FHIR® Certificator for Ministry of Health, Israel
Test status - the test status of both types (see below) is the status of the last Action (see below) in the test.
Tests where we can programmatically determine if the test passed or failed.
Tests where human consideration is needed to evaluate if the test passed or failed.
Asserting pass or fail for such tests is done by a human player reviewing the test output taking into account relevant business & clinical context.
For example - assessing if the distribution of Patient.birthDate makes sense for the tested FHIR endpoint.
Action == Fume map
Action can be used to perform a prerequisite step (e.g - making a simple read to fetch a resource instance) or evaluation of a logical condition as part of the test (e.g- testing if resourceType is as expected).
Action attributes
- id -
- description - human-readable text
- mapping - the name of the map
- status -
e.g actionStatus_[mapping].json => actionStatus_isMetadataResourceTypeOk.json TBD
Processing status codes
- init - A request to start the action has been sent to the engine
- in-progress - The engine has started execution of the map
- completed - The map completed execution, but the outcome cannot be determined (subjective)
- error - The map's execution failed due to some error
Logical conditions outcome codes:
- passed
- failed
Running the Certificator (either as the EXE distribution or using npm start
from the root folder of the project) will spawn two HTTP servers:
On: http://localhost:8400
This serves both the UI (at the root endpoint) and the orchestration API's (at the /api/
The report web page is also served under this port at the /report
On: http://localhost:8401
This is the backend services engine that handles Actions. The Orchestrator API's are communicating with this server in a synchronous manner (running Actions and waiting for them to finish or fail) while exposing an asynchronous API for the UI.