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usage: ./titan.R [--] [--help] [--debug] [--verbose] [--spatconv] [--opts OPTS] [--debug.dir DEBUG.DIR] [--lonmin LONMIN] [--lonmax LONMAX] [--latmin LATMIN] [--latmax LATMAX] [--proj4from PROJ4FROM] [--proj4to PROJ4TO] [--zmin ZMIN] [--zmax ZMAX] [--tmin TMIN] [--tmax TMAX] [--dr.buddy DR.BUDDY] [--i.buddy I.BUDDY] [--thr.buddy THR.BUDDY] [--n.buddy N.BUDDY] [--dz.buddy DZ.BUDDY] [--dr.isol DR.ISOL] [--n.isol N.ISOL] [--grid.sct GRID.SCT] [--i.sct I.SCT] [--n.sct N.SCT] [--dz.sct DZ.SCT] [--DhorMin.sct DHORMIN.SCT] [--Dver.sct DVER.SCT] [--eps2.sct EPS2.SCT] [--thr.sct THR.SCT] input output
positional arguments:
- input. input file
- output. output file
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -dbg, --debug debug mode
- -v, --verbose debug mode
- -c, --spatconv flag for conversion of spatial coordinates before running the data quality checks
optional arguments:
- -x, --opts OPTS RDS file containing argument values
- -dbgd, --debug.dir DEBUG.DIR directory for debug output [default: .]
- --lonmin LONMIN longitude of south-eastern domain corner [default: 5]
- -X, --lonmax LONMAX longitude of south-western domain corner [default: 28]
- -y, --latmin LATMIN latitude of south-eastern domain corner [default: 53.25]
- -Y, --latmax LATMAX latitude of north-western domain corner [default: 71.8]
- -pf, --proj4from PROJ4FROM proj4 string for the original coordinate reference system [default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84]
- -pt, --proj4to PROJ4TO proj4 string for the coordinate reference system where the DQC is performed [default: +proj=lcc +lat_0=63 +lon_0=15 +lat_1=63 +lat_2=63 +no_defs +R=6.371e+06]
- -z, --zmin ZMIN minimum allowed elevation in the domain [m amsl] [default: 0]
- -Z, --zmax ZMAX maximum allowed elevation in the domain [m amsl] [default: 2500]
- -tP, --tmin TMIN minimum allowed temperature [K or degC] [default: -50]
- -TP, --tmax TMAX maximum allowed temperature [K or degC] [default: 40]
- -dB, --dr.buddy DR.BUDDY perform the buddy-check in a dr-by-dr square-box around each observation [m] [default: 3000]
- -iB, --i.buddy I.BUDDY number of buddy-check iterations [default: 1]
- -thB, --thr.buddy THR.BUDDY buddy-check threshold. flag observation if: (obs-pred)^2/var > thr.buddy [default: 5]
- -nB, --n.buddy N.BUDDY minimum number of neighbouring observations to perform the buddy-check [default: 5]
- -zB, --dz.buddy DZ.BUDDY maximum allowed range of elevation in a square-box to perform the buddy-check (i.e. no check if elevation > dz.buddy) [default: 30]
- -dI, --dr.isol DR.ISOL check for the number of observation in a dr-by-dr square-box around each observation [m] [default: 25000]
- -nI, --n.isol N.ISOL threshold (number of neighbouring observations) for the identification of isolated observations. [default: 10]
- -gS, --grid.sct GRID.SCT nrow ncol (i.e. number_of_rows number_of_columns). used to define grid of boxes where the SCT is performed. SCT in each box is independent from the others [default: (20,20)]
- -iS, --i.sct I.SCT number of SCT iterations [default: 1]
- -nS, --n.sct N.SCT minimum number of stations in a box to run SCT [default: 50]
- -zS, --dz.sct DZ.SCT minimum range of elevation in a box to run SCT [m] [default: 30]
- -hS, --DhorMin.sct DHORMIN.SCT OI, minimum allowed value for the horizontal de-correlation lenght (of the background error correlation) [m] [default: 10000]
- -vS, --Dver.sct DVER.SCT OI, vertical de-correlation lenght (of the background error correlation) [m] [default: 200]
- -eS, --eps2.sct EPS2.SCT OI, ratio between observation error variance and background error variance [default: 0.5]
- -tS, --thr.sct THR.SCT SCT threshold. flag observation if: (obs-Cross_Validation_pred)^2/(varObs+varCVpred) > thr.sct [default: 16]
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