in the past/order/current
will show all current order/order/current/:orderId
will show the detail of the current order. This includes what items are in the order, the delivery progress and the information on who is the delivery personnel/order/past
will show all completed order/order/past/:orderId
will show the detail of the current order. This includes what items are in the order, the cost summary and the information on who was the delivery personnel
Per specification, we don't have the route to view detail of past order
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/checkout
and the component are in routes/checkout
. This will show the input fields to enter all shipping information as well as what is currently in the cart right now. This is protected route, means that only authenticated user can access it
There are only one subroute here
will display input fields to enter all shipping information as well as what is currently in the cart right now. User when ready can click on the "Place order" button
We will not collect the credit cart information here nor we store credit card information on our database. We use Stripe to handle that. After user decide to place order, we will redirect them to a Stripe checkout session and let Stripe handle payment. If the payment is successful, we will redirect to the order page with the updated detail
This route corresponds to the route https://localhost/account
and the component are in routes/account
. All user's information like name, email, phone number, shipping address, etc. can be found here. User can also modify these information in this page. This is protected route, means that only authenticated user can access it
For now, there are only one subroute here
will display all user's information
Because this page is a "separate" entity, in a sense that the functions in this page doesn't interfere with the functionality of the website, meaning we can do all these functions after the page is confirmed working. It has lowest priority currently