All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Implemented eMASS API V3.12 specifications (to include previous updates)
- Implemented eMASS API 3.10 specifications
- Included the ability to register NPE credentials and obtain the Api key api-key
- Implemented API specifications V3.4
- Changed release version to match API specificationa
- addMultiplePackages
- UpdateVersionTags
- updateCLI_Help
- Rename swagger_client to emass_client and publish it to rubygems.
- addReleaseWorkflow @georgedias (#26)
- create test-cli workflow @georgedias (#25)
- Add cli tests @georgedias (#24)
- Add the stoplight prism mock server as a server selection @georgedias (#23)
- Update eMASSRestOpenApi.yaml @georgedias (#22)
- ci(Mergify): configuration update @camdenmoors (#21)
- fix_gh_pages @georgedias (#18)
- Fixed the removal of jekyll thene when updating the gh_pages @georgedias (#17)
- Add workflow to update markdown files in gh-pages @georgedias (#15)
- Udates to the emasser features documentation @georgedias (#13)
- corrected controls post/put requests @georgedias (#9)
- Added eMASS contact information to the README @georgedias (#8)
- Update eMASSOpenAPI specification, add redoc and swagger documentation @rbclark (#6)
- Initial workflow configuration @georgedias (#10)
- Scaffolding for the emasser project including such things as a Dockerfile, a .gitlab-ci.yml, some repository dependencies such as
, and some gem dependencies such asthor
- Put in MITRE's particular license modifications and notices.