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Pedro Brito edited this page Jan 26, 2024 · 17 revisions

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This page is for people who are using our API v1 directly, and means we have a way to contact you should something need to be announced

Name Contact Info Notes
MacPorts check for updates in perl5 PortGroup PAUSE id SREZIC
cpm skaji User-Agent: App::cpm/$VERSION
Versioneye Robert Reiz we keep eye on license, dependency and security details
Black Duck by Synopsys bmckalla OpenSource licensing and security risk identification
App::rs Yang Bo The first reference counting CPAN client
PAUSE::Permissions::MetaCPAN skaji User-Agent: PAUSE-Permissions-MetaCPAN/VERSION
CPAN::Perl::Releases::MetaCPAN skaji User-Agent: CPAN::Perl::Releases::MetaCPAN/VERSION
Kritika vti Perl code review and CPAN dependencies security issues tracking, User-Agent: KritikaIO
metacpan_api Cogitri A rust library used to access the API. Mainly used by tmplgen
IRC perlbot simcop2387 An IRC bot that handles a lot of perl related tasks in perl irc channels. User agent of "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko, really Perlbot) Chrome/45.0.2454.85 Safari/537.36"
Blead-perl CPAN-testing PAUSE id DCANTRELL Gets a list of everything in river stages 4 and 5, then queries all of them for their download URL, roughly once a week
Renovate GitHub Issues Automated dependency updates. Multi-platform and multi-language.
Software Heritage User-Agent: Software Heritage cpan lister VERSION
Checkmarx Checkmarx Software Composition Analysis (SCA)


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