This is a cross platform WebSocket library for IOS and Android.
My code is (c)2015-2019, Master Technology. All my code is LICENSED under the MIT License. The Android Library is also MIT, the iOS libraries used Apache 2.0; which you may view them by reading the "LICENSE" file.
I also do contract work; so if you have a module you want built for NativeScript (or any other software projects) feel free to contact me [email protected].
If you want professional and support plugins; checkout the all new
First run tns --version
Run tns plugin add nativescript-websockets
in your ROOT directory of your project.
- The sending of Protocols support is not fully implemented on both platforms. Do not depend on this; it only partially works..
Pay attention and don't forget to use
-- if you don't use it in some cases; your UI may not update when you get data updates. This is NOT a limitation of this library; but just how Angular works for its change detection system.
There is two possible interfaces for you to use; the Simple WebSocket interface that emulates the browser based WebSockets and a more advanced WebSocket interface where you have more control.
var mySocket = new WebSocket("ws://", [ /* "protocol","another protocol" */]);
mySocket.addEventListener('open', function (evt) { console.log("We are Open");"Hello"); });
mySocket.addEventListener('message', function(evt) { console.log("We got a message: ",;; });
mySocket.addEventListener('close', function(evt) { console.log("The Socket was Closed:", evt.code, evt.reason); });
mySocket.addEventListener('error', function(evt) { console.log("The socket had an error", evt.error); });
var WS = require('nativescript-websockets');
var mySocket = new WS("ws://",{protocols: [/* 'chat', 'video' */], timeout: 6000, allowCellular: true, headers: { 'Authorization': 'Basic ...' }});
mySocket.on('open', function(socket) { console.log("Hey I'm open"); socket.send("Hello"); });
mySocket.on('message', function(socket, message) { console.log("Got a message", message); });
mySocket.on('close', function(socket, code, reason) { console.log("Socket was closed because: ", reason, " code: ", code); });
mySocket.on('error', function(socket, error) { console.log("Socket had an error", error);});
The browser based WebSockets are virtually identical to what you would get if you were using a Browser; they are automatically opened when you create it; all four events have "event" objects with different values. You are not allowed to re-open a closed socket and you have no control over any additional features.
- URL - (String) - Web Socket URL to open
- Protocols - OPTIONAL (Array of String) - valid list protocols. Please see limitations note.
****#### .attachEventListener(EventName, function)
- EventName - (String) can be "open", "close", "message" and "error"
- function - (Function) the function that will be called when the event occurs
The Advanced WebSockets allow you a lot more control over setting up and creating; in addition if they are closed; you can re-open it without having to reset your events.
- URL - Url to Open
- Options ** protocols - (Array of string) - Valid protocols. (See Limitation note) ** timeout - timeout (Defaults to 60,0000ms on IOS amd 10,000ms on Android, setting this to 0 disables timeouts) ** allowCellular (ios only, defaults to True) - can disable the WebSocket from going over the cellular network ** sslSocketFactory (android only, defaults to null) - you can pass in your ssl socket factory you want to use.
- EventName - (String) can be "open", "close", "message" and "error"
- Function - (Function) the function that will be called when the event occurs
- passedThis - the "this" you want the Function to have
- code - OPTIONAL (Number) - code
- reason - OPTIONAL (String) - reason
- message - String or Array/ArrayBuffer - Text string or Binary Message to send
- 0 - Connection
- 1 - Open
- 2 - Closing
- 3 - Closed
- EventName - (String) - Name of Event (open, close, message, error)
- function - (optional Function) - If you don't pass any function to this; this will remove ALL event listeners for that event, otherwise it will just remove that one event listener.
Need a little bit more help getting up and running with NativeScript Websockets? Check out these tutorials for NativeScript on the subject.