This is a simple file server.
The following steps can be executed within the Dev Container.
First, build the program into Wasm.
cd examples/static_file_server
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi
Then, convert it into a native object file with Wasker.
wasker target/wasm32-wasi/debug/static_file_server.wasm
Now you can run it on Mewz.
cd ../..
zig build -Dapp-obj=examples/hello-server/wasm.o -Ddir=examples/static_file_server/files run
You can access the server at localhost:1234
# In another terminal
curl localhost:1234
To quit the QEMU process, press Ctrl+A, then X.
QEMU's port 1234 is mapped to localhost:1234. But the other ports are not mapped. To map another port, edit the QEMU's option.