for f in *.php; do php -l "$f"; done;
find . -type f -iname "*.php" -not -path '*vendor*' -exec php -l {} \;
git diff --diff-filter=ACM --cached --name-only | grep '.php' | xargs -I % php -l %
for file in $(find . -type f -iname "*.php" -not -path '*vendor*'); do php -l "$file"; done;
find . -name "*.php" -exec grep "base64" '{}' \; -print &> b64-detections.txt
find . -name "*.php" -exec grep "eval" '{}' \; -print &> eval-detections.txt
phpcs --report=full --report-file=~/Desktop/test.txt <dir>/
grep -E '[^ ]+ +Failed .*' logfile.txt > test.txt
mysqladmin processlist -h <host> -u <user> --password=<mysql password>
time ab -c 20 -n 1000 <url>
ip addr show eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2; }' | sed 's/\/.*$//'
rsync -rvz -e 'ssh -p <port>' --progress --ignore-existing <local dir> <user>@<host>:<remote dir>.
screen -S <nameofscreen> # creates a new screen session
<control>+a # and then d to detach from that session
screen -r <nameofscreen> # to jump back in
screen -x <nameofscreen> # to kill it
echo "show variables like 'max_allowed_packet';" | mysql
echo "show variables like 'max_connections';" | mysql
find . -name '.svn' | xargs rm -r
find . -name ".svn" -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
scl enable php70 /bin/bash
cd ~ && mkdir ~/bin && cd ~/bin && ln -s /usr/bin/php70 php
Then add export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
to your ~/.bash_profile
for file in $(find . -type f -iname "*.php" -not -path '*vendor*'); do phpcbf "$file"; done;
find ./ -name '*.php' | xargs perl -pi -e 's/<find>/<replace>/g'
for d in ./*/ ; do (cd "$d" && echo "Entering $d" && wp core verify-checksums --version=$(wp core version) && wp plugin verify-checksums); done
ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf
cat file.xml | xmlstarlet sel -t -m -n "/rss/channel/item" -v "listing_title"
du -sh -- *
watch "ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 5"