These sources are relatively unprocessed raw data.
- CLIVAR Hydrographic Data
- WOCE Hydrographic Data (ship-based measurements)
- NASA PODAAC One stop shop for all of NASA's
satellite data related to physical oceanography.
- GHRSST Level 4 AVHRR_OI - Good general purpose 1/4 degree SST dataset (1981-present)
- Aquarius Level 3 Monthly SSS (2011-Aug-25 to 2015-Jun-07)
- Blended Ocean Surface Winds
- GRACE Bottom Pressure
- AVISO - The home of gridded satellite altimetry data for sea-surface height. (Free registration required)
- Global Drifter Program - Surface Lagrangian floats
- WHOI OAFlux - State-ofthe-art air-sea flux dataset.
- ARGO - ARGO data is very powerful but somewhat hard to work with.
These involve signficant smoothing / blending / interpolation / assimilation of inhomogeneous data.
- World Ocean Atlas 2013
- World Ocean Atlas 2009 via IRIDL. (opendap link)
- CARS - CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas
- Roemmich-Gilson ARGO Climatology - Temperature and Salinity from ARGO on a nice grid. Monthly.
- Holte and Talley Mixed Layer Depth Atlas - derived from ARGO
- Overview of ocean reanalysis products - There are lots of options. It is not clear which one is best.
- Ocean Surface Current Analysis (OSCAR) - Similar to AVISO but including wind effects.
- CMIP5 Archive - The latest suite of comprehensive global climate models