Set conditional repo_url attributes directly in default attributes files instead of inside the resource as @Cyberflow recommended (contributed by @GHostQC)
Fixed coding style according to Rubocop tests as @Cyberflow recommanded (contributed by @GHostQC)
Set max blocklength to 50 instead 30 (contributed by @GHostQC)
- Fixed pip-installation on both ubuntu and centos boxes, ServerSpec test now verify successfully (contributed by @GHostQC)
- Added ServerSpec test suites (contributed by @GHostQC)
- Patched resource config.rb attributes http_auth to allow nil as a value as it is now deprecated (contributed by @GHostQC)
- Added support for rhel platform family compatible with YUM; Tested on CentOS 7.2 (contributed by @GHostQC)
- Change package name for elasticsearch-curator debian package version from 4.2
- Supports a http_auth property (contributed by @EmFl)
- Add elasticsearch-curator bin path to resource and attributes
- Bug fixed
- Add test cookbook for kitchen tests
- add compatibility with 12.X versions of Chef