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integration test runner bot

Main features

GitHub -> GitLab sync

By default all repositories from the configured GitHub organization are synced with GitLab. To select a subset of repositories to sync, set SYNC_REPOS_LIST env variable with a comma separated list of repositories.

GitLab PR branches

For all repositories in the organization, a pr_XXX branch will be created in GitLab for every pull/XXX PR from GitHub.

Processing GitHub events

Currently the following GitHub events are processed:

  • pull_request: enabled by default, DISABLE_PR_EVENTS_PROCESSING disables the processing
  • push: enabled by default, DISABLE_PUSH_EVENTS_PROCESSING disables the processing
  • issue_comment: enabled by default, DISABLE_COMMENT_EVENTS_PROCESSING disables the processing


It's currently hosted on company-websites GKE Kubernetes cluster.

  • A PR on github/org/project-x issues a Github Webhook (configured to call the website k8s cluster)
  • the URL called is an API for the container mender-test-runner configured on the K8s cluster (currently three deployments: test-runner-mender-io, repos-sync-cfengine-com, repos-sync-northerntechhq-com)
  • the mender-test-runner container get the Org from the webhook and run a sync github/org/project-x -> gitlab/


  1. The GH Org is mapped on main.go
     // Mapping<org> -><group>
     var gitHubOrganizationToGitLabGroup = map[string]string{
       "mendersoftware": "Mender",
       "cfengine":       "CFEngine",
       "NorthernTechHQ": "NorthernTechHQ",
  2. The GH Org settings have a Webhook in place:
    2. Payload URL: the URL of the FQDN set on the Ingress (like
    3. Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    4. Secret: the same set on the GITHUB_SECRET on the K8s secret for the pod which is usually stored on Mystiko along
    5. Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? Send me everything
  3. You have the required K8s resources:
    1. Configmap for possible customizations
    2. ManagedCertificate for GCP managed Certs (for the
    3. The actual deployment
    4. Secrets stored on Mystiko, path mender/saas/k8s/gke which contains:
      1. GITHUB_TOKEN: the mender-test-bot user PAT for Github
      2. GITHUB_SECRET: the secret from the Webhook, like above
      3. GITLAB_TOKEN: the mender-test-bot user PAT for Gitlab
      4. id_rsa and SSH keys for the mender-test-bot user
    5. Ingress configured for the new service:
        - host:
            - backend:
                  name: repos-sync-northerntechhq-com
                    number: 8086
              pathType: ImplementationSpecific

Continuous Delivery

Commits to the master branch trigger a sync with the sre-tools repository, committing the new Docker image's SHA256 to the file kubernetes/mender-test-runner/test-runner-deployment.yaml. This, in turn, triggers a new application of the Kubernetes manifest files to the cluster.

Setup access to GKE

  1. create service account with the following roles assigned: Kubernetes Engine Developer, Kubernetes Engine Service Agent and Viewer
  2. create json key and make base64 encoded hash with removing new lines: base64 /path/to/saved-key.json | tr -d \\n
  3. in CI/CD project settings add GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY variable where value is the hash

Disaster Recovery

Apply secret from mystico:

$ pass mender/saas/k8s/gke/secret-test-runner-mender-io.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

From the sre-tools repository:

$ kubectl apply -Rf kubernetes/mender-test-runner/

Acceptance Tests

We have a set of acceptance tests that run with recorded payloads from GitHub webhooks and check the exact output of the integration-test-runner. The intention for changes in our CI infra (namely, integration repository) do not go unnoticed.

The expected output of the tool is saved as golden files using a Pytest plugin for it. When changes are made that need update, you can automatically update the files with:

make acceptance-testing-build
make acceptance-testing-up
make acceptance-testing-update-golden-files

After that review the changes, commit, and submit them into a PR.

Also note that GITHUB_TOKEN and GITLAB_TOKEN env variables are required to run these tests.