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File metadata and controls

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TemtemTracker Features

In this document the features of the TemtemTracker will be shown and explained.

Table of Contents

Other Documents of Interest
The Main Window
The Menu Strip
The Statistics Window
Individual Tracking Windows

Other Documents of Interest

How to: Settings
How to: Styles

The Main Window

The main TemtemTracker window is the starting point for all interactions with the tracker and displays all the tracked information.

Tracker Window

The menu strip and menu items are described in the next section.

Below the menu strip is the main tracker table. In this table the information about your encounters is displayed.

The Temtem column shows the names of encountered Temtem. The order is based on order of first encounter.

The Encounters column shows the number of encountered Temtem of a particular species.

The Chance Luma column shows the chance of having encountered a luma based on that number of encounters and the chance of encountering a luma. This chance is based on the number of encounters and the geometric distribution. It is important to note that this is an overall chance of having encountered a luma within a certain number of encounters and has no bearing on your chance to encounter a luma within your next encounter. Each individual encounter is statistically independend and has the same chance as other encounters for that species at that time. It can help to think of this as the % of players that would have already encountered a luma by that number of encounters, a measure of luck rather than a promise of a luma coming. YOU ARE NEVER GUARANTEED A LUMA

The Encountered % column shows the relative percentage this Temtem represents in your overall encounters.

The Time to Luma column is an estimate of the time necessary to reach a certain Chance Luma % value based on your settings (Default: 50%). This field is purely informative in nature and meant to give a rough estimate of the time you will need to spend luma hunting to reach certain % thresholds. Since you are never guaranteed a luma, this time will not accurately represent the time you will need to spend hunting, but it can give you a rough estimate of the time you may need to spend to have a reasonable expectation of having gotten one. Still, it is important to remember that encountering a luma is entirely up to RNG and cannot be guaranteed or expected.

The Controls buttons X and W serve two functions. The X button allows you to delete a row. This may be useful in the case of a wrong detection or to remove Temtem that aren't of interest when moving around. The W button allows you to open a mini-window which contains a condensed version of the information present in the main tracker window but for an individual row. These are called Individual Tracking Windows and are explained further below.

The bottom row of the table, called the Total row shows totals for the information displayed above. The total Chance Luma is based on the base chance of encountering a luma (not taking Saipark into account) in that number of encounters.

The bottom row of the main tracker window displays the Timers and Temtem/h. In order of appearance these are the Time spent tracking for this specific table, the Temtem/h average for this specific table, the time spent in the current tracking Session, meaning the time since the application was started and the total time time spent tracking Today

The Menu Strip

The menu strip is located in the top row of the window, and features two menu items: File and View.

The View menu item currently only contains the function to open the Statistics window.

The File menu item contains most of the functionality of interest to the user.

File Menu

The Reset Table function allows the user to clear the table shown in the tracker, removing all the rows and resetting the Time timer and Temtem/h counter. The Session and Today timers will still remain the same as these track the time spent tracking in the current day and current tracking session and are independent of the table.

The Pause Timer function allows the user to pause all the timers in the tracker when, for example, taking a break.

The current keyboard shortcuts for both functions are displayed in their menu items.

The Save As function allows the current table to be saved at a location of your choice. You can load that table at any time using the Load function.

The Export CSV function exports the current table in the form of a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file which can easily be imported into programs such as MS Office Excel, Open/Libre Office Calc and Google Sheets.

The Settings function opens the Settings window where the tracker can be configured. You can read more about that in the Settings How-To

The About function opens a small window with information about the tracker.

The Statistics Window

The Statistics window displays encounters and time spent playing in on a weekly basis in the form of bar graphs.

Statistics Window

Below the charts four buttons can be found.

The Previous week button shows information from the previous week.

The Current week button returns focus to the current week

The Next week button shows the next week from the currently focused week.

The Refresh button refreshes the statistics to load the latest values.

The statistics window values are not refreshed every time the data is updated to avoid unnecessary resource consumption. Instead, they're refreshed every time the window is opened OR when the Refresh button is pressed by the user.

Individual Tracking Windows

The individual tracking windows are smaller windows that contain more densely packed information from a single row in the main tracker window.

Individual Tracking Window

In the top row of the window the name of the Temtem species being tracked can be seen.

Below it the number of encountered Temtem of this species, the Chance Luma and the Encountered % values can be seen.

In the row below the Time and Temtem/h values can be seen.